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List of Tables

  1. Acronyms of Organizations, Manufacturers and Products
  2. Scientific and technical parties
  3. Instrumental Offsets of PDS2000 R/V Urania.
  4. Instrumental Offsets of Kongsberg's EM-710 R/V Urania.
  5. CTD Stations
  6. List of Turbulence measurements.
  7. Multichannel seismic acquisition parameters
  8. Seismic Acquisition Parameters and offsets.
  9. Cable leveler's positions.
  10. Auxiliary Channels.
  11. Line ../NAV/ADRSeis09.1.
  12. Line ../NAV/ADRSeis09.2.
  13. Line ../NAV/AS01-R.1.
  14. Line ../NAV/AS01-R.2.
  15. Line ../NAV/AS02.1.
  16. Line ../NAV/AS03.1.
  17. Line ../NAV/AS04.1.
  18. Line ../NAV/AS04.2.
  19. Line ../NAV/AS05.1.
  20. Line ../NAV/AS05A.1.
  21. Line ../NAV/AS05B.1.
  22. Line ../NAV/AS06.1.
  23. Line ../NAV/AS07.1.
  24. Line ../NAV/AS08.1.
  25. Line ../NAV/AS09.1.
  26. Line ../NAV/AS10.1.
  27. Line ../NAV/AS11.1.
  28. Line ../NAV/AS12.1.
  29. Line ../NAV/AS13.1.
  30. Line ../NAV/AS14.1.
  31. Line ../NAV/AS15.1.
  32. Line ../NAV/AS16.1.
  33. Line ../NAV/AS17.1.

[] [] Author S.Carniel et al.ISMAR-CNR Interim Technical Cruise Report
