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We focused mainly on dredging, with the aim to recover basalts and fresh volcanic materials. Additional sampling was performed by grab and gravity corer. The location and description of the samples are located in Tab.7.

Eleven sites were dredged for rock samples from submarine slopes and escarpments in and around the Thetis Deep. Two dredgers were lost during the operation. Four dredge samples contained basalts, while practically all other dredges contained abundant carbonate crusts. The carbonate crusts consist mostly of pteropods and foraminifera with little or no evidence for calcareous benthic organisms.

The basalts will be subjected to intense geochemical (major and trace elements, Nd, Sr, Os and other isotopes, water content, melt inclusions) and geochronological analyses, especially on the glasses of the pillows.

Some of the basalt samples show a thick crust of laminated authigenic carbonates, which will be analysed by isotopic methods and radiometric dating to provide an insight into the processes responsible for basalt emplacement.

Table 8 gives details on the rock description, subsampling and delivery. These samples will be analysed for standard geochemical and petrographic analysis.

Grab samples (GR01 to GR04) in the Main Trough to the west (outside) of the Thetys Deep, at depths between 700 and 800 m, revealed carbonate ooze and sands, rich in foraminifera and pteropods, with only little associated macrofauna (Argonauta argo, Cuspidaria sp., etc.).

Grab GR05 at 1196 m water depth at the margin of the main Red Sea trough towards the 1600 m deep Conrad Basin reavealed very similar foram/pteropod ooze, pointing to a widely uniform sedimentation in the Main Trough above the axial valley and the aligned central deeps.

The gravity core at 750 m revealed a 3.3 m sequence of carbonate ooze, containing carbonate crusts. Further analyses (clay mineralogy, micropaleontology and geochemistry) will be taken out after cutting of the PVC-liner.

Table 7: Samples location. DR*=dredges(start,end),GR*=grabs, CR*=core. CCR=Carbonate Crust, VG=Volcanic Glass, BAS=Basalt, DSC=Deep Sea Coral, VS=Volcanic Scoria, CM=Carbonate Mud.
ddmm.xxxx(E) ddmm.xxxx(N) Kg
DR-01 2005-01-11 3737.2507 2237.8982 Bottom
DR-01 2005-01-11 3736.8137 2237.5009 0.01 CCR-100%
DR-02 2005-01-11 3737.3711 2237.8701 Bottom
DR-02 2005-01-11 3737.4949 2238.3749 200 CCR100%;VG
DR-03 2005-01-11 3740.9743 2237.4635 Bottom
DR-03 2005-01-11 3740.4707 2238.2590 80 BAS-100%
DR-04 2005-01-12 3756.9860 2214.8418 Bottom
DR-04 2005-01-12 3756.8966 2215.0812 lost -
DR-05 2005-01-13 3758.6531 2215.3196 Bottom
DR-05 2005-01-13 3757.0000 2215.6667 0.1 CCR-100%
DR-06 2005-01-13 3757.6376 2215.1408 Bottom
DR-06 2005-01-13 3757.5254 2215.7036 1.5 CCR-100%;DSC
DR-07 2005-01-13 3746.4602 2224.4240 Bottom
DR-07 2005-01-13 3745.8987 2225.4049 100 CCR-99%;VG-1%
DR-08 2005-01-13 3744.6801 2225.4528 Bottom
DR-08 2005-01-13 3744.5807 2226.3536 100 CCR-99%;BAS+VG-1%
DR-09 2005-01-13 3733.3787 2246.2928 Bottom
DR-09 2005-01-14 3733.9083 2246.6215 lost -
DR-10 2005-01-14 3734.4479 2245.4369 Bottom
DR-10 2005-01-14 3734.4956 2246.4705 100 CCR-40%;BAS-60%
DR-11 2005-01-19 3649.7052 2349.2532 Bottom
DR-11 2005-01-19 3649.1850 2350.0249 200 CM100%;CCR+VS(?)
GR-01 2005-01-14 3743.9979 2318.7070 full CM
GR-02 2005-01-14 3749.6070 2316.0934 full CM
GR-03 2005-01-14 3753.3277 2310.9918 full CM
GR-04 2005-01-14 3754.5438 2304.9869 full CM
GR-05 2005-01-14 3443.7108 2707.3094 full CM
CR-01 2005-01- 3759.0667 2259.7504 3.3m CM-CCR(bottom)

