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- Geological setting of Montenegro-Albania.
- Geological structures, Budva.
- Ship tracks during cruise MNG02_09 .
- Ship tracks during cruise MNG02_09 , Northern Area.
- Ship tracks during cruise MNG02_09 , southern area.
- Ship tracks during cruise MNG02_09 , Bay of Kotor area.
- R/V Maria Grazia port and starboard.
- Box-corer and liner sub sampling.
- Corer (3.6m pipe) and grab.
- Gravimeter Lacoste and Romberg.
- Marine Magnetics magnetometer deployment.
- Comparison of three different Multibeam systems, Verige Strait.
- Shipwrecks.
- Total Magnetic Field of objects lying on seabottom.
- Cruise MNG02_09 . CTD data.