We employed high resolution Multichannel Seismic (Fig. 17 to 20) using the GI-GUN (in the 45+45 c.i. Harmonic configuration) and S15 pneumatic sources by SODERA/SSI, powered by a 2500 L/Min electrically driven BAUER air compressor. The seismic data were collected by a MOD.29500 TELEDYNE 24 channel streamer (Fig.18) and digitized and recorded on DAT tapes by a GEOMETRICS's STRATAVISOR seismograph in the SEG-D 8048/Revision 0 format. The group interval was of 12.5m for a total active length of 300m. The 150m tow leader and two 50 m stretch sections made up the streamer to a total length of 550m. The seismic sources were fired by IGM's gun-control equipment [9](Fig. 21). Shot distances were 6.25 (S15) and 12.5 (GI-GUN), thus achieving coverages of 2400 and 1200%. The depth of the source was at 1.5m and 3m for the S15 and the GI-GUN, respctively. The streamer was kept at 6m and 12m depth (S15 and GI-GUN) with SYNTRON RCL-2 cable-levelers, using a Teledyne Mod. 28951 Depth Control System.