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Table 2: Cruise S18. Samples position.
      ddmm.xx m Kg
S18 01 20-feb-94 0047.60 -1309.40 00046.60 -1309.60 4400 4900 60
S18 02 21-feb-94 0107.60 -1123.80 00107.60 -1123.80 4150 4150 0.35
S18 03 23-mar-94 -5415.20 0130.70 -5416.60 00131.50 2200 3000 0.1
S18 04 24-mar-94 -5419.90 0138.60 -5419.40 00138.50 2100 2200 0.1
S18 05 24-mar-94 -5420.40 0140.10 -5420.40 00140.00 2900 3100 0.2
S18 06 24-mar-94 -5422.80 0144.60 -5422.60 00144.00 4900 5200 12
S18 07 24-mar-94 -5421.70 0141.30 -5421.60 00141.30 4000 4200 15
S18 08 24-mar-94 -5418.60 0136.50 -5419.00 00136.80 1500 1550 0.05
S18 09 24-mar-94 -5426.60 0150.70 -5427.40 00150.90 4000 4300 9
S18 10 25-mar-94 -5428.60 0154.70 -5429.20 00154.20 2500 2600 400
S18 11 25-mar-94 -5434.30 0205.30 05434.60 00205.10 2300 2400 10
S18 12 25-mar-94 -5438.20 0211.00 -5438.50 00211.30 2500 2200 5
S18 13 30-mar-94 -5422.30 0316.60 -5422.40 00316.60 150 170 1
S18 14 30-mar-94 -5421.80 0330.20 -5422.20 00329.40 190 420 12
S18 15 31-mar-94 -5408.70 0352.00 -5408.60 00352.10 1680 1780 25
S18 16 31-mar-94 -5409.90 0349.50 -5409.90 00349.90 1640 1700 300
S18 17 31-mar-94 -5412.00 0347.20 -5412.50 00347.40 1450 1500 2.5
S18 18 31-mar-94 -5418.10 0336.90 -5418.40 00336.20 1180 1270 0
S18 19 31-mar-94 -5419.80 0333.00 -5420.30 00332.00 740 900 25
S18 20 31-mar-94 -5425.80 0328.10 -5425.30 00327.40 35 140 2.5
S18 21 31-mar-94 -5429.60 0402.60 -5429.60 00402.00 2600 2830 30
S18 22 1-apr-94 -5421.30 0422.10 -5421.00 00423.50 3000 3200 12
S18 23 1-apr-94 -5413.30 0407.40 -5412.80 00403.90 2000 2200 Empty
S18 24 1-apr-94 -5411.60 0404.10 -5411.10 00401.80 1800 2050 11
S18 25 1-apr-94 -5405.20 0339.20 -5405.20 00338.00 1600 1800 40
S18 26 1-apr-94 -5358.70 0334.00 -5358.80 00333.90 2300 2340 1.5
S18 27 1-apr-94 -5351.50 0317.80 -5351.90 00317.00 3480 3600 5
S18 28 2-apr-94 -5347.30 0257.90 -5348.80 00257.00 4170 4350 2
S18 29 08-apr-94 -5347.90 0335.20 -5348.20 00337.20 2400 2950 500
S18 30 8-apr-94 -5352.20 0327.50 -5351.80 00328.10 2775 2900 120
S18 31 8-apr-94 -5355.10 0322.50 -5355.50 00322.10 2800 3080 200
S18 32 8-apr-94 -5359.60 0316.50 -5359.70 00316.60 2100 2200 20
S18 33 9-apr-94 -5400.40 0315.90 -5400.50 00315.90 1450 1550 8
S18 34 9-apr-94 -5356.50 0302.00 -5356.70 00302.10 1900 2030 Empty
S18 35 9-apr-94 -5351.60 0300.90 -5352.20 00300.10 3100 3380 200
S18 36 09-apr-94 -5359.70 0329.90 -5400.90 00330.90 2000 2200 6
S18 37 09-apr-94 -5407.30 0350.20 -5406.90 00349.70 1380 1500 130
S18 38 09-apr-94 -5407.50 0343.40 -5407.70 00342.30 1700 1890 Empty
S18 39 10-apr-94 -5348.90 0442.10 -5348.90 00441.90 1450 1500 Lost
S18 40 10-apr-94 -5347.70 0429.10 -5348.30 00430.40 1300 1580 4
S18 41 10-apr-94 -5348.70 0441.70 -5348.90 00440.80 1350 1540 30
S18 42 10-apr-94 -5350.20 0412.30 -5349.90 00412.50 1400 1600 80
S18 43 11-apr-94 -5402.40 0409.10 -5401.60 00409.00 1700 2000 1
S18 44 11-apr-94 -5400.90 0408.60 -5359.90 00408.40 1380 1600 3
S18 45 11-apr-94 -5404.30 0356.00 -5404.90 00354.90 1900 2200 6
S18 46 19-apr-94 -5436.80 -021.00 -5436.30 -0020.00 1650 1800  
S18 47 19-apr-94 -5434.40 -020.90 -5434.70 -0021.30 1630 1680 0.1
S18 48 20-apr-94 -5450.40 -048.40 -5450.50 -0048.70 2600 2660 300
S18 49 20-apr-94 -5446.00 -048.10 -5445.80 -0049.10 2200 2300  
S18 50 20-apr-94 -5446.10 -049.80 -5446.20 -0050.50 2000 2100 40
S18 51 20-apr-94 -5442.50 -050.20 -5442.70 -0050.60 2300 2400 500
S18 52 20-apr-94 -5437.70 -055.90 -5437.10 -0057.10 2450 2150 150
S18 53 20-apr-94 -5439.80 -103.80 -5440.00 -0104.90 2550 2700 40
S18 54 20-apr-94 -5456.40 -112.30 -5456.10 -0111.80 2750 3150 300
S18 55 21-apr-94 -5500.80 -122.70 -5500.80 -0123.20 3200 3500 110
S18 56 21-apr-94 -5509.20 -146.50 -5509.00 -0149.10 1700 2800 140
S18 57 21-apr-94 -5436.50 -149.40 -5436.90 -0150.30 2000 2700 70
S18 58 21-apr-94 -5433.60 -113.90 -5433.80 -0115.80 2100 2440 Empty
S18 59 22-apr-94 -5433.60 -113.60 -5433.70 -0114.20 2400 2500 Empty
S18 60 22-apr-94 -5425.10 -121.70 -5425.30 -0121.70 2000 2100 0.3
S18 61 22-apr-94 -5431.60 -114.70 -5431.90 -0117.80 1700 2500 0.1
S18 62 22-apr-94 -5416.20 -116.80 -5415.90 -0117.20 2560 2620 25
S18 63 22-apr-94 -5410.30 -123.40 -5410.20 -0124.40 2700 2750 120
S18 64 22-apr-94 -5405.50 -128.40 -5405.80 -0129.10 2800 2900 0.5
S18 65 23-apr-94 -5413.80 -052.00 -5413.20 -0054.90 2300 2500 Empty
S18 66 23-apr-94 -5414.90 -052.90 -5414.60 -0051.90 2400 2300 0.4
S18 67 23-apr-94 -5409.40 -045.70 -5407.90 -0047.00 2050 2600 3
Table 3: Cruise S18. Samples description.
S18 01 Romanche FZ Basalts 50%; Fe-Mn concretions 48%; gabbro-dolerites 2% ;
S18 02   ; Sand, mud
S18 03 Bouvet FZ ,N transverse ridge, N slope ; Sand
S18 04 Bouvet FZ, N slope ; Sand
S18 05   Sandstone pebble (0.5cm) ; Sand
S18 06   Basalts 60%; dolerites, gabbro-dolerites 30%; sedimentary breccia 7%; glacial erratics 3% ;
S18 07   Basalts, dolerites 50%; sandstones 40%; glacial erratics 10% ;
S18 08   Basalt (1.5cm), dolerite (2cm) ;
S18 09 Bouvet FZ, S slope Peridotites 60%; basalts 30%; glacial erratics 10% ;
S18 10   Basalts, dolerites 70%; peridotite 20%; sandstones 1%; glacial erratics 9% ; Mud
S18 11 Antarctic plate near Bouvet FZ Basalts, dolerites 50%; sandstones 2%; sedimentary breccia 2%; Fe-Mn cores on peridotites 2%; glacial erratics 44% ;
S18 12   Consolidated clay with basalt particles, sandstones ;
S18 13 N-E slope of Bouvet Is. Rounded basalts 98%; sedimentary breccia (4 cm); glacial erratic (3 cm) ;
S18 14   Basalts, some are rounded 95%; sedimentary conglomerate of basalt particles 5% ;
S18 15 W slope of neovolcanic rise in rift valley Basalts, some are rounded 95%; volcanic breccia (3 cm); sandstone (3 cm); glacial erratics (10 cm) ;
S18 16 E slope of rift valley (bottom) Basalts ;
S18 17 E slope of rift valley (top) Rounded basalts 97%; sandstone (4 cm); glacial erratics 3% ;
S18 18 N-E slope of Bouvet Is. ; Sand
S18 19   Basalts, some are rounded 70%;coarse grained sandstones 30% ;
S18 20   Rounded basalts 99%; sandstones 1% ;
S18 21 Scarp 25 miles to the S-E from Bouvet Is. Basalts, some are rounded 80%; consolidated clay 18%; glacial erratics 2% ;
S18 22 W slope of rift valley Basalts ;
S18 23   ;
S18 24   Basalts, some are rounded 94%; consolidated clay (15 cm); glacial erratics 5% ;
S18 25   Basalts 75%; consolidated clay 25% ;
S18 26 Bottom of rift valley Dolerite (12 cm) ;
S18 27 E slope of neovolcanic rise in rift valley Basalts ;
S18 28 Inside ridge-transform corner, low part of the slope Peridotite (10 cm); siltstone (5 cm) ;
S18 29 Ridge 10 miles E from rift valley, W slope Basalts 95%; sedimentary breccia 3%; glacial erratics 2% ;
S18 30 E slope of rift valley Basalts 99%; glacial erratics 1% ;
S18 31 W slope of rift valley Basalts ;
S18 32 Ridge 10 miles W from the rift valley, E slope Basalts, dolerites 95%; sedimentary breccia 5% ;
S18 33   Sedimentary breccia, sandstones 100% ;
S18 34 Inside ridge-transform corner, middle-upper part of the slope ;
S18 35   Dolerites 90%; peridotites 9%; gabbro (20 cm) ;
S18 36 W slope of rift valley Rounded gabbro (15 cm); basalt (4 cm) ;
S18 37 E slope of rift valley Basalts 98%; sedimentary breccia 2% ;
S18 38 W slope of rift valley ;
S18 39 Hill 32 miles E from rift valley, E slope ;
S18 40 Hill 32 miles E from rift valley, W slope Basalts, most are rounded 98%; glacial erratics 2% ;
S18 41 Hill 32 miles E from rift valley, E slope Basalts, some are rounded 80%; sedimentary breccia, tuff, rounded 8%; gabbro-dolerite (20 cm); glacial erratics 2% ;
S18 42 Hill 23 miles E from rift valley, W slope Basalts ;
S18 43 Ridge 12 miles E from rift valley, W slope Rounded basalts 98%; sulfide ore breccia (5 cm); glacial erratics 1% ;
S18 44   Basalts, some are rounded 20%; sandstones 80% ;
S18 45 Ridge E side of rift valley, E slope Basalts, some are rounded 95%; sedimentary breccia (5 cm); gabbro (4 cm); glacial erratics 2% ;
S18 46 Spiess ridge, E slope ;
S18 47 Spiess ridge. E top Basalt glass ;
S18 48 W slope of rift valley Basalts ;
S18 49   Plagiogranite pebble ;
S18 50   Basalts ;
S18 51   Basalts ;
S18 52   Basalts ;
S18 53   Basalts ;
S18 54 Valley 30 miles W from rift valley, W slope Basalts, dolerites 99%; sedimentary breccia 1%; glacial erratics 0.5% ;
S18 55 Valley 40 miles W from rift valley, W slope Basalts, dolerites 70%; gabbros 30% ;
S18 56 Hill 35 miles E from rift valley, E slope Basalts, dolerites ;
S18 57 Hill 30 miles E from rift valley, E slope Basalts, dolerites 95%; glacial erratics 5% ;
S18 58 W slope of rift valley ;
S18 59   ;
S18 60   Basalt glass (4 cm); granite pebble ;
S18 61   Basalts, basalt glass ;
S18 62   Basalts ;
S18 63   Basalts ;
S18 64   Basalt glass ;
S18 65   ;
S18 66 Ridge E side of rift valley, E slope Basalts ;
S18 67 Ridge 25 miles E from rift valley, W slope Basalts; glacial erratics ;
Table 4: Cruise S18. Subsamples description.
S18 1 1 Basalto afirico
S18 1 13-18 Nodulo di ferromanganese con nucleo di Basalto
S18 1 19 Eccezionale campione di noduli di ferromanganese: si tratta di diverse sfere unite assieme dalla matrice carbonatica e dagli ossidi
S18 1 20 Breccia basalitica coperta da una crosta di ferromanganese ( da tale campione sono stati
S18 1 22-24 Nodulo di ferromanganese
S18 6 1-3 Basalto (2 campioni)
S18 6 4 Basalto
S18 6 5 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 6 6 Basalto
S18 6 7 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 6 8 Basalto
S18 6 9 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 6 10 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 6 11 Basalto (2 campioni)
S18 6 12 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 6 13-16 Basalto
S18 6 17 Basalto (2 campioni)
S18 6 18 Basalto
S18 6 19 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 6 20-23 Basalto
S18 6 24 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 6 25-29 Basalto
S18 6 30 Gabbronorite
S18 6 31-32 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 6 33-34 Gabbro dolerite
S18 6 35 Gabbro
S18 6 36-37 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 6 38 Metagabbro
S18 6 39 Scisto verde
S18 6 40 Gabbro dolerite
S18 6 41 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 6 42 Sedimenti compattati
S18 7 1-2 Basalto vascicolato (pillow?)
S18 7 3 Campione destinato ai Russi (* Basalto )
S18 7 4 Basalto vascicolato (pillow ?)
S18 7 5 Basalto (*)
S18 7 6-7 Basalto
S18 7 8 Campione destinato ai Russi (* Basalto )
S18 7 9 Basalto (*)
S18 7 10 Basalto metasomatizzato (*)
S18 7 11-12 MetaBasalto
S18 7 13 Basalto (*)
S18 7 14 Basalto
S18 7 15 Basalto ($)
S18 7 16 Basalto
S18 7 17 Metagabbro
S18 7 18 Metagabbro (*)
S18 7 19-20 Basalto
S18 7 21 Metagabbro (*)
S18 7 22 Quarzite
S18 7 23 Basalto (*)
S18 7 24 Metasomatite
S18 7 25 Metagabbro
S18 7 26 Aplite ?
S18 7 27 Granito alterato (*)
S18 7 28 Granito (*)
S18 7 29 Porfiroide
S18 7 30 Granito (* interessante)
S18 7 31 Gneiss (*)
S18 7 32 Gneiss a granati (*)
S18 7 33-34 Arenaria
S18 7 35-38 Scisto nero
S18 7 39-41 Sedimenti (torbidite ?)
