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List of Tables

  1. Acronyms of Organizations, Manufacturers and Products
  2. Scientific and technical parties
  3. Instrumental Offsets on Ship Urania. Point (VESSEL(0,0)) is located on the axis of the mast just behind the Command Bridge. The main GPS antenna (primary positioning system) is located on point POS1.
  4. RS05 CTD Stations location and description. P=Profile, S or B Water or Brine Sampling. TRE=Trace elements, NUT=Nutrient, GAS=Gas analyses.
  5. Cruise RS05: XBT launches data.
  6. RESON 8160 Multibeam calibration results.
  7. Samples location. DR*=dredges(start,end),GR*=grabs, CR*=core. CCR=Carbonate Crust, VG=Volcanic Glass, BAS=Basalt, DSC=Deep Sea Coral, VS=Volcanic Scoria, CM=Carbonate Mud.
  8. Rock description, subsampling and destination. CCR=Carbonate Crust, VG=Volcanic Glass, BAS=Basalt, DSC=Deep Sea Coral, VS=Volcanic Scoria.

[] [] Bonatti E. et al., ISMAR Bologna TECHNICAL REPORT N. 94
