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Hydrocarbon gas concentrations and isotope measurements

Water and brine samples were taken for CH$_{4}$ concentration measurements. Immediately after the water rosette was on deck the water was transferred into 1 liter glass bottles which subsequently were degassed onboard using an ultrasonic vacuum system [Schmitt et al.(1991)], Fig.11. The dissolved gas is stored in gas-tight 25 ml glass vials for land-based analyses of hydrocarbon concentrations using a gas chromatographic system followed by mass spectrometric analyses of stable carbon and hydrogen isotope compositions [Faber (1998)]. The results will be used to quantitatively describe CH$_{4}$ exchange across the brine seawater interface and recognize hydrocarbon oxidation processes. A parallel brine sample of selected depths was degassed and the gas was stored to measure the $^{14}$C activity of methane at the Leibniz Institute for Age Dating, Kiel.


Figure 10: Hydrobios Rosette sampler.