S18 7 42 porzione extra di sedimenti
S18 8 1 Arenaria
S18 8 2 Basalto (*)
S18 9 1-2 Harzburgite alterata (*)
S18 9 3 Harzburgite alterata (con stress tettonico)
S18 9 4-6 Harzburgite alterata (*)
S18 9 7-8 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 9 9 Harzburgite alterata (*)
S18 9 10-11 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 9 12 Harzburgite alterata
S18 9 13-14 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 9 15 Harzburgite alterata
S18 9 16 Harzburgite serpentinizzata (campione doppio) (*)
S18 9 17 Harzburgite serpentinizzata (* interessante)
S18 9 18-19 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 9 20 Harzburgite poco serpentinizzata
S18 9 21 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 9 22 Harzburgite poco serpentini zzata
S18 9 23-26 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 9 27 Serpentinite
S18 9 28-31 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 9 32 Serpentinite
S18 9 33 Serpentinite metasomatizzata
S18 9 34-37 Serpentinite
S18 9 38 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 9 39 Basalto (campione doppio) (* alterato)
S18 9 40 Basalto (* alterato)
S18 9 41 Basalto (*)
S18 9 42-43 Basalto
S18 9 44 Arenaria fine
S18 9 45 Arenaria grossolana
S18 9 46 Riolite
S18 9 47 Aplite (*)
S18 9 48 Gneiss (*)
S18 9 49 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 9 50 Gneiss
S18 10 1-6 Pillow lava
S18 10 7 Vetro vulcanico
S18 10 8 Pillow lava
S18 10 9 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 10 10-11 Pillow lava
S18 10 12-18 Vetro vulcanico
S18 10 19 Basalto
S18 10 20 Pillow lava + Glass
S18 10 21 Vetro vulcanico
S18 10 22-23 Basalto
S18 10 24 Basalto (*)
S18 10 25 Basalto
S18 10 26 Basalto (*)
S18 10 27-30 Basalto
S18 10 31 Basalto (*)
S18 10 32-44 Basalto
S18 10 45 Basalto (*)
S18 10 46-49 Basalto
S18 10 50 Basalto (*)
S18 10 51 Basalto (*)
S18 10 52-57 Basalto
S18 10 59-61 Basalto
S18 10 62 Lavabasaltica (Pillow ?)
S18 10 63 Lava basaltica (Pillow ?) (*)
S18 10 64-65 Lava basaltica (Pillow ?)
S18 10 66 Basalto (* alterato)
S18 10 67 Basalto
S18 10 68 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 10 69-70 Basalto
S18 10 71 Breccia basaltica (* alterata)
S18 10 72-76 Basalto
S18 10 77 Basalto (pillow )
S18 10 78 Basalto
S18 10 79 Basalto (* interessante)
S18 10 80-82 Basalto
S18 10 83 Basalto (*)
S18 10 84-89 Basalto
S18 10 90 Basalto (* serpentinite! !??)
S18 10 91-104 Basalto
S18 10 105 Basalto (*)
S18 10 106 Basalto (* roccia metamorfica !!??)
S18 10 107 Basalto (* interessante)
S18 10 108-111 Basalto
S18 10 112 Basalto (*)
S18 10 113-119 Basalto
S18 10 120 Breccia basaltica
S18 10 121-123 Basalto
S18 10 124 Breccia basaltica
S18 10 125 Basalto
S18 10 126 Basalto (* alterato con forse inizio retromeamorfismo)
S18 10 127-129 Basalto
S18 10 130 Basalto (*)
S18 10 131-133 Basalto
S18 10 134-135 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 10 136 Basalto
S18 10 137-141 Basalto
S18 10 142 Basalto (* alterato)
S18 10 143 Basalto (*)
S18 10 144 Basalto
S18 10 145 Basalto con fenocristalli (*)
S18 10 146 Basalto
S18 10 147 Basalto (*)
S18 10 148 Basalto
S18 10 149 Basalto (*)
S18 10 150 Basalto
S18 10 151 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 10 152 Basalto con fenocristalli (*)
S18 10 153 Basalto (*)
S18 10 154 Basalto ($)
S18 10 155-156 Basalto
S18 10 157 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 10 158 Basalto ($)
S18 10 159-160 Basalto (*)
S18 10 161 Breccia basaltica (*)
S18 10 162 Basalto
S18 10 163 Basalto livinico ($)
S18 10 164 Basalto (*)
S18 10 165 Basalto
S18 10 166 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 10 167 Basalto
S18 10 168 Basalto con fenocristalli (*)
S18 10 169 Basalto con fenocristalli (*)
S18 10 170 Basalto (*)
S18 10 171-173 Basalto
S18 10 174 Basalto (contatto con dolerite) (*)
S18 10 175 Brecciadi Basalto
S18 10 176 Basalto
S18 10 177 Breccia serpentinitica
S18 10 178-179 Basalto
S18 10 180 Breccia basaltica
S18 10 181-184 Serpentinite
S18 10 185 Serpentinite (*)
S18 10 186-193 Serpentinite
S18 10 194 Serpentinite (* con tracce di stress tettonico)
S18 10 195-197 Serpentinite
S18 10 198 Peridotite
S18 10 199 Serpentinite (*)
S18 10 200 Serpentinite
S18 10 201 Serpentinite (*)
S18 10 202-203 Serpentinite
S18 10 204 Harzburgite
S18 10 205 Serpentinite (* con tracce di stress tettonico)
S18 10 206-210 Serpentinite
S18 10 211 Peridotite
S18 10 212 Serpentinite
S18 10 213 Serpentinite tettonizzata
S18 10 214-215 Serpentinite
S18 10 216 Serpentinite (*)
S18 10 217 Peridotite per meta' alterata
S18 10 218 Serpentinite (*)
S18 10 219-223 Serpentinite
S18 10 224-227 Granito
S18 10 228 roccia metasomatizzata
S18 10 229 Arenaria a composizione vulcanica
S18 10 230 Arenaria
S18 10 231-232 Breccia
S18 10 233 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 11 1 Serpentinite (*)
S18 11 2-3 Basalto (*)
S18 11 4 Basalto
S18 11 5 Basalto (*)
S18 11 6 Los Breccia basaltica (*)
S18 11 7 Quarzite
S18 11 8 Gneiss (2 pezzi)
S18 11 9 Granito
S18 11 10-12 Granito
S18 11 13 Breccia
S18 11 14 Breccia basaltica
S18 11 15 Lava vulanica (Pillow?)
S18 11 16 Peridotite + crostone di manganese
S18 11 17 Sedimento grossolano
S18 13 1 Basalto
S18 13 2-3 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 13 4 Basalto
S18 13 5 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 13 6-8 Basalto
S18 13 9 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 13 10 Basalto
S18 13 11-12 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 13 13 Basalto
S18 13 14 Basalto (*)
S18 13 15 Basalto (*)
S18 13 16 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 13 17-20 Basalto
S18 13 21-24 Basalto (*)
S18 13 25 Basalto
S18 13 26 Basalto (*)
S18 13 27-28 Basalto
S18 13 29 Campione destinato ai Russi (* Basalto )
S18 13 30-31 Basalto (*)
S18 13 32 Basalto
S18 13 33-35 Basalto (*)
S18 13 36-38 Basalto
S18 13 39 Pillow lava ?
S18 13 40-42 Basalto
S18 13 43 Pomice
S18 13 44 Breccia
S18 13 45 Granito
S18 13 46 Basalto (*)
S18 13 47 Basalto s assortiti e piccola pomice
S18 14 1 Basalto (* interessante, cristallo di olivina incluso in plagioclasio)
S18 14 2 Basalto (*)
S18 14 3 Basalto
S18 14 4-6 Basalto (*)
S18 14 7 Basalto
S18 14 8 Basalto (*)
S18 14 9 Basalto (*)
S18 14 10-13 Basalto
S18 14 14 Basalto (*)
S18 14 15 Basalto (*)
S18 14 16-17 Basalto
S18 14 18-19 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 14 20-21 Basalto
S18 14 22 Basalto (*)
S18 14 23-24 Basalto
S18 14 25-26 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 14 27-28 Basalto
S18 14 29 Basalto (*)
S18 14 30-31 Basalto
S18 14 32 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 14 33 Basalto
S18 14 34 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 14 35 Basalto
S18 14 36 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 14 37-38 Basalto
S18 14 39-40 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 14 41-42 Basalto
S18 14 43 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 14 44 Basalto ($)
S18 14 45-46 Basalto
S18 14 47 Basalto (* interessante)
S18 14 48 Basalto (* fresco)
S18 14 49 Basalto (* alterato con strutture scheletriche in pasta di fondo)
S18 14 50 Basalto
S18 14 51 Basalto (* alterato)
S18 14 52-55 Basalto
S18 14 56 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 14 57 Basalto
S18 14 58 Campione destinato ai Russi (* breccia basaltica)
S18 14 59-68 Breccia
S18 15 1 Basalto pillow + Glass
S18 15 2-3 Basalto pillow + Glass (*)
S18 15 4 Basalto pillow + Glass
S18 15 5 Basalto pillow (* interessante)
S18 15 6-7 Basalto pillow
S18 15 8-10 Basalto
S18 15 11 Basalto (*)
S18 15 12-13 Basalto
S18 15 15-16 Basalto
S18 15 17 Basalto (*)
S18 15 18 Basalto rossastro (*)
S18 15 19 Quarzite rosa
S18 16 1 Basalto pillow + campione di Basalto pillow del peso di circa 60 Kg destinato a museo
S18 16 2 Basalto
S18 16 3 Basalto (*)
S18 16 4-6 Basalto
S18 16 7 Basalto (*)
S18 16 8 Basalto (*)
S18 16 9 Basalto
S18 16 10 Basalto (*)
S18 16 11 Basalto
S18 16 12 Basalto (*)
S18 16 13-14 Basalto
S18 16 15 Basalto (*)
S18 16 16 Basalto + Glass (*)
S18 16 17-30 Basalto
S18 16 31 Campione destinato ai russi
S18 16 32 Basalto
S18 16 33 Basalto
S18 16 34 Campione destinato ai russi
S18 16 35-36 Basalto
S18 16 37 Basalto ($)
S18 16 38-52 Basalto
S18 16 53 Campione destinato ai russi
S18 16 54-57 Basalto
S18 16 57 Basalto (*)
S18 16 58 Campione destinato ai russi
S18 16 59 Basalto
S18 17 1-2 Basalto
S18 17 3 Basalto (*)
S18 17 4-9 Basalto
S18 17 10 Campione destinato ai russi
S18 17 11 Basalto
S18 17 12 Campione destinato ai russi
S18 17 13 Basalto
S18 17 14 Campione destinato ai russi
S18 17 15 Basalto
S18 17 16 Campione destinato ai russi
S18 17 17 Basalto
S18 17 18 Basalto
S18 17 19 Campione destinato ai russi
S18 17 20-21 Basalto
S18 17 23 Campione destinato ai russi
S18 17 24 Basalto
S18 17 25 Campione destinato ai russi
S18 17 26-27 Basalto
S18 17 28-30 Basalto (*)
S18 17 31-34 Campione destinato ai russi
S18 17 35 Basalto
S18 17 36 Basalto ($)
S18 17 37-38 Basalto
S18 17 39 Basalto (*)
S18 17 40-46 Basalto
S18 17 47-48 pomice
S18 19 1-4 Basalto
S18 19 5 Basalto (*)
S18 19 6-14 Basalto
S18 19 15-17 Basalto (*)
S18 19 18 Basalto
S18 19 19 Basalto (*)
S18 19 20-22 Basalto
S18 19 23 Basalto ($)
S18 19 24 Basalto (*)
S18 19 25 Basalto
S18 19 26-27 Basalto (*)
S18 19 28 Basalto
S18 19 29 Basalto (*)
S18 19 30-31 Basalto
S18 19 32 Basalto con minerali secondari
S18 19 33-35 Basalto
S18 20 1 Basalto (*)
S18 20 2 Campione destinato ai russi (*)
S18 20 3-5 Basalto
S18 20 6 Campione destinato ai russi
S18 20 7-8 Basalto
S18 20 9 Basalto (*)
S18 20 10-13 Basalto
S18 20 14 Campione destinato airussi
S18 20 15-17 Basalto
S18 20 18 Campione destinato ai russi
S18 20 19 Basalto
S18 20 20-21 Campione destinato ai russi (*)
S18 20 22-25 Basalto (*)
S18 20 26 Basalto
S18 20 27 Arenaria
S18 20 28 Breccia (*)
S18 20 29 Campioni extra
S18 21 1 Basalto (*)
S18 21 2 Basalto
S18 21 3 Basalto
S18 21 4 Basalto
S18 21 5 Basalto
S18 21 6 Basalto (*)
S18 21 7 Basalto
S18 21 8 Basalto (*)
S18 21 9 Basalto
S18 21 10 Basalto (*)
S18 21 11 Campione destinato ai russi
S18 21 12 Basalto (*)
S18 21 13 Basalto
S18 21 14 Basalto (*)
S18 21 15-16 Basalto
S18 21 17 Basalto (*)
S18 21 18-20 Basalto
S18 21 21 Basalto (*)
S18 21 22-24 Basalto
S18 21 25 Basalto (*)
S18 21 26 Basalto
S18 21 27-30 Basalto (*)
S18 21 31 Basalto
S18 21 32 Basalto (due campioni)
S18 21 33 Campione destinato ai russi
S18 21 34 Gabbro
S18 21 35 Sedimento + scisto (due campioni)
S18 21 36-37 Granito
S18 21 38 Sedimento
S18 22 1 Pillow lava + Glass (*)
S18 22 2 Pillow lava + Glass
S18 22 3-5 Pillow lava + Glass (*)
S18 22 6 Glass (*)
S18 22 7-8 Campione destinato ai russi
S18 22 9 Basalto
S18 22 10 Basalto + Glass
S18 22 11 Glass (*)
S18 22 12-14 Campione destinato ai russi
S18 22 15 Basalto
S18 22 16 Campione destinato ai russi
S18 22 17 Basalto
S18 22 18 Campione destinato ai russi
S18 22 19 Basalto
S18 22 20 Basalto + Glass
S18 22 21-22 Basalto
S18 22 23-24 Basalto + Glass
S18 22 25-26 Basalto
S18 24 1-5 Basalto (*)
S18 24 6-9 Basalto
S18 24 10-13 Basalto (*)
S18 24 14 Campione destinato ai russi
S18 24 15-21 Basalto
S18 24 22 Campione destinato ai russi
S18 24 23-25 Basalto
S18 24 26 Basalto (*)
S18 24 27 Basalto
S18 24 28 Riolite
S18 24 29 Basalto
S18 24 30-31 Riolite
S18 24 32 Pomice
S18 24 33 Riolite
S18 24 34 Basalto
S18 24 35 Scisto ?
