Results and Publications

Project Deliverables

Requirement Baseline (RB)

This document will include the detailed description of the information requirements regarding the Scientific studies, the 4DMED Experimental products, and the Impact Assessment. The RB will also contain a detailed description (including link to data repository) of all datasets, models and tools needed to perform the development, validation and scientific analysis work. The RB will represent the basis for all the activities to be carried out during the project.

Algorithm Theoretical Baseline Document (ATBD)

This document will describe in detail all the algorithms, methods and models implemented to develop the 4DMED products and the 4DMED product analysis tools. The report will also include all related input data and its sources, processing steps and output data. In addition, this document will report on a scientific analysis of the results driving to specific development choices and tradeoffs for all the algorithms implemented for developing the target product. Technical considerations and experimental error analysis justifying the selected methodologies will also be provided. The ATBD will further include a Product Validation Plan (PVP).

4DMED Experimental Product Description (4DMED-EPD)

This document will provide a detailed description of the Experimental Product generated by the Contractor.

Product Validation Report (PVR)

This document will describe the results of the validation work and cross-comparisons providing a complete and clear overview to the scientific community and potential users of the product accuracy and validity vs existing datasets.

Science Report (SR)

This document gathers the main scientific results of the different Science Case studies and scientific analysis. It will include a description of the Science Case Studies, the scientific methodology used and the scientific results obtained. In addition, an assessment of the suitability of the generated product for each of the Science Case Studies will be properly reported and justified. This deliverable can be built as a collection of peer-reviewed publications submitted to major international recognised journals.

Impact Assessment Report (IAR)

This document will include a description of the Impact Assessment, the methodology used and the results obtained.

Science Agenda and associated Roadmap (SAR)

The Science Agenda will define strategic actions for expanding the work done under the 4DMED project towards further research activities in the period 2024-2028, in particular in the Ocean Health domain.

Scientific Conferences

A data-driven approach to study the interactions between ocean
22-24 November 2023, ESA-ESRIN, FRASCATI, ITALY


Publications are currently not yet available. Please check back later for updates