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Report on the oceanographic and Buoy Maintanance activities during Cruise LTES1-10  with R/V Mariagrazia: Adriatic Sea, 2010-05-27 - 2010-06-03. Projects LTES (Dr. M. Ravaioli).

Giovanni Bortoluzzi$^1$, Paola Focaccia$^1$, Francesco Falcieri$^2$,

Alessio Cesari$^3$, Alessandro Giordano$^4$,

$^1$ CNR, Istituto di Scienze Marine, Via Gobetti 101, 40129 Bologna (Italy)

Received: June 2010 / Accepted: June 2010 /PDF VERSION / NAV-DATA / METEO-DATA /OPERATIONS AT SEA


We present the shipboard activities and results of Cruise LTES1-10( 2010-05-27- 2010-06-03) ) with R/V Mariagrazia. The cruise was scheduled to acquire seasonal oceanographic data on the Central and Northern Adriatic Sea, and perform routine and emergency maintanance on meteoceanographic buoys S1 and E1. The two buoys have been deployed and 105 CTD casts were performed from Ancona to Venezia.

Oceanography - Adriatic Sea - Meteoceanographic Buoys