S18 24 36-39 Scisto
S18 24 40 Breccia
S18 24 41-42 Sedimento
S18 25 1-2 Basalto + Glass (*)
S18 25 3 Glass (2 campioni) + Basalto (*)
S18 25 4-5 Basalto (*)
S18 25 6-7 Basalto
S18 25 8 Basalto (*)
S18 25 9-14 Vetro
S18 25 15 Basalto (*)
S18 25 16 Campioni destinati ai russi (*)
S18 25 17 Basalto (*)
S18 25 18 Basalto
S18 25 19-22 Sedimenti
S18 26 1 Basalto (*)
S18 27 1 Campione destinato ai russi (*)
S18 27 2 Basalto (*)
S18 27 3 Basalto
S18 27 4 Basalto ($)
S18 27 5-6 Basalto
S18 28 1 Harzburgite alterata
S18 28 2 Sedimenti
S18 29 1 Basalto (*)
S18 29 2 Basalto
S18 29 3 Basalto + Glass
S18 29 4 Basalto (*)
S18 29 5 Basalto + Glass (*)
S18 29 6-8 Basalto (*)
S18 29 9-12 Basalto
S18 29 13 Campione destinato ai russi (*)
S18 29 14 Basalto (*)
S18 29 15 Basalto
S18 29 16 Basalto (*)
S18 29 17 Basalto
S18 29 18-23 Basalto (*)
S18 29 24 Campione destinato ai russi
S18 29 25 Basalto (*)
S18 29 26-27 Basalto
S18 29 28 Basalto (*)
S18 29 29-30 Basalto
S18 29 31-32 Basalto (*)
S18 29 33 Basalto
S18 29 34 Basalto (*)
S18 29 35-36 Basalto
S18 29 37-40 Basalto (*)
S18 29 41 Basalto
S18 29 42 Basalto (*)
S18 29 43 Basalto
S18 29 44-48 Basalto (*)
S18 29 49 Basalto
S18 29 50-51 Basalto (*)
S18 29 52 Basalto
S18 29 53-54 Basalto (*)
S18 29 55-57 Basalto
S18 29 58-60 Basalto (*)
S18 29 61 Basalto
S18 29 62 Basalto (*)
S18 29 63 Basalto
S18 29 64 Basalto ($)
S18 29 65 Basalto
S18 29 66 Basalto (*)
S18 29 67-68 Basalto
S18 29 69 Basalto (*)
S18 29 70-72 Basalto
S18 29 73 Campione destinato ai russi
S18 29 74 Granito
S18 29 75-79 Breccia
S18 29 80 Pomice
S18 29 81 Vulcanite
S18 29 82 Breccia
S18 29 83 Riolite ?
S18 30 1 Basalto (*)
S18 30 2 Basalto + Glass (*)
S18 30 3 Basalto (*)
S18 30 4-9 Basalto
S18 30 10-13 Vetro
S18 30 14-18 Basalto (*)
S18 30 19 Basalto
S18 30 20 Basalto (*)
S18 30 21-26 Basalto
S18 30 27 Basalto (*)
S18 30 28 Basalto
S18 30 29 Basalto (*)
S18 30 30 Basalto
S18 30 31 Basalto (*)
S18 30 32 Campione destinato ai russi
S18 30 33 Basalto ($)
S18 30 34-36 Campione destinato ai russi
S18 30 37 Basalto
S18 30 38-41 Basalto (*)
S18 30 42 Basalto
S18 30 43 Basalto ($)
S18 30 44 Basalto
S18 30 45 Breccia (* riolite?)
S18 31 1-6 Basalto
S18 31 7 Basalto (*)
S18 31 8-10 Basalto
S18 31 11 Basalto (*)
S18 31 12 Campione destinato ai russi
S18 31 13 Basalto + Glass
S18 31 14-15 Vetro
S18 31 16 Campione destinato ai russi
S18 31 17 Basalto
S18 31 18 Campione destinato ai russi
S18 31 19 Basalto + Glass
S18 31 20 Campione destinato ai russi
S18 31 21 Basalto + Glass
S18 31 22 Campione destinato ai russi
S18 31 23 Basalto + Glass
S18 31 24-25 Campione destinato ai russi
S18 31 26 Basalto + Glass
S18 31 27 Campione stinato ai russi
S18 31 28 Basalto + Glass
S18 31 29-30 Campione destinato ai russi
S18 31 31 Basalto + Glass
S18 31 32-33 Campione destinato ai russi
S18 31 34-35 Basalto + Glass
S18 31 36 Basalto (*)
S18 31 37-40 Basalto
S18 31 41-42 Basalto (*)
S18 31 43 Basalto (* tre sezioni)
S18 31 44 Basalto (* con olomerofiri interessanti)
S18 31 45-48 Basalto
S18 31 49 Basalto ($)
S18 31 50-57 Basalto
S18 31 58 Basalto (*)
S18 31 59 Basalto
S18 31 60 Basalto (*)
S18 31 61 Basalto
S18 31 62-64 Basalto (*)
S18 31 65 Basalto
S18 31 66 Arenaria e Basalto (due campioni) (*)
S18 31 67 Basalto (*)
S18 32 1-5 Basalto (*)
S18 32 6 Basalto
S18 32 7-9 Basalto (*)
S18 32 10-11 Basalto
S18 32 12 Basalto ($)
S18 32 13-17 Basalto
S18 32 18-20 Basalto (*)
S18 32 21 Basalto (* interessante)
S18 32 22 Basalto (*)
S18 32 23 Basalto
S18 32 24-27 Basalto (*)
S18 32 28 Basalto (* interessante)
S18 32 29 Basalto (*)
S18 32 30-31 Basalto
S18 32 32 Basalto (*)
S18 32 33-34 Basalto
S18 32 35 Basalto (*?)
S18 32 36 Basalto (*)
S18 32 37 Campione destinato ai russi
S18 32 38-41 Breccia
S18 33 1-6 Sedimento compattato
S18 33 7 Breccia
S18 33 8-11 Sedimento compattato
S18 35 1 Peridotite (*)
S18 35 2 Peridotite (*)
S18 35 3 Campione destinato ai russi (*)
S18 35 4-5 Peridotite
S18 35 6 Peridotite (*)
S18 35 7 Peridotite (* nella sezione S. un granito?)
S18 35 8 Gabbro ? (* Basalto )
S18 35 9 Basalto (*)
S18 35 10 Basalto ($)
S18 35 11 Basalto (*)
S18 35 12 Basalto
S18 35 13 Basalto (*)
S18 35 14 Basalto
S18 35 15-17 Basalto (*)
S18 35 18 Basalto
S18 35 19 Basalto (*)
S18 35 20 Basalto
S18 35 21 Basalto (*)
S18 35 22 Basalto
S18 35 23-24 Basalto (*)
S18 35 25 Basalto
S18 35 26 Basalto (*)
S18 35 27-28 Basalto
S18 35 29 Basalto (*)
S18 35 30 Basalto
S18 35 31-32 Basalto (*)
S18 35 33 Basalto
S18 35 34 Basalto (*)
S18 35 35-37 Basalto
S18 35 38 Basalto (*)
S18 35 39 Basalto
S18 35 40 Basalto (*)
S18 35 41 Basalto
S18 35 42 Basalto (*)
S18 35 43-44 Basalto
S18 35 45-46 Basalto (*)
S18 35 47 Basalto
S18 35 48 Basalto (*)
S18 36 1 Gabbro (*)
S18 36 2 Vetro (*)
S18 37 1 Basalto + Glass
S18 37 2 Basalto
S18 37 3 Basalto + Glass
S18 37 4 Basalto (*)
S18 37 5 Basalto ($)
S18 37 6-7 Basalto + Glass
S18 37 8-10 Basalto
S18 37 11 Basalto + Glass
S18 37 12 Campione destinato ai russi
S18 37 13 Basalto + Glass
S18 37 14 Campione destinato ai russi
S18 37 15-21 Basalto
S18 37 22 Campione destinato ai russi
S18 37 23 Basalto
S18 37 24 Campione destinato ai russi
S18 37 25-28 Basalto
S18 37 29 Campione destinato ai russi
S18 37 30-37 Basalto
S18 37 38 Basalto (*)
S18 37 39 Basalto + Glass (*)
S18 37 40-42 Basalto (*)
S18 37 43 Riolite
S18 37 44 Sedimenti
S18 37 45 Campione destinato ai russi
S18 37 46 Sedimenti
S18 40 3-5 Campione destinato ai russi
S18 40 6-9 Basalto
S18 40 10 Basalto (*)
S18 40 11 Basalto
S18 40 12 Basalto (*)
S18 40 13 Granito
S18 41 1 Basalto (due campioni diversi)
S18 41 2 Basalto (*)
S18 41 3 Monzonite? (*)
S18 41 4 Basalto
S18 41 5 Basalto (*)
S18 41 6 Basalto
S18 41 7 Basalto (*)
S18 41 8 Basalto
S18 41 9 Basalto (*)
S18 41 10-17 Basalto
S18 41 18 Riolite
S18 41 19 Campione destinato ai russi (*)
S18 41 20 Scisto blu (*)
S18 41 21-22 Gneiss
S18 41 23-24 Pomice
S18 41 25 Basalto
S18 42 1-13 Basalto
S18 42 14 Basalto ($)
S18 42 15-22 Basalto
S18 43 1 Solfuro
S18 43 2 Campione destinato ai russi
S18 43 3 Basalto
S18 43 4 Basalto (*)
S18 43 5 Basalto
S18 43 6 Basalto (*)
S18 43 7 Basalto
S18 43 8 Basalto (*)
S18 43 9 Arenaria
S18 44 1 Basalto (*)
S18 44 2 Basalto
S18 44 3 Basalto (*)
S18 44 4 Basalto
S18 44 5 Basalto (*)
S18 44 6 Basalto
S18 44 7 Basalto (*)
S18 44 8 Basalto (*)
S18 44 9 Riolite
S18 44 10 Basalto
S18 44 11 Breccia? (*)
S18 44 12-16 Sedimenti
S18 45 1 Basalto (*)
S18 45 2 Basalto (*)
S18 45 3 Basalto (* importanti glomerofiri)
S18 45 4 Basalto (*)
S18 45 5 Basalto (* importante osservare presenza carbonati)
S18 45 6-8 Basalto
S18 45 9-10 Basalto (*)
S18 45 11 Basalto (* importante)
S18 45 12-13 Basalto (*)
S18 45 14 Basalto
S18 45 15 Basalto (*)
S18 45 16 Basalto
S18 45 17 Basalto (*)
S18 45 18-19 Basalto
S18 45 20 Basalto (*)
S18 45 21-23 Basalto
S18 45 24 Pomice
S18 45 25 Granito
S18 45 26 tre campioni Arenaria - Granito - Breccia
S18 46 1-4 Basalto
S18 47 1 Vetro
S18 48 1-3 Basalto
S18 48 2 Basalto
S18 48 3 Basalto
S18 48 4 Basalto + Glass
S18 48 5-7 Basalto
S18 48 8 Basalto + Glass
S18 48 9 Basalto
S18 48 10 Basalto
S18 48 11-15 Vetro
S18 48 16 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 48 17 Vetro
S18 48 18 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 48 19 Vetro
S18 48 20 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 48 21 Basalto + Glass
S18 48 22-27 Basalto
S18 48 28 Basalto + Glass
S18 48 29-33 Basalto
S18 48 34-35 Basalto + Glass
S18 48 36 Basalto
S18 48 37-38 Basalto + Glass
S18 48 39 Basalto
S18 48 40 Basalto + Glass
S18 48 41 Basalto
S18 49 1 Granito
S18 50 1-8 Basalto
S18 50 9 Vetro
S18 50 10-11 Vetro
S18 50 12-13 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 50 14 Basalto + Glass
S18 50 15 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 50 16-21 Basalto
S18 51 1-2 Basalto
S18 51 3 Basalto + Glass
S18 51 4 Basalto
S18 51 5 Basalto + Glass
S18 51 6 Basalto
S18 51 7-9 Basalto + Glass
S18 51 10-12 Basalto
S18 51 13-14 Basalto + Glass
S18 51 15 Basalto
S18 51 16 Basalto + Glass
S18 51 17 Basalto
S18 51 18-20 Basalto + Glass
S18 51 21 Basalto
S18 51 22-24 Basalto + Glass
S18 51 25-26 Basalto
S18 51 27-28 Basalto + Glass
S18 51 29 Basalto
S18 51 30-32 Basalto + Glass
S18 52 1-3 Basalto
S18 52 4-5 Basalto + Glass
S18 52 6 Basalto
S18 52 7 Basalto + Glass
S18 52 8-9 Basalto
S18 52 10-11 Basalto + Glass
S18 53 1 Basalto + Glass
S18 53 2 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 53 3 Basalto + Glass
S18 53 4 Basalto
S18 53 5 Basalto + Glass
S18 53 6-7 Vetro
S18 54 1-9 Basalto
S18 54 10-11 Basalto + Glass
S18 54 12-17 Basalto
S18 54 18 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 54 19-52 Basalto
S18 54 53 Pomice + Arenaria
S18 54 54 Basalto
S18 55 1-20 Gabbronorite
S18 55 21-31 Basalto
S18 55 32 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 55 33 Basalto
S18 55 34-36 Breccia
S18 55 37 Gabbronorite + Basalto
S18 55 38-40 Gabbronorite
S18 55 41 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 55 42 Basalto
S18 55 43-50 Basalto
S18 55 51-54 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 55 55 Sedimenti
S18 55 56 Breccia
S18 56 1-17 Basalto
S18 56 18 Gabbro ?
