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ISMAR-CNR Cataloging-In-Publication data: ISMAR Bologna TECHNICAL REPORT
Marm2009: marine geological study Of The North Anatolian Fault beneath The Sea Of Marmara. Ec Esonet Marmara Demo Mission, R/V Urania, Cruise Report.
by Gasperini L., Geli L., Favali P., Çagatay N., Görür N., Bortoluzzi G., Del Bianco F., Kuruoglu E., Romano S., Etiope G., Innocenzi L., Marinaro G., Approioul R., Le Piver D., Pelleau P., Roudaut M., Acar D., Akarsu E., Akkok R., Biltekin D., Can A., Elbeck S., Ozmaral A., Ozeren S., Sancar E., Ulgen U., Cefalogli L, Veditti V..
Includes bibliographical reference and index.
1. tectonics 2. active faults 3. paleoseismology 4. seismology 5. Sea of Marmara
Abstract - A marine geological cruise, MARMARA2009, was carried out in the frame of MARM-ESONET, a demo mission of the EC funded ESONET Network of Excellence (European Seafloor Observatory Network). Main objective of the project was the attempting to assess and mitigate seismic hazards in the region close to Istanbul through geological/geophysical surveys carried out in the Sea of Marmara along the submerged track of the North Anatolian Fault and the deployment of seafloor observatories. During MARMARA2009 we collected multibeam bathymetry, side-scan sonar imagery and chirp sub-bottom data, together with carefully positioned core samples. A submarine station of the GEOSTAR family (SN-4), 10 OBS and 5 piezometers were deployed on bottom, for recording periods up to 1 year. Although selected prior of the cruise, the SN4-observatory site has been surveyed before deployment with geophysical imaging techniques and direct groundthruting with a deep towed system, the MEDUSA, that provided oceanographic data (CTD), methane content in the water column and visual inspection through a high-resolution video camera.
Sommario - Vengono presentati le metodologie e l'insieme dei risultati ottenuti durante la campagna MARM2009 di rilievi geofisici, geologici e oceanografici nel Mar di Marmara. E' stata utilizzata la nave da ricerca R/V Urania del CNR,
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Section 1 gives the introductory and background information, including some technological and scientific issues of the organization and execution of tasks, whereas section 2 summarizes the cruise operations. Section 3 provides the technical aspects that were involved in the data acquisition and processing. Sections 4 and following discuss the initial results, the on-going data processing and usage, and give concluding remarks. Some data processing procedures that were used in the production of this report along with additional technical details and data are presented in the Appendix.
Many people contributed to the success of the research cruise (MARM09 R/V Urania). We are particularly indebted to the Captain Emanuele Gentile, the officers and crew members of R/V Urania for their professionalism and efforts in assuring the success of the cruise. Turkish SHOD is warmly acknowledged for support and encouragement. The project was co-funded by Italian CNR and EU's ESONET.