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List of Figures

  1. Sea of Marmara region setting. Bathymetry from Ifremer Atlas IFREMER_BATHY, DTM from SRTM data (Shuttle Radar Topogr. Mission NASA/ASI)
  2. Morpho-tectonic map of the Darica basin close to the SN4 deployment site.
  3. General ship tracks during Cruise MARM10_02 , including transits from and to Napoli.
  4. Ship tracks during Cruise MARM10_02  in the Marmara Sea.
  5. Ship tracks during cruise MARM10_02 , Izmit  Area. Red and blue circles and squares are coring locations. Red hollow circles are CTD and water sampling locations. Green lines are the ADCP navigation data.
  6. Ship tracks during cruise MARM10_02 , Izmit  Area. Red and blue circles and squares are coring locations. Red hollow circles are CTD and water sampling locations. Green lines are the ADCP navigation data.
  7. Ship tracks during cruise MARM10_02 , Gemlik Area. Red and blue circles and squares are coring locations. Red hollow circles are CTD and water sampling locations. Green lines are the ADCP navigation data.
  8. Ship tracks during cruise MARM10_02 , Western High Area. Red and blue circles and squares are coring locations. Red hollow circles are CTD and water sampling locations.
  9. Ship tracks during cruise MARM10_02 , Karamürsel  Area. Red and blue circles and squares are coring locations. Red hollow circles are CTD and water sampling locations.
  10. Ship tracks during cruise MARM10_02 , Gölcük  Area. Red and blue circles and squares are coring locations. Red hollow circles are CTD and water sampling locations.
  11. R/V Urania.
  12. SN4 sketches.
  13. The RHYZON methodology for pore water extraction.
  14. .Pore-water sampling from a core section using Rhizon technology
  15. SN-4 overturned on bottom being uplifted by hook.
  16. Example of raw data acquired with COMM-TEC Swanpro Software. The picture show gas flowing in the water column on a 'pockmark' along the NAF. The area was also investigated with ADCP (see Fig.6).
  17. Cruise MARM10_02  CTD casts. Lower left: Sound Velocity(gray), T(red,12-26), S(blue, 20-40PSU). Lower right: TS diagram.