S18 56 19-31 Basalto
S18 56 32 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 56 33-43 Basalto
S18 57 1 Basalto
S18 57 2 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 57 3-11 Basalto
S18 57 12 Basalto + Glass
S18 57 13-30 Basalto
S18 57 31 Basalto + breccia
S18 57 32-35 Basalto
S18 57 36 Riolite
S18 57 37-38 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 57 39 Basalto
S18 57 40-45 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 57 46-48 Basalto
S18 57 49 Arenaria
S18 57 50-51 Granito
S18 57 52 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 57 53-56 Granito
S18 57 57 Granito e Gneiss
S18 57 58-62 Granito
S18 60 1 Vetro
S18 60 2 Gneiss
S18 61 1-3 Vetro
S18 62 1-11 Basalto
S18 63 1 Tre campioni da museo
S18 63 2 Basalto
S18 63 3 Basalto + Glass
S18 63 4-7 Basalto
S18 63 8 Campione destinato ai Russi
S18 63 9 Basalto
S18 63 10 Basalto
S18 63 11 Basalto + Glass
S18 64 1-2 Vetro
S18 66 1-4 Basalto
S18 67 5 Scisto
S18 67 6-7 Basalto
S18 67 8 Granito
S18 67 9 Sedimento compattato
Table 5: Cruise G96. Samples position.
      ddmm.xx m Kg
G96 01 19-Mar-1996 -5536.20 -5533.20 -0155.40 -0051.40 4200 2600 0.0
G96 02 19-Mar-1996 -5536.50 -5535.20 -0207.40 -0205.30 4300 3500 0.5
G96 03 20-Mar-1996 -5532.40 -5531.80 -0200.70 -0200.60 1350 800 0.0
G96 04 23-Mar-1996 -5529.20 -5529.70 -0205.30 -0205.70 1370 1080 50
G96 05 24-Mar-1996 -5535.40 -5533.10 -0203.50 -0211.40 3250 2400 0.05
G96 06 27-Mar-1996 -5511.15 -5510.80 -0130.04 -0135.10 4100 3000 0
G96 07 27-Mar-1996 -5518.30 -5520.78 -0131.48 -0127.80 3800 2500  
G96 08 31-Mar-1996 -5431.20 -5430.70 -0546.80 -0547.50 1100 920 15
G96 09 31-Mar-1996 -5435.73 -5436.00 -0539.45 -0539.70 2500 2150 30
G96 10 13-Apr-1996 -5449.35 -5450.15 -0035.60 -0036.48 2184 1970 60
G96 11 14-Apr-1996 -5442.65 -5442.46 00003.20 00002.86 610 401 80
G96 12 14-Apr-1996 -5444.40 -5444.00 00004.20 00003.80 570 410 30
G96 13 14-Apr-1996 -5446.65 -5446.60 00004.40 00004.25 1050 1035 50
G96 14 14-Apr-1996 -5447.80 -5448.00 -0005.50 -0006.00 1170 953 150
G96 16 14-Apr-1996 -5428.20 -5427.70 00021.60 00022.80 1400 1130 10
G96 17 15-Apr-1996 -5424.85 -5424.20 00056.00 00054.90 3025 2340 150
G96 18 15-Apr-1996 -5439.10 -5438.70 00044.50 00044.90 2270 1960 1
G96 19 18-Apr-1996 -5518.10 -5518.40 -0022.30 -0024.90 2758 2317 15
G96 20 18-Apr-1996 -5511.10 -5510.24 -0016.60 -0016.70 3200 2613 100
G96 21 18-Apr-1996 -5510.10 -5510.25 00006.40 00006.38 2926 3020 15
G96 24 22-Apr-1996 -5357.90 -5357.00 -0236.80 -0237.00 2650 1620 250
G96 25 23-Apr-1996 -5328.40 -5328.33 -0300.34 -0302.04 2332 2147 10
G96 26 23-Apr-1996 -5331.73 -5331.60 -0350.95 -0352.02 2860 2650 30
Table 6: Cruise G96. Samples description.
G96 01 Conrad F.Z. empty ; empty
G96 02   basalts 80%; gabbro dolerites 10%; gabbro 5%; Fe-Mn crusts 5% ;
G96 03 Conrad F.Z. empty ; empty
G96 04   peridotites 30%; gabbros 30%; calcarenites 30%; basalts 5%; glacial erratics 5% ;
G96 05 Conrad F.Z. one sample of basaltic breccia ;
G96 06 Conrad F.Z. (Axial valley) empty ; empty
G96 07 Conrad F.Z. (Axial valley) lost ; lost
G96 08 Shona Smt basalts 60%; sandstones 30%; glacial erratics 10% ;
G96 09   basalts 60%; glacial erratics 40% ;
G96 10 Area SW of Spiess complex olivine basalt 85%; fresh glasses 5%; vesicular lavas 10%, one big sample (50 kg) of olivine tholeite ;
G96 11 Spiess ridge pillow basalt with thin Fe-Mn crust, vesicular basalts, glassy crusts, Fe-hydroxide alteration ;
G96 12   fresh high vesicular basalt, flow lavas with Pahoe-hoe structures, big amount of fresh glass ;
G96 13 Spiess ridge pillow fragments and flow lavas with glassy crust, fresh glass, 1 mm max Fe-Mn coating ;
G96 14   big pillow fragments, basaltic breccia, lavas with thin glassy crust, lightly altered ;
G96 16 Spiess ridge pillow fragments basalts with thick Fe-Mn crust, high vesicular fresh basalts with thin Fe-Mn patina ;
G96 17 Area N of Bouvet F.Z. pillow fragments with fresh glass, tectonized basalts, different degrees of hydrotermal alteration, Fe-Mn patina, sulphides ;
G96 18   basalts and fresh glasses with thin Fe-Mn coating ;
G96 19 Area SW of Spiess complex basaltic breccia, including glass, with thick Fe-Mn crust, up to 2 cm, small basaltic samples ;
G96 20   pillow fragments with thick Fe-Mn crust, fresh vesicular basalts, interesting big vitrobasalt sample, sandstone in situ, erratics ;
G96 21 Area SW of Spiess complex fresh and different alteration rate basalts, thick Fe-Mn crust ;
G96 24 Mid Atlantic Ridge fresh pillow basalt sectors, with glassy crust, no erratics, no Fe-Mn crust, abundant fresh glasses ;
G96 25   1 pillow fragment, little basalts with glass, thin Fe-Mn patina ;
G96 26 Mid Atlantic Ridge One big very fresh lava burr, Cpx-Ol-Pl porphyric, with thick glassy crust and fragments of glassy crust ;
Table 7: Cruise G96. Subsamples description.
G96 02-00 sediments sand composed by clasts of Qtz, Opx, Ol, Pl, glass (?), Di, secondary minerals, bastite, basaltic clasts, globigerinoides
G96 02-01 basalt sample cm 2x4, rounded, Pl-Ol porphyric, pyrite alteration inside vesicles
G96 02-02 basalt sample cm 4, rounded, Pl-Ol porphyric 1 mm, microphenocrysts replaced by iddingsite
G96 02-03 basalt sample cm 3x4, rare olivine crystals, lightly altered
G96 02-04 aphyric basalt sample cm 2.5x3, fluidal texture
G96 02-05 aphyric basalt sample cm 1.5x1.5, rare olivine and plagioclase crystals, vesicular
G96 02-06 aphyric basalt sample cm 1x1.5, rare olivine and plagioclase crystals, vesicular
G96 02-07 aphyric basalt sample cm 1.5x2, rare olivine and plagioclase crystals, vesicular
G96 02-08 aphyric basalt sample cm 1.5x3, fresh
G96 02-09 aphyric basalt sample cm 1.5x2, fresh
G96 02-10 aphyric basalt sample cm 1.5x2, fluidal texture by deformation of vesicles
G96 02-11 basalt sample cm 3, Pl-Ol porphyric, Ol replaced by iddingsite
G96 02-12 basalt sample cm 3, Pl-Ol porphyric, fine vesicles
G96 02-13 aphyric basalt rare olivine crystals
G96 02-14 basalt sample cm 1.5x2, Pl porphyric, altered plagioclase
G96 02-15 dolerite sample cm 1.5x1.5, bastite
G96 02-16 microgabbro sample cm 1x2
G96 02-17 microgabbro sample cm 1x3
G96 02-18 microgabbro sample cm 2x2
G96 02-19 granitoid sample cm 2x2.5, erratic pebble
G96 02-20 metasomatite sample cm 2x1.5
G96 02-21 sandstone few fragments, clasts by Pl, Ol, Opx (0.1-5 mm), carbonatic cement
G96 02-22 Fe-Mn crust sample cm 1.5x3.5
G96 04-00 sediments sand composed by clasts of Qtz, Opx, Pl, glass, bastite, globigerinoides
G96 04-01 serpentinized peridotite sample cm 10x16 (two pieces), orthopyroxene 6 mm, altered bastite, thin veins of Fe hydroxide
G96 04-02 serpentinite sample cm 8x5, lightly smoothed, jagged shape relicts of othopyroxene, ondulate cleavage, bastite
G96 04-03 serpentinized peridotite sample cm 5x2, big crystals of bastite
G96 04-04 serpentinized peridotite sample cm 4x5, lightly smoothed, isorientation of pyroxene, clinopyroxene, relicts of orthopyroxene with ondulate cleavage, veins of white minerals
G96 04-05 serpentinite sample cm 7x5, smoothed, distorted orthopyroxene, bastite
G96 04-06 serpentinite sample cm 2x2
G96 04-07 serpentinite sample cm 5x5, lightly smoothed
G96 04-08 serpentinite sample cm 2x3, big crystals of bastite
G96 04-09 serpentinite sample cm 5x5, lightly smoothed, orthopyroxene, bastite
G96 04-10 serpentinite sample cm 3x3
G96 04-11 serpentinite sample cm 4x4, lightly smoothed
G96 04-12 serpentinite sample cm 2x2
G96 04-13 serpentinite sample cm 6x4, smoothed, relicts of orthopyroxene
G96 04-14 serpentinite sample cm 3x2
G96 04-15 serpentinite sample cm 5x4, lightly smoothed, isoriented veins
G96 04-16 serpentinite sample cm 3x2, bastite
G96 04-17 serpentinite sample cm 5x4, smoothed. orthopyroxene
G96 04-18 serpentinite sample cm 3x3
G96 04-19 serpentinite sample cm 7x5, rounded, Fe-hydroxide
G96 04-20 serpentinite sample cm 1x1
G96 04-21 serpentinized peridotite sample cm 3x2, lightly smoothed, orthopyroxene
G96 04-22 serpentinite sample cm 3.5x2, smoothed, orthopyroxene
G96 04-23 serpentinite sample cm 4x4, lightly smoothed
G96 04-24 serpentinite sample cm 2x4, lightly smoothed, Fe-hydroxide alteration, relicts of orthopyroxene
G96 04-25 serpentinite sample cm 5x3, lightly smoothed, relicts of orthopyroxene, Fe-hydroxide
G96 04-26 serpentinite sample cm 3x3
G96 04-27 serpentinite sample cm 3x3.5, lightly smoothed, relicts of orthopyroxene
G96 04-28 serpentinite sample cm 1x2
G96 04-29 serpentinite sample cm 2x2.5, lightly smoothed, relicts of orthopyroxene
G96 04-30 serpentinite sample cm 2.5x3, lightly smoothed
G96 04-31 serpentinite sample cm 1.5x3, smoothed, white vein
G96 04-32 serpentinite sample cm 2.5x4.5, lightly smoothed
G96 04-33 serpentinite sample cm 2.5x3, lightly smoothed, Fe-hydroxide
G96 04-34 serpentinite sample cm 1x3, lightly smoothed, white veins
G96 04-35 serpentinite sample cm 2x3.5
G96 04-36 serpentinite sample cm 1.5x3
G96 04-37 gabbro sample cm 10x30x50, orthopyroxene, clinopyoxene, large size of crystals
G96 04-38 gabbro sample cm 10x20x25, clinopyroxene, light Fe-Mn crust, large size of crystals
G96 04-39 gabbro sample cm 5x10x30, clinopyroxene, large size of crystals
G96 04-40 gabbro sample cm 7x7, lightly smoothed, altered, fractured
G96 04-41 gabbro sample cm 8x4, smoothed, altered, medium size of crystals, clinopyroxene
G96 04-42 gabbro sample cm 4x4, smoothed, altered, medium size of crystals
G96 04-43 gabbro sample cm 4x3, lightly rounded, jagged shape Pl, Px with red alteration
G96 04-44 gabbro sample cm 3x6, medium size of crystals, altered
G96 04-45 gabbro sample cm 3x3, medium size of crystals, foliated, (milonite ?)
G96 04-46 gabbro sample cm 3.5x4, rounded, foliated, complete alteration of pyroxene
G96 04-47 gabbro sample cm 5x6.5, smoothed, Fe-hydroxide alteration
G96 04-48 gabbro sample cm 2.5x4, smoothed, altered, fractured
G96 04-49 aphyric basalt sample cm 3x3, microphenocrysts of Ol and Pl, fresh, lightly vesicular, empty vesicles
G96 04-50 aphyric basalt sample cm 2x2, microphenocrysts of Ol
G96 04-51 aphyric basalt sample cm 1.5x3.5, lightly altered, vesicular, Fe-hydroxide
G96 04-52 aphyric basalt sample cm 2.5x3, vesicular, fresh, Fe-hydroxide inside the vesicles
G96 04-53 basalt sample cm 2x2.5, millimetric phenocrysts, Cpx, fluidal texture by Pl microliths
G96 04-54 basalt sample cm 2x4, altered, Fe-hydroxide, smectites
G96 04-55 microphyric basalt sample cm 2x3, microliths of Pl, Cpx, smectites
G96 04-56 aphyric basalt sample cm 1x3.5, alteration veins, microliths of Pl, Cpx
G96 04-57 metasomatic serpentinite sample cm 3.5x4, veins of serpentine, white veins (brucite?)
G96 04-58 metasomatic serpentinite sample cm 3x4, relicts of primary serpentine
G96 04-59 metasomatic serpentinite sample cm 2.5x4
G96 04-60 metasomatic serpentinite sample cm 2.5x4.5
G96 04-61 breccia sample cm 15x30, carbonatic cement 3-5%, clasts from pale green in the center to pale brown-brown on outern rim, clasts rounded, with fine concentric or flat layering, soft mineral unreactive to HCl (smectite?)
