Previous: MARM11_REP
The Oceanographic cruise MARMARA2011 was organized
to study seismogenic faults in the submerged part of the
North Anatolian Fault system, that constitute the plate
boundary between Anatolia and Eurasia. The
original proposal for the expedition included working
areas in the Sea of Marmara and NE Aegean. However,
cuts in the ship time after cruise approval suggested
to limit our work in the Gulf of Saros (NE Aegean). The
name MARMARA2011, the more recent of a series of expedition
on board of the CNR R/V Urania, since 2001, was maintained.
The Gulf of Saros is a triangular-shaped basin
that forms at the passage between the almost
pure strike-slip deformation on the Eastern end
of the Marmara Sea and the Ganos Fault, to the
transtensive/extensional deformation that
accommodates anticlockwise rotation of Anatolia and the opening of
the Hellenic back-arc basin towards West. The objective was to
resolve geometries and kinematics of North Anatolian Fault (NAF)
system in a conservative environment such as the seafloor. Reliable
estimates of seismic hazard in each of the NAF segments depend
critically on the identification of the active faults and by
associating these faults with specific historical earthquakes. The
main objectives of our project were: (1) identify the main faults
carrying the current plate motion through Marmara; (2) date their
most recent ruptures at the same scale as typical paleoseismic studies
on land; (3) verify the effect of historical and proto-historical large
(M7+) earthquakes in the sedimentary sequence.
Sommario - Vengono presentati le metodologie e l'insieme dei risultati
ottenuti durante la campagna MARM11di rilievi geofisici, geologici e oceanografici nel Golfo di Saros (N.Egeo).
E' stata utilizzata la nave da ricerca R/V Urania del CNR. Sono stati raccolti dati di multibeam, Chirp SBP, Sparker, SSS
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Table 1:
Acronyms of Organizations, Manufacturers and Products
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