Ship time of the R/V Odin Finder was provided by a joint collaborative project between IGM, L-DEO and TUBITAK. Funding from IGM, which contributes for about $65K of the total cost of the cruise are from external sources, while L-DEO and TUBITAK contribute respectively for $30K and $22.5K from internal source of funding. Since the beginning there was a general consensum that the high resolution multibeam systems, deep towed SBP and SSS, very accurate dynamic positioning of the R/V Odin Finder were the technical requirements to address the high resolution objectives of the project. The contract between the ship owner (GAS S.A.S.) and Istituto Geologia Marina was signed 10-Oct-2000. In the same month also the scientific agreement between the three parties was signed. Cruise planning started as soon as we had the first approach with GAS because clearances forms need to be sent to the embassy about 3 months before the cruise. The application for clearances to perform the geophysical survey in the Marmara Sea and the operative prospectus of the cruise plan (Fig. 2) were submitted to the Turkish embassy in Rome the 24 August 2000 as well as to the Italian Embassy in Ankara. The embassies transmit the request to the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs. Telephon communications from the Cons. Timoni of the Italian Embassy in Ankara brought us up to date about clearances procedure. Turkish authorization was released to the R/V Odin Finder through the Italian Embassy in Ankara, for working in the requested area on Oct. 20, 2000.