G96 04-62 breccia like description of sample G9604-61
G96 04-63 breccia like description of sample G9604-61
G96 04-64 breccia like description of sample G9604-61
G96 04-65 milonite erratic pebble, sample cm 3x5, foliated
G96 04-66 milonite erratic pebble, sample cm 4x6, fine texture
G96 04-67 sandstone erratic pebble, sample cm 4x4, dark coloured
G96 04-68 sandstone erratic pebble, sample cm 2.5x3, fossil of trilobite, clast of limestone
G96 04-69 sandstone erratic pebble, sample cm 3x5.5
G96 04-70 sandstone erratic pebble, sample cm 3x5
G96 04-71 sandstone erratic pebble, sample cm 3x4
G96 04-72 dolerite erratic pebble, sample cm 2.5x6, Fe-ore
G96 04-73 greenschist erratic pebble, sample cm 2.5x3.5, chlorite
G96 04-74 sandstone erratic pebble, sample cm 2x2
G96 04-75 fine breccia erratic pebble, sample cm 2x2.5
G96 04-76 volcanic bomb erratic pebble, sample cm 5x6, vesicular
G96 04-77 volcanic bomb erratic pebble, sample cm 3x4, vesicular with clay minerals
G96 04-78 gneiss erratic pebble, sample cm 4.5x6
G96 04-79 gneiss erratic pebble, sample cm 3x5
G96 04-80 granitoid erratic pebble, sample cm 3x4
G96 04-81 gneiss erratic pebble, sample cm 2.5x3
G96 04-82 granitoid erratic pebble, sample cm 3.5x4
G96 04-83 granitoid erratic pebble, sample cm 2.5x4
G96 04-84 gneiss erratic pebble, sample cm 3x6, fine texture
G96 04-85 granitoid erratic pebble, sample cm 2.5x5
G96 04-86 granitoid erratic pebble, sample cm 1.5x2.5
G96 04-87 granitoid erratic pebble, sample cm 2x3
G96 04-88 breccia fragments 4-15 cm, like description of sample G9604-61
G96 04-89 volcanic bomb erratic pebble, sample cm 6x12, vesicular
G96 05-01 breccia sample cm 4x8, cement by fine sandstone no carbonatic, basaltic or andesitic rounded clasts 1-3 cm
G96 08-00 sediments sand
G96 08-01 aphyric basalt sample cm 3x5, rounded, thin isoriented Pl microliths
G96 08-02 limestone sample cm 3x3, rounded
G96 08-03 basalt sample cm 3x4x1, Cpx-Pl-Ol porphyric; Ol $<$1%, size 1 mm, Pl 1%, size 1mm, Cpx 3-4%, size 1-4 mm
G96 08-04 basalt, dolerite sample cm 5x3x1, high crystallized basalt
G96 08-05 aphiryc basalt sample cm 2x2x3, rare Pl-Ol, Fe-hydroxide bands
G96 08-06 basalt sample cm 3x3x1, well crystallized basalt, Pl glomeroporphyric, (Ol ?), fine disperse Ti-magnetite
G96 08-07 basalt sample cm 4x2x1, lightly smoothed, rare Ol porphyric
G96 08-08 siltstone no acid reactive
G96 08-09 aphyric basalt sample cm 2x1x1, Fe-hydroxide
G96 08-10 basalt sample cm 1.5x2x1, altered, carbonatic veins, pyrite, phenocrysts of Pl
G96 08-11 basalt microphenocrysts Pl-Ol (3%)
G96 08-12 aphyric basalt sample cm 5x1x1.5, vesicles 15-20%, 0.5-1 mm, little amount of clay minerals on the walls of vesicles
G96 08-13 aphyric basalt sample cm 2x1x1, wide stretched vesicles 3x8 mm, 20-25%, fluidal texture
G96 08-14 aphyric basalt sample cm 3x1.5x1, vesicles 30-40%, 1-4 mm, one vesicle filled by sandstone
G96 08-15 aphyric basalt sample cm 5x1.5x1.5, vesicles 0.2-0.5 mm, 25-30%
G96 08-16 aphyric basalt sample cm 5x2x2, rare Pl porphyric, magnetite in groundmass, little round vesicles 0.2-1 mm and large amoeboidal vesicles 3-8 mm, 25-30%, on the walls thin diopside patina plus magnetite
G96 08-17 vesicular glass microphenocrysts of Pl, concentric palagonitizzation
G96 08-18 basalt sample cm 4x2x1.5, Pl-Ol porphyric, Cpx
G96 08-19 basalt sample cm 2x2x2, Pl-Ol-Cpx porphyric, Cpx 0.5-2 mm, 1-2%; Pl up to 10 mm, 25%, Pl include Ol; Ol 1-4 mm, 4-5%, one Ol crystal include spinel; vesicular 0.5-5 mm, 25%
G96 08-20 aphyric basalt sample cm 4x2.5x1, Pl-(Cpx) macrophenocrysts, vesicles 3-4 mm
G96 08-21 aphyric basalt sample cm 2x1x1, microvesicles 0.1-0.2 mm, fluidal texture by stretching of vesicles, microphenocrysts of Pl
G96 08-22 basalt sample cm 3.5x3x2, rare vesicles with heterogeneous distribution
G96 08-23 basalt sample cm 1x2x3, Pl-Ol-Cpx microphenocrysts, fluidal texture, small vesicles
G96 08-24 basalt sample cm 1.5, Pl-Ol porphyric, Pl 1-3 mm, 1-2%; Ol 4 mm, 1-2%, vesicles 3 mm, 5%
G96 08-25 basalt sample cm 1.5, Pl phenocrysts; vesicles 1-8 mm, 25%, Fe-hydroxide alteration
G96 08-26 basalt sample cm 1x2x2.5, Pl-(Cpx) porphyric, Pl 1-2 mm, vesicles 1-4 mm
G96 08-27 basalt sample cm 1.5x1.5, Pl-Ol porphyric, Pl 1-2 mm, vesicles 80%
G96 08-28 basalt sample cm 1.5x1.5, rare Cpx microphenocrysts 1 mm, fine vesicles 20%,
G96 08-29 basalt sample cm 1.5x1.5, Pl-Ol-Cpx porphyric, Pl 1-4 mm; vesicles 1-5 mm, 50%
G96 08-30 basalt sample cm 2.5x1.5x1, Pl-Ol-Cpx porphyric; vesicles 1-3 mm, 80%
G96 08-31 basalt sample cm 2x5, Pl porphyric, Pl 1-3 mm, vesicles 1-3 mm, 70%
G96 08-32 basalt sample cm 1.5x2.5, Pl-Ol-Cpx porphyric; vesicles 1-2 mm, 50%, pelagic sediment inside vesicles
G96 08-33 basalt sample cm 2x2x1, Pl porphyric, deep heterogeneous alteration, red colour, magnetite, small vesicles
G96 08-34 aphyric basalt sample cm 2x2x0.5, altered, high vesicular, Fe-Mn patina
G96 08-35 aphyric basalt altered, high vesicular, Fe-Mn patina
G96 08-36 aphyric basalt sample cm 3x2.5x2, vesicles 0.2-3 mm, 60-70%, thin walls sometimes covered by Fe-hydroxide
G96 08-37 aphyric basalt vesicles 0.2-3 mm, 60-70%, thin walls sometimes covered by Fe-hydroxide
G96 08-38 aphyric basalt sample cm 5x3x2, vesicles 0.2-3 mm, 60-70%, thin walls sometimes covered by Fe-hydroxide
G96 08-39 aphyric basalt vesicles 0.2-3 mm, 60-70%, thin walls sometimes covered by Fe-hydroxide
G96 08-40 basalt sample cm 3x2x1, rounded, Cpx porphyric, diffuse small vesicles and rare big stretched vesicles 1-3 mm
G96 08-41 aphyric basalt sample cm 3x3x1, vesicular with rare Cpx phenocrysts
G96 08-42 aphyric basalt sample cm 3x1.5x1.5, rare Pl phenocrysts, fine diffuse vesicles, 60-70%, rare big vesicles up to 3 mm
G96 08-43 aphyric basalt sample cm 3x3x1.5, heterogeneous diffuse vesicles, rare Pl phenocrysts, fine basaltic hair like needles
G96 08-44 aphyric basalt sample cm 3x1.5, heterogenous vesicles size, fluidal texture, xenoliths 2 mm
G96 08-45 metabasalt sample cm 3x3x2, Pl phenocryst and microliths, chlorite, zeolite
G96 08-46 basalt sample cm 3x2x1, fresh basalt
G96 08-47 basalt sample cm 1x1x2, Pl-Ol porphyric, fresh Ol
G96 08-48 aphyric basalt sample cm 1x0.5x2, fresh basalt
G96 08-49 aphyric basalt sample cm 2x1x0.5, rare Pl phenocrysts, skeletal Ol cryst replaced by iddingsite
G96 08-50 basalt sample cm 3x2x1, Pl-Cpx-(Ol) porphyric basalt, strongly altered, clay minerals in groundmass
G96 08-51 basalt sample cm 3x2x1, strongly altered basalt, Pl porphyric
G96 08-52 metabasalt greenschist facies, Pl porphyric
G96 08-53 dolerite sample cm 3x3x1, aphyric, pyrite
G96 08-54 dolerite sample cm 3x3x1, rare Pl phenocrysts, Qtz vein, foliation
G96 08-55 basalt sample cm 2x1x1, Pl-Ol-Cpx porphyric
G96 08-56 metasomatite sample cm 3x3, chloritic groundmass, Qtz (xenocryst?), altered Pl, Fe hydroxide, xenolite with doleritic structure, amphibole (?)
G96 08-57 rhyolite sample cm 0.5x4x3, effusive acid rock, Qtz
G96 08-58 acid effusive Qtz, Pl, (Cpx), glass groundmass
G96 08-59 acid effusive Qtz, glass groundmass
G96 08-60 acid effusive feldspar crystal 8 mm, on glass rhyolitic groundmass
G96 08-61 acid effusive sample cm 1x1x1, Qtz, glass groundmass
G96 08-62 breccia Fe-Mn crust cement, silt of clay minerals, grains with bimodal size, big rounded grains and little interstitial no rounded grains, clasts of vesicular basalt, acid effusive rocks, and their separated minerals
G96 08-63 breccia like description of sample G9608-62
G96 08-64 breccia like description of sample G9608-62
G96 08-65 breccia like description of sample G9608-62
G96 08-66 breccia like description of sample G9608-62
G96 08-67 breccia like description of sample G9608-62
G96 08-68 breccia like description of sample G9608-62
G96 08-69 breccia like description of sample G9608-62
G96 08-70 breccia glass clasts strongly palagonitizated, cemented by Fe-Mn crust
G96 08-71 breccia like description of sample G9608-70
G96 08-72 breccia like description of sample G9608-70
G96 08-73 breccia like description of sample G9608-70
G96 08-74 breccia like description of sample G9608-70
G96 08-75 sandstone sample cm 8x6x3, erratic pebble, Qtz, feldspars, micas, rock clasts, strongly cemented
G96 08-76 sandstone sample cm 4x2x1, erratic pebble, Qtz, feldspars, micas, rock clasts, strongly cemented
G96 08-77 sandstone sample cm 4x2, erratic pebble, Qtz, feldspars, micas, rock clasts, strongly cemented, with layers at high concentration of Fe-hydroxides
G96 08-78 sandstone sample cm 6x4x3, erratic pebble, Qtz vein
G96 08-79 sandstone sample cm 6x3x2, erratic pebble
G96 08-80 sandstone sample cm3x2x1, erratic pebble, leucocratic Qtz dominant coarse grained sandstone
G96 08-81 siltstone sample cm 3x2x1, erratic pebble, layered with sandstone levels (1-5 mm), carbonatic cement
G96 08-82 siltstone erratic pebble, layered with sandstone levels (1-5 mm), carbonatic cement
G96 08-83 siltstone erratic pebble, layered with sandstone levels (1-5 mm), carbonatic cement
G96 08-84 limestone erratic pebble, stylolite
G96 08-85 quartzite sample cm 7x5x3, erratic pebble
G96 08-86 sandstone sample cm 5x4x1, erratic pebble, Qtz, feldspars, micas, rock clasts, strongly cemented
G96 08-87 schist sample cm 2.5x1,5x0,5, erratic pebble, wavy schistosity, Qtz-Amph-Chl
G96 08-88 schist sample cm 3.5x2.5x0.5, erratic pebble, wavy schistosity, Qtz-Amph-Chl
G96 08-89 metamorphite sample cm 4x1x0.5, erratic pebble, Qtz, feldspars, boudinage of Qtz aggregates, strong deformation
G96 08-90 granitoid sample cm 4x2x0.5, fine texture, erratic pebble
G96 08-91 anorthosite erratic pebble, ore minerals
G96 08-92 gneiss erratic pebble
G96 08-93 granitoid erratic pebble
G96 08-94 granitoid erratic pebble
G96 08-95 granitoid erratic pebble
G96 08-96 Ms-metamorphite erratic pebble
G96 08-97 gneiss erratic pebble
G96 08-98 granitoid erratic pebble
G96 08-99 granitoid erratic pebble
G96 08-n100 granitoid erratic pebble
G96 08-n101 granitoid erratic pebble
G96 08-n102 granitoid erratic pebble
G96 08-n103 glass glass description will be performed more completely on separated database
G96 08-n104 glass glass description will be performed more completely on separated database
G96 08-n105 glass glass description will be performed more completely on separated database
G96 08-n106 glass glass description will be performed more completely on separated database
G96 09-00 sediments sand
G96 09-01 breccia sample cm 30x15x15, clasts made by micropillows, basaltic clasts and hyaloclastite, cemented by Fe-Mn crust, pillows 10-15 cm with quench fractures and chilled margins
G96 09-01a basalt sample cm 10x6x5, Fe-Mn crust
G96 09-01b hyaloclastic breccia covered by Fe-Mn crust, fresh glass clasts (2-10 mm), cemented by palagonitized glass and phillipsite
G96 09-01c pillow basalt like description of sample G9609-01
G96 09-01d pillow basalt like description of sample G9609-01
G96 09-02 pillow basalt sample cm 10x15, chilled margin, glass, quench fractures with phillipsite, Pl porphyric, vesicles (0.1-1 mm), 5-10%
G96 09-03 aphyric basalt rare Pl porphyric, vesicles 0.1-1 mm
G96 09-04 aphyric basalt sample cm 4x2,5x1.5, lightly rounded, Ol microphenocrysts, vesicles 0.1 mm
G96 09-05 aphyric basalt sample cm 5x6x3, smoothed, Pl microphenocrysts
G96 09-06 aphyric basalt sample cm 1.5x1.5, lightly smoothed, rare Pl-Ol phenocrysts
G96 09-07 aphyric basalt sample cm 1.5x1.5x1.5, Pl phenocrysts
G96 09-08 dolerite sample cm 3x3x0.5, foliated
G96 09-09 micropillow basalt sample cm 1.5x1.5, Fe-Mn crust, palagonitized glass, variolitic texture, fresh relict of basalt with Pl phenocrysts and Fe-hydroxide, vesicles 1-2%
G96 09-10 basalt Pl-porphyric, Pl size 0.1-1 mm, 1-2 %; Ol microphenocrysts, vesicular
G96 09-11 basalt sample cm 6x6x3, Ol-Cpx-Pl phenocrysts, Pl 1-2%, Ol-iddingsite 3%, Cpx 2-3%, vesicles (0.5-1 mm), 50%
G96 09-12 basalt sample cm 5x5x2, vesicles (0.2-2 mm), 15-20%; Pl porphyric, light alteration patina, vesicular 15-20%, Fe-hydroxide on the vesicle walls
G96 09-13 basalt sample cm 5x4x2, rare Cpx-Pl porphyric, Ol-phenocrysts surronded by Pl
G96 09-14 basalt sample cm 3.5x3x2, smoothed, heterogeneous vesicles size, Pl rounded phenocrysts 8-10%, Ol 2%
G96 09-15 basalt sample cm 3x3, rounded, rare large vesicles 2x5 mm, stretched, Pl-(Cpx) porphyric
