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- 2010-09-29 Mobilization and embarkation of participants. Leave dock on 16:30 UTC, heading to Messina.
- 2010-09-30 Coring and Water sampling in the Ionian Sea.
- 2010-10-04 Arrive Cannakale at Dardanelles. Make bathymetry Western and Central Mrmara Sea close to earthquake epicenter.
- 2010-10-04 Anchored SW Istanbul. Embark Turkish and French Teams.
- 2010-10-13
Istanbul, disembark of Turkish and French participants. Sailing to Napoli, 14:00 UTC.
- 2010-10-17
Core IONMAR-02 E of Catania.
- 2010-10-17
Recover NE Stromboli and Marsili INGV' OBS deployed during PANSTR10 Cruise.
- 2010-10-18
Disembark people and de-mob on Napoli.