Next: Unicorn smt.
Up: Preliminary results: seafloor sampling
Previous: Ampere smt
All dredgings made over the southern south-eastern flank of the smt in the
1000-200 depth range recovered vescicular and massive basalts (in two
examples very fresh) with very few samples of pyroclastic rocks and one
clast of an intrusive rock (gabbro ?). A "hardground-like" lithofacies,
consisting of a bio-lithoclastic calcarenite, together with occasional
shallow-water white foraminiferal-algal limestone were also sampled
together with the benthic material (see detailed decription). Two dredges
were lost during the sampling of the W-NW escarpment of the Seine.
Fig. 24. Location of grab station on Seine seamount.
Figure 23:
Bioclastic fine sands (and partly silts and clays) from the flank of Seine smt
Table 12:
Bioclastic assemblages, grabs S_BN_04 and 05.
S_BN4 Grab |
Forams |
Bivalves |
Gastropods |
others |
Orbulina universa |
Present but not determined |
Rissoidae |
Bryozoans |
Globigerina bulloides |
Scissurellidae |
Textularidae |
Pteropods |
Crinoids |
(Creseis acicula; Clio piramidata;Cavolinia inflexa; Limacina inflata) |
Lagenidae |
Crustaceans |
Uvigerina sp |
otolites |
S_BN5 Grab |
Forams |
Bivalves |
Gastropods |
others |
Orbulina universa |
Cuspidaria |
Rissoidae |
Echinids |
Globigerina bulloides |
Arcidae |
Scissurellidae |
Textularidae |
Amusidae |
Pteropods (Clio piramidata;Cavolinia inflexa;Limacina inflata) |
Polychaetes |
Lagenidae |
Serpulidae |
Uvigerina sp |
|Fig.27 and 28. |
Figure 24:
Bioclastic fine sands (and partly silts and clays) from the flank of Seine smt. Grab S_BN11.
Table 13:
Bioclastic assemblages, grabs S_BN_11
|S_BN11_Grab - Depth: 614 m. |
Forams |
Bivalves |
Gastropods |
others |
Orbulina universa |
Nuculanidae |
Rissoidae juv |
Bryozoans |
Globigerinoides ruber |
Janthinidae |
Serpulids |
Globigerinella siphoniphera |
Lymopsis aurita (Limacina inflata,tyliola subula) |
Pteropods |
Echinids |
Globigerinoides sacculifer |
Otolites. |
Globorotalia inflata |
Ophiuroids |
Turborotalia truncatulinoides |
Sphaeroidinellopsis sp. |
Figure 25:
Location of dredging stations over the south-eastern flank of
Seine smt.
Figure 26:
Seine smt, DR_01 dredge haul.
Rocks: Vescicular and massive, microcrystalline basalt;
Clast-supported bioclastic "hardgrounds" calcarenite. Benthos:
Gastropods (Ranella olearia, Charonia lampas); Anthozoans
(Dendrophillia sp); Solitary Corals; Echinids and small Ophiuridae.
Figure 27:
Seine smt, DR_02 dredge haul.
Rocks: Clast-supported bioclastic "hardground" calcarenite.
Benthos: Sponges; Anthozoans
(Callogorgia verticillata); Brachiopods (Terebratulidae);
Gastropods (Neosimnia s); Polychaetes.
Figure 28:
Seine smt, DR_03 dredge haul.
Pyroclastic and lava rock fragments (cm size); Serpulids; weathered coral.
Figure 29:
Seine smt, DR_04 dredge haul.
Rocks: Vescicular, partly glassy, basaltic scoria (several samples
very fresh); porphyritic intrusive rock (gabbro?). White
foraminiferal-algal limestone. Hazelnut planktonic floatstone in
packestone to mudstone matrix. Clast-supported, poorly cemented,
beige bio-lithoclastic calcarenite recalling hardground. Bioclasts
include gastropods bivalves, echinoid fragments, corals.
Benthos: wheathered Ostrea shells; Porifera; Polychaetes.
Next: Unicorn smt.
Up: Preliminary results: seafloor sampling
Previous: Ampere smt