Many people contributed to the success of this cruise. The project was funded by IGM-CNR,LDEO and TUBITAK, and we are indebted to the IGM, LDEO and TUBITAK management staffs for the continuous effort in tackling and solving the financial and technical problems. In particular we greatly appreciated the continued support of the collaborative project and the great hospitality of Prof. Naci Gorur. NATO provided seed funding to cover the travel expenses of all the different groups for this Project (NATO Cooperative Linkage Grant EST-CLG No.976826 "Historic and prehistoric Submarine Fault Ruptures in the Marmara Sea"). We thank Prof. Sengor for the warm hospitality and profitable discussions. We wish to thanks the Captain, the officers and crew of R/V Odin Finder for their professionalism and efforts in assuring the success of the cruise. Prof. Le Pichon generously gave us the preliminary map produced during the IFREMER's cruise with R/V Le Suroit on september 2000. The map was used for planning purposes of our field work. Dr. Selshopp of SACLANT, Dr. Manca of OGS and Dr. Santoleri of IFA made available XBT probes. Prof. Nadia Pinardi helped with suggestions and discussions. The Ambassador Vittorio C. Surdo and Dr. Timoni of the Italian Embassy in Ankara were extremely helpful in keeping up-to-date all the bureaucratic procedures that were involved in the expedition. Dr. Claudio Stamboli of Agency SHARK Express helped to clear ship's activities in the area. Finally, we would like to thanks Dr. G.Gasparini and Dr. E.Faenza of GAS, who provided ship's opportunity and accompanied us into this project