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- The Italian Topography. 30 arcseconds DTM gridded and displayed by GMT [7].
Original data from GLOBE (topography, [8]) and IBCM (bathymetry, [9] and [10]).
Projection Direct Mercator on 40N.
- The Tyrrhenian Sea. Data and Projection as in Fig 1
- Summer (september,october)(above) and Winter (february,march)(below)
STD data from MEDATLAS
- Winter (february,march) data from MEDATLAS.
- TIR96: offsets from primary navigation sensor (POS1)
- TIR99: magnetic observatories data (L'Aquila). Courtesy of ING of Rome
(Dr. DeSantis)
- TIR99: example of unfiltered magnetic data (GEM GSM 19D).
- TIR96: computing center and data flow paths
- Navigation lines acquired during cruise TIR96
- Multibeam data acquired during cruise TIR96. Top: shaded relief with azimuth from 45/315.
Projection UTM, Zone 33, southern margin Tyrrhenian Sea. Below: shaded relief with azimuth from 135.
Projection Direct Mercator on 40N, north western margin Ionian Sea.
- R/V Strakhov
- TIR99: summary metereological data.
- TIR99: offsets from primary navigation sensor (POS1)
- TIR99: calibration setup: roll (above) and pitch (below).
(lines 0008_19990205_082110 0009_19990205_092327) (roll) and
(lines 0010_19990205_104859 and 0011_19990205_115530) (pitch)
- TIR99: location of XBT and XCTD probes.
- TIR99: AREA A (above) and AREA B (below) XBT-XCTD data
- TIR99: AREA C (above) and AREA D (below) XBT-XCTD data
- TIR99: AREA E (above) and AREA F (below) XBT-XCTD data
- TIR99: example of unfiltered magnetic data (GEM GSM 19D).
- TIR99: magnetic observatories data (Aquila and Catania). Courtesy of ING of Rome
(Dr. DeSantis)and IIV of Catania (Dr. DelNegro and Dr. Napoli)
- TIR99: example of single channel seismic
- TIR99: computing center and data flow paths
- Navigation lines during cruise TIR99
- Shaded relief (azimuth from 135) with the Multibeam data of cruises 1996 and 1999
- Multibeam Navigation lines (1996=blue,1999=red)
- Cartographic coverage
- Shaded relief from sheet NK32_12SWE, view from 135. DTM 100m, Projection Direct Mercator on 40N.
- Topography and low resolution bathymetry, same as 1. High resolution bathymetry
from TIR96 and TIR99 cruises, view from 115/30, Projection Direct Mercator on 40N.
- Ship location at Catania 3-mar-1999