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List of Figures

  1. Geological setting of Southern Adriatic Sea.
  2. Ship tracks during cruise ADRIASEIS09 in the Southern Adriatic Sea
  3. Ship tracks during cruise ADRIASEIS09 in the Southern Adriatic Sea
  4. Ship tracks during cruise ADRIASEIS09 in the Southern Adriatic Sea
  5. R/V Urania.
  6. The EEL streamer positioned onboard.
  7. The EEL streamer (Sercel 96 channels digital).
  8. GI-GUN array.
  9. Birds and Seismic Recording Acquisition.
  10. The Rosette system and Lowered ADCPs.
  11. Launching XBTs.
  12. MST turbulence measurement system.
  13. MST turbulence measurement system.
  14. Raw seismic shot record. Low cut filtering.
  15. Shot gather median filter, NMO correction.
  16. Sections of final processed seismic profile from near the Bari Canyon.
  17. Transect DL3-DL10.
  18. Transect VL3-VL13.
  19. Transect ML2-ML8.
  20. Transect 141-146.
  21. Theta-S diagram of all station in the whole water column.
  22. Examples of XBT casts.
  23. ADCP Navigation track.
  24. Vector maps along AS01-AS04.
  25. Examples of averaged fields obtained using the MST profiler.
  26. Examples of seismic acquisition relative to MST profile.
  27. Bary Canyon bathymetry.
  28. Depression.
  29. Depression found around the Gargano region.
  30. Chirp Sonar profile of the depression above shown.
  31. Seismic lines, birds configuration.
  32. Seismic lines, birds configuration.
  33. Seismic lines, birds configuration.
  34. Seismic lines, shots, distances.
  35. Seismic lines, shots, distances.
  36. Seismic lines, shots, distances.
  37. Seismic lines, shots, distances.
  38. Seismic lines, shots, distances.
  39. Seismic lines, shots, distances.
  40. Seismic lines, shots, distances.
  41. Seismic lines, shots, distances.
  42. Seismic lines, shots, distances.
  43. Seismic lines, shots, distances.
  44. Seismic lines, shots, distances.
  45. Seismic lines, shots, distances.
  46. Seismic lines, shots, distances.
  47. Seismic lines, shots, distances.
  48. Seismic lines, shots, distances.
  49. Seismic lines, shots, distances.
  50. Seismic lines, shots, distances.
  51. Seismic lines, shots, distances.
  52. Seismic lines, shots, distances.
  53. Seismic lines, shots, distances.
  54. Seismic lines, shots, distances.
  55. Seismic lines, shots, distances.
  56. Seismic lines, shots, distances.