G96 09-16 basalt sample cm 1.5x1.5x1, smoothed, vesicles (0.5-3 mm), 10%; diffuse Fe-hydroxide alteration, Ol-Pl microphenocrysts
G96 09-17 basalt sample cm 2x1.5x1, smoothed, low vesicular Pl-Cpx porphyric basalt
G96 09-18 basalt sample cm 4x2x1.5, vesicles (0.5-2 mm), 50%; Pl-Ol phenocrysts
G96 09-19 basalt sample cm 3x2x1.5, small diffuse vesicles (0.5-2 mm), 50%; Pl-Ol-Cpx phenocrysts
G96 09-20 basalt sample cm 3x2x2, altered, smoothed, vesicles (0.5-2 mm), 50%; Ol-(Pl) phenocrysts
G96 09-21 basalt sample cm 2x1.5x1.5, altered, smoothed, small vesicles, 50%; Ol-(Pl) phenocrysts
G96 09-22 basalt sample cm 3x2x1.5, altered, smoothed, vesicles (0.5-2 mm), 50%; Ol-(Pl) phenocrysts
G96 09-23 basalt sample cm 2.5x2.5x1, rounded empty vesicles 70%, rare Pl phenocrysts
G96 09-24 basalt sample cm 4x2x1.5, smoothed, large stretched vesicles size 4x1 mm; patina of pelagic sediments that sometimes fill up the vesicles
G96 09-25 metagabbro sample cm 6x4x3, smoothed, Pl phenoblasts in Chl-Amph groundmass, little pyritic masses, Pl up to 7 mm, 50-60%
G96 09-26 metagabbro sample cm 2.5x2x1.5, lightly rounded, size of grains 3-4 mm, Pl 50%, Amph-Chl 50%, Ti-magnetite masses
G96 09-27 alterated gabbro sample cm 1.5x1.5x1.5, lightly smoothed
G96 09-28 gabbro-dolerite sample cm 6x3x0.5, lightly smoothed, altered
G96 09-29 sandstone sample cm 7x7x4, erratic pebble, carbonatic clasts, fine sand, calcitic veins, abundant Qtz clasts, strongly cemented
G96 09-30 sandstone sample cm 6x4x2.5, erratic pebble, rounded, carbonatic clasts, fine sand, calcitic veins, abundant Qtz clasts, strongly cemented, fine grained dark masses poorly cemented
G96 09-31 sandstone sample cm 3.5x2x1.5, erratic pebble
G96 09-32 sandstone sample cm 3.5x2x1.5, erratic pebble, size of grains like fine sand, abundant calcitic clasts, Qtz
G96 09-33 sandstone sample cm 2x2x1.5, erratic pebble, rounded, Qtz clasts, carbonatic cement
G96 09-34 sandstone sample cm 9x5x2, rounded, erratic pebble
G96 09-35 siltstone sample cm 5x3x2, smoothed, erratic pebble
G96 09-36 siltstone sample cm 3x3x2, lightly smoothed, erratic pebble
G96 09-37 siltstone sample cm 3x3x1.5, rounded, erratic pebble
G96 09-38 siltstone sample cm 3.5x1.5x1.5, lightly smoothed, erratic pebble
G96 09-39 granitoid sample cm 4x3x1.5, erratic pebble
G96 09-40 granitoid sample cm 1.5x1.5x1.5, smoothed, erratic pebble
G96 09-41 garnet metamorphite sample cm 9x9x4, rounded from one side, erratic pebble
G96 09-42 granitoid sample cm 5x4x2, smoothed, erratic pebble
G96 09-43 quartzite sample cm 10x10x6, rounded, erratic pebble
G96 09-44 quartzite sample cm 6x4x2, lightly rounded, erratic pebble
G96 09-45 erratic pebble sample cm 12x9x5, rounded pebble with parallel ice marks
G96 09-46 Qtz-Ms schist sample cm 22x30x9, sericitic metamorphite, erratic pebble
G96 10-01 aphyric basalt sample cm 70x60x50, fresh, Pl microphenocrysts, lightly vesicular
G96 10-02 aphyric basalt sample cm 25x10x6, fresh, Pl microphenocrysts, lightly vesicular
G96 10-03 aphyric basalt sample cm 3x5x6, fresh, lightly vesicular, 1-2%, size of vesicles 0.5 mm
G96 10-04 aphyric basalt sample cm 4x5x7, lightly vesicular, 2-5%, glauconite on the walls of vesicles, xenolite
G96 10-05 aphyric basalt sample cm 3x4x5, fresh, Pl microphenocrysts, vesicular 5%
G96 10-06 basalt sample cm 3x4x5, fresh, Pl porphyric, variolitic texture, few small vesicles
G96 10-07 basalt sample cm 3x4x4, fresh, Pl porphyric, Ol microphenocrysts, variolitic texture, small vesicles, 5-8%
G96 10-08 basalt sample cm 3x4x4, fresh, Cpx-Ol-Pl porphyric, titanomagnetite, few round vesicles (1-3 mm)
G96 10-09 basalt sample cm 3x3x2, fresh, Ol-Pl porphyric, round vesicles (0.1-3 mm)
G96 10-10 aphyric basalt sample cm 4x4x5, altered, Pl microphenocrysts and Fe-hydroxide in groundmass, amoeboidal vesicles, glassy crust
G96 10-11 aphyric basalt sample cm 3x3x4, strongly altered, Pl microphenocrysts and Fe-hydroxide in groundmass, amoeboidal vesicles, glassy crust
G96 10-12 aphyric basalt sample cm 10x6x6, fresh, Pl microphenocrysts in groundmass, little vesicles (0.1-0.5 mm)
G96 10-13 aphyric basalt sample cm 15x7x5, altered, Pl microphenocrysts, Fe-hydroxide, few vesicles
G96 10-14 basalt sample cm15x10x6, altered, well crystallized
G96 10-15 basalt sample cm 9x4x3, fresh, Pl-Ol porphyric, Pl microphenocrysts in groundmass, variolitic texture, little vesicles
G96 10-16 basalt sample cm 15x7x10, altered, Ol porphyric, Cpx, Pl microphenocrysts, variolitic texture, vesicular
G96 10-17 basalt sample cm 12x7x7, fresh, Ol-Pl porphyric, small vesicles, variolitic heterogeneous structure separate by aphyric zones
G96 10-18 basalt sample cm 12x6x10, fresh, Pl-Ol porphyric, Pl size up to 5 mm, acicular Pl microphenocrysts in groundmass
G96 10-19 basalt sample cm 15x7x8, fresh, Ol porphyric, Ol grains up to 4 mm, small vesicles
G96 10-20 basalt sample cm 10x5x7, lightly altered, Ol porphyric, Ol grains up to 5 mm
G96 10-21 basalt sample cm 17x6x7, fresh, Pl-Ol-Cpx porphyric
G96 10-22 basalt sample cm 11x7x6, altered, Ol porphyric, diffuse Fe-hydroxide alteration
G96 10-23 basalt sample cm 6x4x5, lightly altered, Pl-Ol porphyric, variolitic texture, Fe-hydroxide alteration, small vesicles
G96 10-24 basalt sample cm 6x4x5, altered, Ol-Pl porphyric, variolitic texture, Fe-hydroxide alteration, small vesicles, 10%
G96 10-25 basalt sample cm 10x7x7, altered, pillow fragment with glassy crust, Ol porphyric, Fe-hydroxide
G96 10-26 basalt sample cm 8x6x5, lightly altered, Pl-Ol porphyric
G96 10-27 basalt sample cm 3x3x4, altered, Ol-Pl porphyric, diffuse Fe-hydroxide alteration, variolitic texture, lightly vesicular
G96 10-28 basalt sample cm 4x4x1.5, altered, Ol-Pl porphyric, diffuse Fe-hydroxide alteration, variolitic texture, lightly vesicular
G96 10-29 basalt sample cm 5x4x2.5, strongly altered, dark altered Pl, diffuse Fe-hydroxide alteration, big rounded vesicles filled by zeolites
G96 10-30 basalt sample cm 10x7x7, deeply altered, variolitic texture, lightly vesicular, rounded vesicles (0.5-2 mm) filled by zeolites pink coloured
G96 10-31 basalt sample cm 12x7x4, altered, Ol porphyric, Ti-magnetite, Fe-hydroxide, heterogeneous distribution of vesicles 20%, vesicles size 1-5 mm
G96 10-32 basalt sample cm 12x7x5, altered, vesicles (4-8 mm), 20%, filled up by zeolites, Fe-hydroxide in groundmass
G96 10-33 basalt sample cm 7x4x5, altered, vesicles (4-8 mm), 20%, filled up by zeolites, Fe-hydroxide in groundmass
G96 10-34 basalt sample cm 7x4x4, altered, vesicles (4-8 mm), 20%, filled up by zeolites, Fe-hydroxide in groundmass
G96 10-35 basalt sample cm 6x4x3, altered, Pl microliths and Fe-hydroxide in groundmass, large vesicles filled by zeolites
G96 10-36 basalt sample cm 6x5x3, deeply altered, Pl porphyric, Fe-hydroxide in groundmass, little vesicular, glassy crust
G96 10-37 glasses glass description will be performed more completely on separated database
G96 10-38 glasses glass description will be performed more completely on separated database
G96 11-01 aphyric basalt sample cm 70x40x30, fresh pillow sector, heterogeneous distribution of vesicles, 15-20%, massive non vesicular core, glassy crust, Fe-Mn patina on the surface
G96 11-02 aphyric basalt sample cm 40x30x20, partly altered with Fe-hydroxide, Fe-Mn patina on the surface, rare Ol phenocrysts, heterogeneous distribution of vesicles (2-3 mm)
G96 11-03 basalt sample cm 45x15x15, partly altered by Fe-hydroxide, Ol-Pl porphyric, variolitic texture, vesicles (0.1-3 mm), rare glass fragments
G96 11-04 aphyric basalt sample cm 60x30x10, fresh, vesicles (0.1-5 mm) sometimes with Fe-hydroxide on the walls
G96 12-01 aphyric basalt sample cm 16x10x10, fresh, flow lava fragment with glassy crust, vesicular 20%, bimodal size of vesicles, small rounded 1-4 mm, big stretched vesicles 0.5x5 cm that show fluidal texture, subparallel to the surface, hematitic alteration on vesicles walls
G96 12-02 aphyric basalt sample cm 12x11x7, like G9612-01 plus big amoeboidal vesicles, contraction cracks
G96 12-03 aphyric basalt sample cm14x10x10, like G9612-02
G96 12-04 aphyric basalt sample cm 16x8x7, like G9612-02, red concretions probably due to fumarolic activity
G96 12-05 aphyric basalt sample cm 14x10x8, Pl microliths, deeper portion of the flow lava, less vesicular than G9612-01/04, small undeformed vesicles 1-5 mm
G96 12-06 aphyric basalt sample cm 18x10x10, like G9612-01
G96 12-07 aphyric basalt sample cm 14x7x5, like G9612-01 plus very elongated vesicles with strong fluidal texture
G96 12-08 aphyric basalt sample cm 8x7x5, like G9612-01 plus Pahoe-hoe structures on lava's surface, microcorrugated surface, fresh glassy crust
G96 12-09 aphyric basalt sample cm 7x7x6, like G9612-08 plus very big vesicles subparallel to lava's surface, up to 6-8 cm
G96 12-10 aphyric basalt sample cm 7x7x5, like G9612-09
G96 12-11 aphyric basalt sample cm 7x6x5, like G9612-09
G96 12-12 aphyric basalt sample cm 6x5x4, like G9612-09
G96 12-13 aphyric basalt sample cm 7x6x4, like G9612-09
G96 12-14 aphyric basalt sample cm 7x7x2. like G9612-09
G96 12-15 aphyric basalt sample cm 8x7x2, like G9612-09
G96 12-16 aphyric basalt sample cm 8x4x3, like G9612-09, few fragments
G96 12-17 aphyric basalt few fragments, medium size: 4 cm, like G9612-09
G96 12-18 aphyric basalt sample cm 6x4x3, vesicular 30%
G96 12-19 basalt sample cm 6x6x5, Pl-Ol-Cpx porphyric, rounded vesicles 15-20%
G96 12-20 aphyric basalt fragment of volcanic bomba, high vesicular with bimodal size, fine diffuse vesicles 0.5-2 mm, rare big vesicles 1-3 cm
G96 12-21 aphyric basalt like G9612-20
G96 12-22 aphyric basalt like G9612-20
G96 12-23 aphyric basalt like G9612-20
G96 12-24 aphyric basalt like G9612-20
G96 12-25 aphyric basalt like 12-01 with superficial alteration by Fe-hydroxide
G96 12-26 aphyric basalt like G9612-25
G96 12-27 breccia basaltic clasts, 2-10 mm, cemented by Fe- hydroxide
G96 12-28 breccia like G9612-27
G96 12-29 metasomatite sample cm 6x3x2, highly vesicular altered basalt, groundmass replaced by white soft mineral, vesicles filled probably with the same mineral but we can see clay minerals near walls, no HCl reaction
G96 12-30 breccia sample cm 6x5x5, completely altered basalt clasts, fresh basalt clasts with vesicles filled up by secondary minerals, clasts size 5-15 mm
G96 12-31 breccia like G9612-30, but basalt clasts are more fresh and more wide size distribution, vesicles partially filled
G96 12-32 breccia like G9612-31, but with smaller clasts
G96 12-33 breccia like G9612-31 but more altered clasts, one fresh clast, small pyrite grains
G96 12-34 breccia like G9612-30 plus chlorite alteration of basaltic clasts, pyrite grain 0.3 mm, high cement rate
G96 12-35 metasomatite altered basalt
G96 13-00 sediment sand
G96 13-01 aphyric basalt sample cm 20x30x15, fresh, fragment of lava with complex flow texture, glassy crust is present on surface and on internal structures, Pl microphenocrysts, rare Pl phenocrysts sometimes intergrowt with Ol, lightly heterogeneous vesicular 1-2%
G96 13-02 aphyric basalt round sample cm 17 diameter, like G9613-01 more developed glassy portion
G96 13-03 aphyric basalt sample cm 20x10x10, pillow fragment, lightly diffuse vesicular, high vesicular layer under glassy crust, big cavity with Fe-hydroxide deposits
G96 13-04 aphyric basalt sample cm 25x20x15, fresh, like G9613-03
G96 13-05 aphyric basalt sample cm 20x16x15, like G9613-03, plus rare Pl phenocrysts
G96 13-06 aphyric basalt sample cm 15x15x10, like G9613-03
G96 13-07 aphyric basalt sample cm 15x10x10, like G9613-03, with complex fluidal structures like cord lavas
G96 13-08 aphyric basalt sample cm 15x15x10, like G9613-03
G96 13-09 aphyric basalt sample cm 13x6x6, like G9613-03
G96 13-10 aphyric basalt sample cm 5x4x4, like G9613-03 with rare Pl phenocrysts, microcorrugated surface
G96 13-11 aphyric basalt sample cm 11x8x5, like G9613-01, with rare Pl phenocrysts
G96 13-12 aphyric basalt sample cm 10x9x6, like G9613-01, with rare Pl phenocrysts, Fe-hydroxide
G96 13-13 aphyric basalt sample cm 8x8x6, like G9613-01, with rare Pl phenocrysts
G96 13-14 aphyric basalt sample cm 7x7x5, like G9613-01, with rare Pl phenocrysts
