Main targets of MARAMARA2009 cruise have been reached. A schematic list of first results is indicated.
Deployment of the SN4 station in the Darica Canyon was carried out after high resolution survey of the site using MBES and chirp-sonar. The deployment on the flat base of the canyon, indicated originally as a possible site, was discarded, due to the presence of a markedly uneven seafloor characterized by the presence of debris-flow deposits which included coarse grained material, stones and boulders. Therefore, we concentrated our attention to the fault segment just east of the canyon, and in particular to the narrow rectilinear valley that dissect the Darica basin and mark NAF trace in this area. We finally decided for a location that presented:
After some test with acoustic transponder we were able to communicate with the SN4 station verifying its functioning and attitude. Moreover we carried high-resolution mutlibeam survey after deployment that enabled us to detect the SN-4 station at the seafloor and map its position (Fig.26)
First results highlighted the high-resolution of the MB and the Chirp system on board of Urania that fitted perfectly the requirement of accuracy in mapping the subtle trace of active faults in the Sea of Marmara.
Analysis of the data collected during the expedition is under process, and will continue during the forthcoming several months.
No problems were encountered regarding neither the people nor the environment during the cruise.