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List of Figures

  1. Geographical area setting, Red Sea. Bathymetry and topography from [GEBCO (2003)].
  2. Geographical area setting, Northern Red Sea. Bathymetry and Topography from [GEBCO (2003)].
  3. Ship track during Cruise RS05. The red dots are XBT stations.
  4. Ship tracks (Ship tracks, general: Multibeam, SBP, Magnetics lines (black), Multichannel lines (blue)
  5. Ship tracks, Thetis Deep Area: Multibeam, SBP, Magnetics lines (black), Multichannel lines (blue).
  6. Samples taken in the Thetis Deep Area. DR* = dredges, GR* = grabs, CR* = cores, BR* = Brine sampling, CTD* = CTD.
  7. Samples taken in the Northern Area. DR* = dredges, GR* = grabs, CR* = cores, BR* = Brine sampling, CTD* = CTD.
  8. R/V Urania .
  9. Cruise RS05. Instrumental Offsets on R/V Urania 
  10. Hydrobios Rosette sampler.
  11. Degassing system.
  12. Dredge.
  13. GI-GUN Array.
  14. GI-GUN Array Synchronizer.
  15. Multichannel streamer.
  16. The Conrad Deep. Bathymetry from PDS-2000 DTM 25m.
  17. The Oceanographer Deep. Bathymetry from PDS-2000 DTM 25m.
  18. The Nereus Deep. Compilation with the data of [Pautot (1983)] and present survey.
  19. Example of the data collected during the cruise (median filtered, window 60 sec). Also shown the unfiltered data from the INTERMAGNET observatories of Addis Abeba (Ethiopia, long.38.77, alt.2400m), red line, and of Qsaybeh (Lebanon, long. 35.6, alt. 540m), blue line. The observatory data have been offset to the mean value of 40500 nT for comparison.
  20. Example of SEISPRO SEG-Y SBP reprocessed data.
  21. Temperature and Salinity plot of CTD (red, blue) and XBT (green) casts.
  22. Surface temperature and salinity in the Thetis Deep. From 2005-01-07 to 2005-01-15. Salinity data corrected with the procedure explained in 4.2.2