G96 13-15 aphyric basalt sample cm 9x8x5, like G9613-01
G96 13-16 aphyric basalt sample cm 8x6x4, like G9613-15
G96 13-17 basalt sample cm 6x5x2, Cpx-Pl porphyric, Fe-hydroxide, high vesicular
G96 14-00 sediment sand
G96 14-01 aphyric basalt sample cm 15x10x10, fresh, vesicles 20%, 5 mm
G96 14-02 aphyric basalt sample cm 10x7x5, like G9614-01
G96 14-03 aphyric basalt sample cm 10x5x5, pillow fragment, vesicles (1-3 mm) 15%, partially filled by clay minerals, vesicular rate increase coreward
G96 14-04 aphyric basalt sample cm 10x5x5, pillow fragment, empty vesicles (1-3 mm), 10%
G96 14-05 aphyric basalt sample cm 6x5x4, pillow fragment, empty vesicles (1-3 mm), 15-20%
G96 14-06 aphyric basalt sample cm 6x4x3, like G9614-04
G96 14-07 aphyric basalt sample cm 12x10x5, like G9614-04, with vescicles up to 7 mm
G96 14-08 aphyric basalt sample cm 12x10x5, pillow fragment, small empty vesicles, up to 2 mm, 10%
G96 14-09 aphyric basalt sample cm 7x5x4, like G9614-08
G96 14-10 aphyric basalt sample cm 8x8x5, like G9614-08
G96 14-11 aphyric basalt sample cm 13x12x6, like G9614-08
G96 14-12 aphyric basalt sample cm 7x5x5, like G9614-08
G96 14-13 aphyric basalt sample cm 14x10x5, like G9614-08 with rare Pl phenocrysts, fluidal texture shown by elongation of vesicles, these are partially filled by clay minerals
G96 14-14 aphyric basalt sample cm 7x5x5, fresh, pillow fragment, vesicles (1 mm) 10%, glass and basaltic clasts cemented by Fe-Mn crust on extern surface
G96 14-15 aphyric basalt sample cm 11x5x6, rounded, like G9614-14
G96 14-16 aphyric basalt sample cm 10x10x4, rounded, like G9614-14
G96 14-17 aphyric basalt sample cm 10x10x5, microvesicular, up to 0,5 mm
G96 14-18 basalt sample cm 15x15x10, Pl porphyric, phenocryst (2-5 mm) 3%, round empty vesicles (1-3 mm) 20-35%
G96 14-19 basalt sample cm 30x20x20, like G9614-18, probable Ol
G96 14-20 aphyric basalt sample cm 15x15x10, well crystallized, vesicular 5-10%, vesicles with different size and shape, small round ones 1-5 mm, big amoeboid ones, alteration minerals on vesicles walls
G96 14-21 dolerite sample cm 15x15x15, fresh core surrounded by large alteration band with Fe-hydroxide, (6-7 cm)
G96 14-22 basalt sample cm 15x13x8, like G9614-08, Ol-(Cpx) porphyric, sometimes Ol is altered, vesicles (0.1-3 mm) 10%
G96 14-23 tufo? sample cm 15x13x7, clasts of variolitic basalt, glass, zeolites
G96 14-24 basalt sample cm 33x29x23, altered, Pl porphyric, large diffuse Fe-hydroxide replacement, vesicles (8%) filled by phillipsite, clasts of basalt and glass cemented upon surface
G96 14-25 aphyric basalt sample cm 12x15x5, altered, big vesicles with fibrous zeolites
G96 14-26 aphyric basalt sample cm 10x9x5, altered, high vesicular with big vesicles up to 2 cm, rare glass
G96 14-27 aphyric basalt sample cm 7x5x3, like G9614-26
G96 14-28 glasses glass description will be performed more completely on separated database
G96 14-29 aphyric basalt sample cm 5x4x4, erratic basalt, rounded, 30-40% vesicular with bimodal size of vesicles, small ones 0.1-0.5 mm, big ones 1-5 mm, Fe-hydroxide patina on walls of vesicles
G96 14-30 aphyric basalt sample cm 5x5x4, like G9614-29, but 50-60% vesicular
G96 14-31 aphyric basalt sample cm 4x3x2, like G9614-29
G96 14-32 basaltic pomice sample cm 6x5x4, rounded, 80% vesicular
G96 14-33 breccia sample cm 6x4x3, lightly cemented, sharp jagged clasts of very high vesicular (80%) fresh vitro basalt (1-10 mm), size of vesicles 0.1-0.5 mm, cemented by alteration products
G96 14-34 breccia sample cm 2x1x1, fragments, like G9614-33
G96 14-35 breccia sample cm 5x3x2, like G9614-33, rounded, smaller clasts (0.5-3 mm)
G96 14-36 breccia sample cm 6x5x3, one basaltic clast, size 2-3 cm, plus vesicular glass clasts, size 1-10 mm, 10-15% vesicular, fresh glass, cement composed by alteration products of glass
G96 14-37 tufo? sample cm 4x4x3, small clasts of fresh basaltic glasses, volcanic ash like
G96 14-38 tufo? sample cm 3x2x1, like G9614-37, smaller dimension of clasts
G96 14-39 dolerite sample cm 4x3x2, rounded, erratic pebble, Ol replaced by iddingsite, rare big grains of Pl
G96 14-40 erratics 7 samples of different kind: sandstone, schist, gneiss, granitoid
G96 15-01 basalt sample cm 20x15x15, big pillow fragment, thin Fe-Mn crust, fresh glass, Pl porphyric, Pl grains up to 5 mm, 10-15%, vesicles 0.3-1 mm
G96 15-02 basalt sample cm 15x10x10, pillow fragment with thin glassy crust, thin Fe-Mn patina, rare Pl phenocrysts, big vesicles
G96 15-03 basalt sample cm 12x5x4, like G9615-01, Pl 3-5%, size 0.3-2 mm
G96 15-04 basalt sample cm 29x8x8, like G9615-01
G96 15-05 basalt sample cm 12x10x8, like G9615-01, triangular pillow sector, big cavities
G96 15-06 basalt sample cm 12x7x5, like G9615-01
G96 15-07 basalt sample cm 15x10x8, like G9615-01
G96 15-08 basalt sample cm 10x7x5, like G9615-01
G96 15-09 basalt sample cm 15x5x5, like G9615-01
G96 15-10 aphyric basalt sample cm 12x5x5, flow lava fragment, with breccia zone including basaltic clasts, flow structures Pahoe-hoe like
G96 15-11 aphyric basalt sample cm 30x10x8, more vesicular lava fragment
G96 15-12 aphyric basalt sample cm 25x10x8, like G9615-10
G96 15-13 aphyric basalt sample cm 20x10x7, flow lava fragment, rare Pl phenocrysts, 15% vesicular, size of vesicles 0.5-3 mm
G96 15-14 glass glass description will be performed more completely on separated database
G96 15-15 glass glass description will be performed more completely on separated database
G96 15-16 glass glass description will be performed more completely on separated database
G96 15-17 glass glass description will be performed more completely on separated database
G96 15-18 glass glass description will be performed more completely on separated database
G96 15-19 glass glass description will be performed more completely on separated database
G96 15-20 glass glass description will be performed more completely on separated database
G96 15-21 glass glass description will be performed more completely on separated database
G96 15-22 glass glass description will be performed more completely on separated database
G96 15-23 aphyric basalt flow lava fragments with fresh glass
G96 15-25 aphyric basalt sample cm 16x12x8, like G9615-24 with double glassy crust inside and on the surface
G96 15-26 aphyric basalt sample cm 6x12x5, like G9615-24
G96 15-27 aphyric basalt sample cm 6x6x5, like G9615-24
G96 16-01 basalt sample cm 10x8x8, Pl-Ol porphyric, Pl and rare big Pl-Ol glomeroporphyric, rounded with Fe-Mn crust, vesicles size 0.1-3 mm with fluidal deformation, round vesicles filled by phyllipsite, irregular ones have clay minerals and Fe-hydroxides on walls
G96 16-02 aphyric basalt sample cm 10x6x4,Pl-Ol microphenocrysts, Ol size 0.1-0.3 mm homogeneously distributed in groundmass, Fe-Mn crust, vesicular and variolitic texture, bimodal size of vesicles, small up to 0.5 mm, big 1 to 3 mm, generally empty
G96 16-03 aphyric basalt sample cm 4x3x2, sharpened, no Fe-Mn crust, fluidal texture shown by elongation of vesicles, intensive alteration of Fe-hydroxides (atypic)
G96 16-04 aphyric basalt sample cm 6x5x2,rare Ol-Pl microphenocrysts, thin Fe-Mn crust (1 mm), high vesicular, 50% filled by phyllipsite,
G96 16-05 basalt sample cm 5x3x2,Ol-Pl porphyric, rare Pl phenocrysts, size 2 mm, thin Fe-Mn crust, 20% vesicular, size 1-2 mm, vesicles partially filled by phyllipsite
G96 16-06 basalt sample cm 4x3x2, Ol-Pl porphyric, thin Fe-Mn crust, 30% vesicular, size 2-3 mm, vesicles partially filled by phyllipsite,
G96 16-07 basalt sample cm 4x3x2, Ol-Pl porphyric, 50 % vesicular
G96 16-08 pomice sample cm 2x2x1.5, Pl-Cpx porphyric, vitrobasalt, vesicular brown glass, Cpx size 1 mm, Pl size 4 mm
G96 16-09 pomice sample cm 3x2x1.5, fluidal texture, basaltic xenolites, rare Qtz phenocrysts, pale brown glass
G96 16-10 breccia sample cm 4x3x2 with clasts of basalt and deeply altered glasses, cemented by products of alteration
G96 16-11 breccia sample cm 6x4x4, like G9616-10, with big strongly altered clasts, inside cement we can see grains of Pl, Ol and Qtz (?)
G96 16-12 breccia sample cm 5x3x3, like G9616-10, with small acid effusive clasts and Fe-Mn minerals
G96 16-13 breccia sample cm 3x2x2, like G9616-12
G96 16-14 breccia sample cm 5x3x2, like G9616-12, sand granulometry
G96 16-15 metasomatite sample cm 8x3x2, erratic pebble, Qtz
G96 16-16 gneiss sample cm 20x15x10, erratic pebble, Qtz, mica
G96 17-01 basalt sample cm 20x10x7, pillow fragment with fresh glassy crust 3-6 mm, rare Pl grains size (0.3-3 mm), 2,5%, vesicles 5% up to 4 mm, groundmass partially altered
G96 17-02 aphyric basalt sample cm 7x5x4, rounded, part of volcanic bomba, covered by 1 mm glass
G96 17-03 hyaloclastic breccia few pieces of breccia with glass
G96 17-04 hyaloclastic breccia like G9617-03
G96 17-05 aphyric basalt sample cm 10x8x8, centimetric cleavage, Fe-hydroxide along fractures, chlorite
G96 17-06 aphyric basalt sample cm 17x15x15, vesicles (0.2-0.5 mm) 1-3%, empty, Fe-hydroxide on walls, Fe-hydroxide alteration on the external side of sample
G96 17-07 aphyric basalt sample cm 10x8x6, fresh
G96 17-08 aphyric basalt sample cm 8x8x6, like G9617-07
G96 17-09 aphyric basalt sample cm 10x10x8, like G9617-05 with chilling zone with glass replaced by clay minerals
G96 17-10 aphyric basalt sample cm 8x6x5, like G9617-05
G96 17-11 aphyric basalt sample cm 8x7x5, like G9617-05
G96 17-12 aphyric basalt sample cm 25x20x15, pillow fragment, calcitic and Chl veins developed along cleavage fractures, microlithic structure, sulphides on fractures and smaller in groundmass
G96 17-13 aphyric basalt sample cm 25x25x20, like G9617-12 with chilling zone, variolitic texture, groundmass completely replaced by Chl
G96 17-14 aphyric basalt sample cm 20x20x10, pillow fragment, mandelstein type, vesicles filled up by Chl; calcite, Chl and sulphides developed on contraction cracks and cleavage, glassy crust replaced by brown clay minerals
G96 17-15 aphyric basalt sample cm 10x15x15, pillow fragment, like G9617-12
G96 17-16 aphyric basalt sample cm 12x10x10, pillow fragment, like G9617-12
G96 17-17 aphyric basalt sample cm 10x10x8, like G9617-05
G96 17-18 aphyric basalt sample cm 10x8x7, like G9617-12, higher amount of sulphides (Bornite)
G96 17-19 aphyric basalt sample cm 18x11x6, pillow fragment, like G9617-05
G96 17-20 aphyric basalt sample cm 12x8x6, like G9617-12, chalcopyrite ore
G96 17-21 aphyric basalt sample cm 6x6x4, pillow fragment, like G9617-12
G96 17-22 aphyric basalt sample cm 5x4x3, pillow fragment, like G9617-12
G96 17-23 aphyric basalt sample cm 8x6x4, like G9617-12, with sulphides in calcitic vein
G96 17-24 aphyric basalt sample cm 10x8x5, like G9617-12, with sulphides
G96 17-25 aphyric basalt sample cm 6x5x4, like G9617-12, with thin sulphides ore along branched fractures
G96 17-26 aphyric basalt sample cm 7x6x2, like G9617-12, with sulphides in groundmass
G96 17-27 aphyric basalt sample cm 8x6x5, like G9617-12, with cleavage and sulphides in groundmass
G96 17-28 aphyric basalt sample cm 9x7x5, like G9617-12
G96 17-29 basalt sample cm 30x17x8, cleavage fractures, intensively chloritized cooling glass zone, randomly oriented fractures filled by calcitic veins
G96 17-30 metasomatite sample cm 6x4x4, metasomatized glassy crust, glass completely replaced by Chl
G96 17-31 basalt sample cm 15x10x6, altered, mandelstein type, vesicles filled up by zeolites
G96 17-32 breccia sample cm 8x6x4, clasts composed by basalts, glass fragments, cemented by palagonite and Fe-hydroxide, probable hyaloclastite
G96 17-33 aphyric basalt sample cm 6x5x5, like G9617-12 with veins with dark minerals, cleavage
G96 17-34 basalt sample cm 7x7x5, mandelstein type, highly vesicular 10-15%, vesicles size 1-2 mm filled up by Chl
G96 17-35 metasomatite sample cm 6x6x6, wide Qtz cemented, Chl clasts probably from altered basalt 2-30 mm, sulphides masses in Chl and Qtz
G96 17-36 basalt sample cm 7x6x1.5, rare Ol porphyric (1mm), 1%, 5-7% vesicular, round empty vesicles 1-3 mm, exotic similar to Spiess basalts
G96 17-37 basalt sample cm 5x3x3, Pl-Cpx porphyric, Cpx 1%, 1-2 mm, Pl 2-3%, 2-6 mm, 70% vesicular, bimodal size of vesicles 0.1-0.5 mm; 1-3 mm, similar to Spiess basalt
