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Unicorn smt.

The two dredge samples collected from the Unicorn Seamount at greater depths (800-1000 m) contained fragments of glassy, blackish-greysh basalts with rare inclusions of carbonate ooze containing foraminifera; encrusted carbonate ooze and sand; fragments of fine-grained arenites containing abundant well-rounded quartz grains of probable aeolian origin.


Figure 30: Unicorn smt dredge locations..
\begin{figure}\centerline{\epsfig{ file=IMG/,width=15cm}}


Figure 31: U_DR_07 (depth 1017-1101m) Dredge haul with fragments of blackish, glassy basalts with intercalation of probably chert, with planctonic forams (Orbulina sp., Globigerinatheka sp., Globigerina sp., Globorotaliidae).
\begin{figure}\centerline{\epsfig{ file=IMG/,width=15cm}}


Figure 32: Unicorn seamount, U_DR_08 (depth 1000-800) dredge haul. Blackish basalts with fragments of fine-grained arenites-siltites containing abundant well-rounded quartz grains. Hardground crust incorporating planctonic forams, secondary benthonic (Pyrgo sp. and Miliolidae). Surface colonisation by sponge, bryozoans and serpulids.
\begin{figure}\centerline{\epsfig{ file=IMG/,width=15cm}}
