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- Sea of Marmara region setting. Bathymetry from Ifremer Atlas IFREMER_BATHY, DTM from SRTM data (Shuttle Radar Topogr. Mission NASA/ASI)
- Morpho-tectonic map of the Darica basin close to the SN4 deployment site.
- General ship tracks during Cruise MARM10_02 , including transits
from and to Napoli.
- Ship tracks during Cruise MARM10_02 in the Marmara Sea.
- Ship tracks during cruise MARM10_02 , Izmit Area. Red and blue circles
and squares are coring locations. Red hollow circles are CTD and water sampling locations. Green lines are the ADCP navigation data.
- Ship tracks during cruise MARM10_02 , Izmit Area. Red and blue circles
and squares are coring locations. Red hollow circles are CTD and water sampling locations. Green lines are the ADCP navigation data.
- Ship tracks during cruise MARM10_02 , Gemlik Area. Red and blue circles
and squares are coring locations. Red hollow circles are CTD and water sampling locations. Green lines are the ADCP navigation data.
- Ship tracks during cruise MARM10_02 , Western High Area. Red and blue circles and squares are coring locations. Red hollow circles are CTD and water sampling locations.
- Ship tracks during cruise MARM10_02 , Karamürsel Area. Red and blue circles and squares are coring locations. Red hollow circles are CTD and water sampling locations.
- Ship tracks during cruise MARM10_02 , Gölcük Area. Red and blue circles and squares are coring locations. Red hollow circles are CTD and water sampling locations.
- R/V Urania.
- SN4 sketches.
- The RHYZON methodology for pore water extraction.
- .Pore-water sampling from a core section using Rhizon technology
- SN-4 overturned on bottom being uplifted by hook.
- Example of raw data acquired with COMM-TEC Swanpro Software. The picture show gas flowing in the water column on a 'pockmark' along the NAF.
The area was also investigated with ADCP (see Fig.6).
- Cruise MARM10_02 CTD casts. Lower left: Sound Velocity(gray), T(red,12-26),
S(blue, 20-40PSU). Lower right: TS diagram.