G96 17-38 quartzite erratic
G96 18-00 sediment sand
G96 18-01 basalt sample cm 2x4x2, Pl porphyric (2-10 mm) 5-8%, vesicles 70% with bimodal size distribution 0.5-1.5 mm and 2-5 mm, Fe-hydroxides on walls of vesicles,
G96 18-02 basalt sample cm 5x7x1, like G9618-01, cooling crust, diffuse palagonitization on the surface
G96 18-03 basalt sample cm 5x4x1, like G9618-02
G96 18-04 basalt sample cm 4x3x1, like G9618-02
G96 18-05 basalt sample cm 3x2x1, like G9618-02
G96 18-06 basalt fragments, like G9618-02
G96 18-07 basalt sample cm 2x1x0.5, Pl porphyric
G96 18-08 siltstone sample cm 4x3x2
G96 18-09 siltstone sample cm 8x4x4
G96 19-00 sediment sand
G96 19-01a basalt sample cm 15x15x10, Pl-Ol porphyric, Pl 10% (1-4 mm), lightly altered, glassy palagonitized crust covered by Fe-Mn crust, thickness 1-1.5 cm
G96 19-01b basalt sample cm 15x10x5, Pl porphyric, like G9619-01a
G96 19-01c basalt sample cm 7x5x4, rare Pl porphyric, empty vesicles, 3%
G96 19-02 basalt sample cm 3x2x2, Pl porphyric like G9619-01c, Pl 10% sometimes altered, rare Ol phenocrysts
G96 19-03 basalt sample cm 3x2x1, altered
G96 19-04 basalt sample cm 2x1x1.5, altered, vesicular
G96 19-05 basalt sample cm 5x5x4, rounded, vesicular, Cpx-Ol-Pl porphyric
G96 19-06 basalt sample cm 4x3x2, Ol-Cpx-Pl porphyric
G96 19-07 basalt sample cm 4x3x2, Ol-Cpx-Pl porphyric
G96 19-08 basalt sample cm 3x3x2, Pl porphyric, Pl 7-10%, vesicular, altered
G96 19-09 basalt sample cm 3x4x1.5, rare Cpx-Pl porphyric, vesicular
G96 19-10 aphyric basalt sample cm 5x7x4, fresh, vesicular
G96 19-11 aphyric basalt sample cm 5x5x7, fresh, vesicular
G96 19-12 aphyric basalt sample cm 3x2x1, fresh, vesicular
G96 19-13 aphyric basalt sample cm 2x2x1, fresh, vesicular, rare Pl phenocrysts
G96 19-14 aphyric basalt sample cm 2x2x1, lfresh, vesicular, rare Pl phenocrysts
G96 19-15 basalt sample cm 4x3x0.5, Pl-Cpx porphyric,vesicular
G96 19-16 aphyric basalt few small pieces like G9619-13
G96 19-17 Fe-Mn crust few small pieces
G96 19-18 basalt sample cm 6x5x1.5, Pl-Ol Cpx porphyric, inclusions of Ol in Pl grains, highly vesicular
G96 19-19 basalt sample cm 4x3x2, Cpx-Pl porphyric, vitrobasalt with pale brown glass, vesicular 60-70%, size of vesicles 0.5-1 mm
G96 19-20 basalt sample cm 3x2x1.5, like G9619-19
G96 19-21 aphyric basalt sample cm 3x2x1, Pl-rare Cpx porphyric, vitrobasalt with pale brown glass, vesicular 60-70%, size of vesicles 0.5-1 mm
G96 19-22 basalt sample cm 3x2x1.5, altered, very fine texture, with globes of Qtz, epidote, Chl, to form a paragenesis probably replacing phenocrysts, sometimes in veins
G96 19-23 basalt sample cm 4x3x2, altered, Pl porphyric, smectite replace groundmasst
G96 19-24 erratics 3 samples of sandstone and siltstone, rounded, 4-5 cm, with calcitic veins and sedimentary structures
G96 19-25 erratics 3 samples of quartzite, gneiss, granitoid, rounded, 4-5 cm
G96 20-00 sediments sand
G96 20-01 basalt sample cm 20x12x15, Ol porphyric (2-3 mm), Pl glomeroporphyric, Ol and Pl intergrowt, probable spinel inside Ol, lightly vesicular,
G96 20-02 basalt sample cm 20x15x15, Pl-Ol porphyric, with glassy band thickness 5 mm, and thick Fe-Mn crust, thickness 2 cm
G96 20-03 basalt sample cm 15x12x12, Ol-Pl porphyric, size of grains up to 8-10 mm, lightly vesicular, thick Fe-Mn crust
G96 20-04 basalt sample cm 20x12x10, Ol-Pl glomeroporphyric, grains up to 1.5 cm, dark mineral, may be spinel, in grains and in groundmass, size 2 mm, thick Fe-Mn crust
G96 20-05 basalt sample cm 15x10x12, like G9620-04
G96 20-06 basalt sample cm 14x10x8, like G9620-03 with more crystallized groundmass
G96 20-07 basalt sample cm 16x15x10, Ol-Pl porphyric, cleavage fractures with clay minerals and pelagic sediments along fractures, Fe-Mn crust
G96 20-08 basalt sample cm 6x7x7, Ol-Pl porphyric, pillow fragment with thin glassy crust quite fresh
G96 20-09 basalt sample cm 20x10x10, Ol-Pl porphyric, fresh glassy crust 5-7 mm, with 2 mm palagonitized band
G96 20-10 aphyric basalt sample cm 12x12x10, thick Fe-Mn crust
G96 20-11 aphyric basalt sample cm 15x10x7, well crystallized, lightly vesicular, thick Fe-Mn crust
G96 20-12 aphyric basalt sample cm 18x10x7, thick Fe-Mn crust
G96 20-13 basalt sample cm 10x8x7, like G9620-01
G96 20-14 basalt sample cm 12x7x5, like G9620-04, plus big Pl glomeroporphyric grain surrounded by Ol, size 1 cm, Ol microphenocrysts
G96 20-15 basalt sample cm 15x10x10, rare Pl-Ol phenocrysts, Fe-Mn crust 1-2 cm
G96 20-16 basalt sample cm 15x6x6, Pl-Ol porphyric, ore mineral mass, 0.5x1.5 cm intergrowt with Pl
G96 20-17 basalt sample cm 7x6x5, Pl-Ol glomeroporphyric, 1 cm, dark minerals (Cpx, spinel)
G96 20-18 aphyric basalt sample cm 8x7x6, like G9620-10
G96 20-19 aphyric basalt sample cm 10x8x7, rare Pl-Ol phenocrysts
G96 20-20 aphyric basalt sample cm 16x10x8, rare Pl phenocrysts, cleavage fractures with Fe-hydroxide alteration
G96 20-22 basalt few fragments, size 2-3 cm, like G9620-21
G96 20-23 basalt sample cm 25x25x25, rare Cpx-Pl porphyric, vitrobasalt, high vesicular, pomice-like structure
G96 20-24 basalt sample cm 3x2x1, rounded, vitrobasalt, like G9620-23
G96 20-25 basalt sample cm 3x2x1, Pl porphyric, round vesicles 1-5 mm, 50-60%
G96 20-26 aphyric basalt sample cm 3x1,5x1,5, strongly altered red sample by developing of Fe-hydroxide, 70-80% vesicular, vesicle size 0.5-1 mm
G96 20-27 aphyric basalt sample cm 2x2x1.5, Pl porphyric, 1-3%, strongly altered red sample by developing of Fe-hydroxide, 70-80% vesicular, vesicle size 0.5-1 mm
G96 20-28 pomice sample cm 5x1.5x1, acid effusive, pomice, one dark euhedral xenocryst 8 mm
G96 20-29 sandstone sample cm 20x12x12, lightly cemented sandstone, probably formed in situ, sharp clasts of Qtz, Pl (0.5-1 mm), cemented by clay minerals and Fe-hydroxide
G96 20-30 erratic pebble sample cm 4x4x5, Qtz and Pl phenocrysts, sulphides
G96 20-31 erratic gabbro sample cm 6x5x4, Amph-Qtz, quartz and Pl veins
G96 20-32 erratic dolerite sample cm 6x4x3
G96 20-33 sandstone 3 samples of sandstone, 2 dark, 1 red
G96 20-34 quartzite 30x15x15, quartzitic sandstone, clast size 0.2-1 mm
G96 20-35 gneiss sample cm 20x15x15, garnet gneiss
G96 20-36 gneiss sample cm 20x15x10, feldspars-biotite gneiss
G96 20-37 gneiss sample cm15x10x8, biotite-feldspar-garnet gneiss
G96 20-38 gneiss sample cm 15x10x8, Qtz-Bt
G96 21-01 aphyric basalt sample cm 12x10x5, altered, heterogeneous vesicular, 0.1-1 mm, 10-15%, Fe-Mn crust
G96 21-02 aphyric basalt sample cm 6x4x3, lightly altered, heterogeneous vesicular, size of vesicles 0.1-1 mm. probable pyrite in vesicles
G96 21-03 basalt sample cm 5x3x3, Ol-Pl porphyric, highly vesicular, size of vesicles 1-2 mm
G96 21-04 basalt sample cm 7x5x4, fresh, Pl-Ol porphyric, Fe-Mn patina, Pl (0.5-3 mm), 15%, Ol (0.3-0.5 mm), 5-7%
G96 21-05 aphyric basalt sample cm 11x9x7, fractured, altered, Pl microphenocrysts, Fe-hydroxides, Fe-Mn crust thickness 1-1.5 cm
G96 21-06a aphyric basalt sample cm 24x17x8, ligthly altered, Pl microphenocrysts, ligthly vesicular, round vesicles 0.5 mm, small Fe-Mn crust
G96 21-06b aphyric basalt sample cm 10x7x3, altered, Pl microphenocrysts, Fe-hydroxides, Fe-Mn crust
G96 21-07 aphyric basalt sample cm 2x1.5x1.5
G96 21-08 basalt sample cm 3x1.5x1.5, altered, Pl-Ol porphyric, Ol sometimes altered, ligthly vesicular, vesicles up to 3 mm, Pl (0.5-2 mm), 10-15%, Fe-hydroxides
G96 21-09 basalt sample cm 3x2x2, altered, Pl porphyric, Fe-hydroxides, Fe-Mn crust thickness 1,5 cm
G96 21-10 basaltic breccia sample cm 12x9x9, Fe-Mn crust thickness 1 cm, clasts of aphyric basalt with Pl microphenocrysts, lightly vesicular, very small vesicles
G96 21-11 aphyric basalt sample cm 9x6x5, like G9621-10
G96 21-12 aphyric basalt sample cm 6x5x3, like G9621-10
G96 21-13 gabbro dolerite (e-Mn crust, Pl replaced by Cpx, Pl 2-4 mm
G96 21-14 sandstone sample cm 7x5x3, rounded pebble
G96 21-15 metasomatite sample cm 4x3x1.5, Fe-Mn patina
G96 21-16 Fe-Mn crust  
G96 22-01 aphyric basalt sample cm 20x10x10, fresh pillow fragment, lamellar shaped Ol microphenocrysts, highly vesicular, 20-25%, round empty vesicles size 0.5-1.5 mm
G96 22-02 aphyric basalt sample cm 20x10x10, like G9622-01, with cooling zone with glassy crust, thickness 5 mm, superficial palagonitizzation, 1 mm
G96 22-03 aphyric basalt sample cm 15x10x8, like G9622-01
G96 22-04 aphyric basalt sample cm 4x3x2, fresh, vesicular 30%, size of vesicles 0.5-2 mm
G96 22-05 aphyric basalt sample cm 5x4x3, like G9622-04
G96 22-06 basalt sample cm 5x4x2, Pl-Ol porphyric, Ol (0.5-1 mm) 1%, Pl (1-3 mm) 1-2% ; 5-10% vesicular, empty vesicles 0.5-7 mm
G96 22-07 aphyric basalt sample cm 2x1.5x1.5, 70-80% vesicular heterogeneous distribution and size, glassy pale brown groundmass
G96 22-08 dacite sample cm 6x5x4, pale grey groundmass, Pl-Qtz-Amph, Fe-Mn patina
G96 22-09 metasomatite sample cm 3x2x1, Qtz, sulphides
G96 22-10 limestone sample cm 5x4x1, flattened
G96 22-11 metasomatite sample cm 4x4x1.5, rounded, Qtz
G96 22-12 siltstone sample cm 5x4x2
G96 23-01 basaltic breccia sample cm 4x2x2, clasts of fresh and palagonitized basaltic glass, small grains 1-4 mm, clasts of Pl and basalt, sample covered by Fe-Mn crust thickness 1 cm
G96 23-02 hyaloclastic breccia sample cm 8x6x2, palagonitized glass grains 1-4 mm, little amount of fresh glass in the middle of alteration zone, thick Fe-Mn crust 1 cm
G96 23-03 Fe-Mn crust 2 pieces 11x5x1.5; 6x7x1.5
G96 24-01 basalt sample cm 25x15x15, fresh pillow fragment, Pl-Ol porphyric, Pl (1-5 mm), 5%, rare Ol grains intergrowt with Pl, lightly vesicular 5-7%, size of vesicles1 mm
G96 24-02 basalt sample cm 30x20x15, fresh triangular pillow sector, Pl-Ol-Cpx porphyric, Pl (8 mm) 5-7% with inclusions of glass (or spinel), Cpx 1 grain growt with Pl, heterogeneous distribution of phenocysts, concentrate in glassy crust, 7% vesicular
G96 24-03 basalt sample cm 25x20x15, like G9624-02, more vesicular up to 10%, 2 mm
G96 24-04 basalt sample cm 25x25x10, big Pl glomeroporphyric grains 15 mm, intergrowt with big Cpx grains 5 mm, and Ol 2-3 mm, Pl 10-15%, rare vesicles
G96 24-05 basalt sample cm 30x20x10, like G9624-04 less developed Pl phenocrysts, up to 10 mm, 10%, less amount of Ol and Cpx, Ol grain with glass inclusion, vesicles 2%, 5 mm,
G96 24-06 basalt sample cm 25x20x10, Pl-Ol porphyric, rare Ol grains (2-3 mm), 1%; Pl (5-7 mm), 10%; vesicles 2-3%, 5 mm
G96 24-07 basalt sample cm 20x10x5, Pl-(Ol) porphyric, Pl (0.5-2 mm), 5%, rare Ol (0.5-1 mm), $<$1%, vesicles 0.2-2 mm, 5%
G96 24-08 basalt sample cm 20x15x8, Pl-Ol-Cpx porphyric, Pl (1-4 mm), 5%; Ol (0.5 mm), $<$1%; one aggregate with glomeroporphyric structure is present, 1.5x1 cm, Cpx 40%, up to 2 mm; Pl 45%, Ol 15%, maybe gabbro xenolite
G96 24-09 basalt sample cm 25x20x15, Pl-(Ol) porphyric, Pl (1-3 mm), 3-4%; rare Ol grains 2-5 mm
G96 24-10 basalt sample cm 20x15x8, like G9624-09 with rare Cpx phenocrysts
G96 24-11 basalt sample cm15x20x7, like G9624-10
G96 24-12 basalt sample cm 12x10x6, like G9624-10, with Cpx grains intergrowt with Pl
G96 24-13 basalt sample cm 15x10x8, Pl porphyric (10 mm), 7%; rare Ol grains, included in Pl
G96 24-14 basalt sample cm 12x10x7, like G9624-06, more altered Ol-Pl porphyric
G96 24-15 basalt sample cm 10x8x6 Ol-Pl porphyric, Ol (0.5-3 mm), 2%; Pl 0,5 mm $<$1%
G96 24-16 glasses glass description will be performed more completely on separated database
G96 25-01 aphyric basalt sample cm 25x10x10, rare Pl-Ol phenocrysts, lightly vesicular 1-2% (0.5-1 mm); Ol microphenocrysts (0.2-0.5 mm), 1-2%; Fe-Mn patina
G96 25-02 basalt sample cm 6x4x5, Ol-Pl porphyric, glassy cooling margin thickness 5 mm
G96 25-03 basalt Ol-Pl porphyric, glassy cooling margin thickness 5 mm
G96 25-04 aphyric basalt sample cm 6x6x6, rare Ol porphyric, Ol (0.1-2 mm) 1-2%, ; glassy cooling margin
G96 25-05 glasses 3 samples of glassy crust, size 3-4 cm, glass description will be performed more completely on separated database
G96 26-01 glassy basalt sample cm 50x30x20, very fresh and particular shaped lava burr, glassy porphyric basalt, Pl-Ol-Cpx porphyric, Ol-Pl glomeroporphyric, glass inclusions in Ol, Pl (3-30 mm) 30%, anhedral; Ol (2-5 mm) 2-3 %, euhedral; Cpx light green color (7 mm) euhedral

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