The ship left the port of Siracusa at 14:55 of Monday October 23 2000. and anchored in Istanbul at 13:00 of Friday October 27 to embark italian, US and turkish scientific personnel. During this transit some EM300 data were acquired, together with the launch of XBT probes.
The ship left at 19:00 of Friday October 27 directed to area A (northern slope of the Cinarcik basin, SW of Istanbul) where a multibeam, (EM300-3000), SBP and SSS survey was done.
The operations in area A ended on Sunday October 29 at 18:00 when the good weather and little ship traffic across the Bosphorus allowed us to plan some lines across the strait. Into area B we collected one profile across the Bosphorus, and ship moved into area C. Having become clear that the best strategy for the paleoseismology target of the project would have been area D (Izmit bay), we went to survey the fault whose eastern continuation ruptured in 1999. The ship reached area D Monday October 30 at 22:00. On Tuesday October 31, the survey in the Izmit bay stopped because one member of the scientific crew had to leave the ship. On the way back from the Tuzla area, the acquisition of multibeam, SSS and SBP started again in region D. Having produced quite a detailed map, we proceeeded with corings. Then, we moved again into area B to collect some more data across the strait. On the way to the Bosphorus we took a 2.5m core in the Cinarcik basin. The last operations of the cruise were done on area A, were we completed mapping, SBP and SSS and coring. Ship stood in anchor in front of Istanbul on Saturday 4 in the morning, to disembark part of the scientific crew and left the operation area 14:00, heading to Messina trough the Dardanelles and Corinth Straits. Ship docked in Messina November 7th 18:00.