Table 8: Rock description, subsampling and destination. CCR=Carbonate Crust, VG=Volcanic Glass, BAS=Basalt, DSC=Deep Sea Coral, VS=Volcanic Scoria.
Sample Type Size(cm) Description subsamples to
DR01-01 CCR 4x3x0.3 consolidated carbonate enriched in pteropods and forams. Layered. ISMAR
DR02-01 VG very small fragments fresh basaltic glass ISMAR
DR02-02 CCR various size consolidated carbonate enriched in pteropods and forams. ISMAR-UR-SGS
DR03-01 BAS 30x15x20 moderately vesicular pillow basalt. Rare Plagioclase phenocrysts (1%) up to 1 cm in size. Vesicles are empty and up to 4mm in diameter. Fresh glassy crust up to 3 cm in thickness. Outer glassy surface of pillow is coated with thin Fe-Mn film. Interiorior fractures of pillow show a concentric alteration and are partly coated with Fe-Mn film. ISMAR-UR-SGS-SCU
DR03-02 BAS 30x26x6 vesicular basalt (vesicles are empty and up to 0.5 cm in diameter), sheet flow. Very rare plagioclase phenocryst (up to 3mm). 1 cm thick glassy crust coated with thin Fe-Mn film. Outer surface is then coated with soft light-brown carbonatic sediment. ISMAR-UR-SGS-SCU
DR03-03 BAS 25x24x9 vesicular basalt (vesicles are empty and 0.1-3 mm in diameter), sheet flow slightly fractured. Very rare plagioclase phenocryst (up to 3mm). 1 cm thick glassy crust. Thin Fe-Mn coat. ISMAR-UR-SGS-SCU
DR03-04 BAS 20x20x5 same as 03-03, not fractured ISMAR-UR-SGS-SCU
DR03-05 BAS 18x17x4 same as 03-04 ISMAR-UR
DR03-06 BAS 12x7x6 same as 03-04, but thin glassy crust ISMAR-UR-SGS-SCU
DR03-07 BAS 10x7x4 same as 03-02 but 2 cm thick glassy crust ISMAR-UR
DR03-08 BAS 4 pieces about 10x5x3 vesicular basalt similar to 03-02 with thin glassy crust and soft sediment encrusting the outer surface ISMAR-UR-SGS-SCU
DR03-09 BAS 10x7x4 same as 03-07 ISMAR-UR
DR03-10 BAS 9x6x6 same as 03-06 ISMAR-UR-SGS-SCU
DR03-11 BAS 17x11x3 same as 03-02 but no fresh glass UR
DR03-12 BAS 9 centimetric pieces several pieces of lava flow, tabular with fresh glassy crust. Samples have been named with progressive letter A to I. A to ISMAR, B and C to UR, D to SGS, E to Egypt ISMAR-UR-SGS-SCU
DR03-13 BAS bag of several small pcs. several pieces of lava flow, tabular with fresh glassy crust
DR05-01 CCR 3 pieces small fragments of pteropods-rich carbonate crusts ISMAR-UR-SGS
DR06-01 CCR various size ISMAR-UR-SGS-SCU
DR07-01 VG very small fragments few small fragments of fresh basaltic glass ISMAR
DR07-02 CCR various size ISMAR-UR-SGS
DR08-01 BS 15x10x8 slightly vesicular basalt with a 1 cm thick fresh glassy crust. The outer surface is covered by a 1 cm thick layered carbonate crust. ISMAR-UR
DR08-02 VG very small fragments several small fragments of fresh basaltic glass ISMAR
DR08-03 CCR various size ISMAR-UR-SGS
DR10-01 BAS 30x30x30 porphyric pillow basalt. Phenocrysts of Olivine up to 0.7 cm and Plagioclase up to 0.5 cm. Visible melt inclusions in both Ol and Plg. 1 to 2 cm. Rare very small vesicles. Thick glassy crust partly coated with a thin Fe-Mn crust. ISMAR
DR10-02 BAS 22x16x11 slightly vesicular basalt with 0.5 to 1 cm thick fresh glassy crust. The basalt is moderately altered. The outer surface is covered with a thick carbonatic layer which looked crystallized calcite or aragonite. The carbonatic layer is itself covered with a $<$ 1 mm thick Fe-Mn crust. a smaller similar piece has been named 10-02b ISMAR-UR
DR10-03 BAS 17x13x6 Plg-Ol poprhyric glassy basalt similar to 10-01 but tabular, either a sheet flow or the outer thick crust of a pillow . ISMAR-UR-SGS-SCU
DR10-04 BAS 14x10x4 same as 10-03 ISMAR-UR-SGS-SCU
DR10-05 BAS 8x6x5 same as 10-01 ISMAR-UR
DR10-06 BAS 7x4x4 same as 10-01 ISMAR-UR
DR10-07 BAS 6x6x1.5 same as 10-03 ISMAR-UR
DR10-08 CCR various size ISMAR-UR-SGS
DR11-01 VS(?) very small fragments ISMAR
DR11-02 CCR various size ISMAR-UR-SGS

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