As described in the coring paragraph, five cores have been collected during the cruise. Three
gravity cores (BS98-1, BS98-2 and BS98-6) were recovered from the basin adjacent to Marques de
Pombal thrust with the target of investigating the depositional history and emplacement timing of a
recent depositional body, identified on the CHIRP profiles and possibly related to the 1755 seismic
event (see chapter 4.1). Two piston cores (BS98-7 and
BS98-8) were retrieved from the inner wall of the Cabo de Sao Vicente Canyon with the aim of
constraining the age of the uplift (deformation) of the tectonic structure. The magnetic susceptibility
plot of the cores is shown in figure 14. The MS values from the cores recovered in the basin, range
from about 300x10 S.I. units in Core BS98-1, which was collected very close to the fault
escarpment, to 350 and 600x10
S.l. units for Cores BS98-2 and BS98-6. Several peaks and
troughs observed in the MS curves of the latter two cores (Fig. 14) suggest a complicated
depositional history for the basin, at least in recent times. A correlation between the two cores is not
straightforward, but some features can be recognized in both the plots suggesting that the same
processes are responsible of the sedimentation within the basin. The two cores recovered from the
Capo Sao Vicente Canyon (BS98-7 and BS98-8) show quite low and constant susceptibility values
exceeding 150x0
S.I. units only at the top and near the bottom (Fig. 14). MS profiles appear
quite similar suggesting that probably the same stratigraphic interval was sampled, in spite of a
different position of the two cores. Peak values observed near the top of the cores can be related to
the deposition of recent material probably covering pelagic sediments, which might be mostly
supplied by biogenic productivity.