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- Geographical setting of the study area.
Topographic and bathymetric data by
Sandwell and Smith [Sandwell and Smith(2001)].
- Image from [USGS(2000)]. Modified by [Barka (1992),Rockwell et al.(2001)].
- Geographical and structural setting of the study area,
showing the active faults.
- CHIRP SBP data analysis (MARM2001): fault-related offsets
C dated subseafloor channels and paleo-shoreline
[Polonia et al.(2002),Polonia et al.(2004),Cagatay et al.(2000),Cagatay et al.(2003)]
- General ship track during Cruise MARM05, including transits
from Rhodes and to Bari. The red circles are sediment samples
(cores,grabs), the blue squares are CTD casts and XBT launches.
- Ship track during Cruise MARM05 in the Marmara Sea and Gulf of
Saros. The red circles are sediment samples
(cores,grabs), the blue squares are CTD casts and XBT launches.
- Ship track during Cruise MARM05 in the Gulf of Saros. The red circles are sediment samples
(cores,grabs), the blue squares are CTD casts and XBT launches.
- Ship track during Cruise MARM05 in western and central Marmara Sea.
The red circles are sediment samples
(cores,grabs), the blue squares are CTD casts and XBT launches.
- Ship track during Cruise MARM05 in the Princes Islands region. The red circles are sediment samples
(cores,grabs), the blue squares are CTD casts and XBT launches.
- Ship track during Cruise MARM05 in the Izmit gulf. The red circles are sediment samples
(cores,grabs), the blue squares are CTD casts and XBT launches.
- Ship track during Cruise MARM05 in the Gulf of Gemlik. The red circles are sediment samples
(cores,grabs), the blue squares are CTD casts and XBT launches.
- MCS Ship track in the Gemlik Gulf during Cruise MARM05.
- R/V Urania.
- Cruise MARM05. Instrumental Offsets (PDS-2000) on R/V Urania
- 2.3 T gravity corer.
- SW-104 water/sediment corer.
- Sediments recovered with the 60L. grab.
- One multibeam swath over the Canyon N of the Imrali I..
Projection UTM-35.
- A field of dunes in Gemlik. Projection UTM-35.
- Example of a gravity core opened on board.
- Gulf of Izmit. Grab location on ''mounds''.
- Magnetic susceptibility data of the cores. The red lines are
the SW-104 corer data. Log10 of susceptibility data were taken
for ease of confrontability for the different sampling areas.
- Example of SEISPRO SEG-Y SBP processed data.
- Example of SEISPRO SEG-Y SBP reprocessed data.
- Cruise MARM05 CTD casts. Lower left: Sound Velocity(gray), T(red,12.5-25),
S(blue, 20-40PSU). Lower right: TS diagram.