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List of Figures

  1. Sea of Marmara region setting. Bathymetry from Ifremer Atlas IFREMER_BATHY, DTM from SRTM data (Shuttle Radar Topogr. Mission NASA/ASI)
  2. General ship tracks during Cruise MARM11, including transits from and to Napoli.
  3. Ship tracks during cruise MARM11, Saros Gulf  Area. Red and blue circles and squares are coring locations. Red hollow circles are CTD and water sampling locations.
  4. R/V Urania.
  5. Geo-Resources GEO-SOURCE 1600 Sparker Source.
  6. Geo-Resources Sparker Source, acquisition by Triton's SB-Logger.
  7. Sealink magnetometric data acquisition. The spikes are due to the sparker shots.
  8. Gravity corer.
  9. Cruise MARM11  CTD casts. Lower left: Sound Velocity(gray), T(red,13-28), S(blue, 37-39.25PSU). Upper left: TS diagram.
  10. IONCA01 positioning data.
  11. IONCA02 positioning data.
  12. IONCA04 positioning data.
  13. IONCA05 positioning data.
  14. IONCA06 positioning data.
  15. SAG01 positioning data.
  16. SAG02 positioning data.
  17. SAG03 positioning data.
  18. SAG04 positioning data.
  19. SAG05 positioning data.
  20. SAG06 positioning data.
  21. SAG07 positioning data.
  22. SAG08 positioning data.
  23. SAG09 positioning data.
  24. SAG10 positioning data.
  25. SAG11 positioning data.
  26. SAG12 positioning data.
  27. SAG13 positioning data.
  28. SAG14 positioning data.
  29. SAG15 positioning data.
  30. SAG16 positioning data.
  31. SAG19 positioning data.
  32. SAG20 positioning data.
  33. SAG21 positioning data.
  34. SAG22 positioning data.
  35. SAGR01 positioning data.
  36. SAGR02 positioning data.
  37. SAGR03 positioning data.
  38. SAGR04 positioning data.
