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- Sea of Marmara region setting. Bathymetry from Ifremer Atlas IFREMER_BATHY, DTM from SRTM data (Shuttle Radar Topogr. Mission NASA/ASI)
- General ship tracks during Cruise MARM11, including transits
from and to Napoli.
- Ship tracks during cruise MARM11, Saros Gulf Area. Red and blue circles
and squares are coring locations. Red hollow circles are CTD and water sampling locations.
- R/V Urania.
- Geo-Resources GEO-SOURCE 1600 Sparker Source.
- Geo-Resources Sparker Source, acquisition by Triton's SB-Logger.
- Sealink magnetometric data acquisition. The spikes are due to the sparker shots.
- Gravity corer.
- Cruise MARM11 CTD casts. Lower left: Sound Velocity(gray), T(red,13-28),
S(blue, 37-39.25PSU). Upper left: TS diagram.
- IONCA01 positioning data.
- IONCA02 positioning data.
- IONCA04 positioning data.
- IONCA05 positioning data.
- IONCA06 positioning data.
- SAG01 positioning data.
- SAG02 positioning data.
- SAG03 positioning data.
- SAG04 positioning data.
- SAG05 positioning data.
- SAG06 positioning data.
- SAG07 positioning data.
- SAG08 positioning data.
- SAG09 positioning data.
- SAG10 positioning data.
- SAG11 positioning data.
- SAG12 positioning data.
- SAG13 positioning data.
- SAG14 positioning data.
- SAG15 positioning data.
- SAG16 positioning data.
- SAG19 positioning data.
- SAG20 positioning data.
- SAG21 positioning data.
- SAG22 positioning data.
- SAGR01 positioning data.
- SAGR02 positioning data.
- SAGR03 positioning data.
- SAGR04 positioning data.