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During the 11 days of cruise PANSTR10, including transits and port calls, we obtained:

Analysis of the data collected during the expedition is under process, and will continue during the forthcoming several months. The PANSTR10 scientific cruise contributes to the knowledge of the structural setting of the Eastern Aeolian arc, and could provide constraints to understand the evolution and the tectonic processes in the area.

The OBS deployed will be useful for detection of surface and deep earthquake in the Southern Tyrrhenian Sea; alonwith the INGV's National Network on Sicily and on continent they were also hearing during the refraction and multichannel reflection seismic operations in the Thyrrenian Sea on April-May 2010, during wich the spanish R/V Sarmiento De Gamboa, cooperated by R/V Urania, shooted and provided data for Deep Crustal Profiles.

No problems were encountered regarding neither the people nor the environment during the cruise.

We are indebted to %the Master C.L.C. Vincenzo Lubrano,...
...nalism and
efforts in assuring the success of the cruise.
