The core sampling and geothermal research were carried out with system GRUNT, designed and assembled at the Thermal Exploration Laboratory (NIPIOkeangeofisika), Gelendzhik, Russia. The sea-going part (KADR-1M) incorporates: a) a corer that ensures the recovery of undisturbed sediments, b) a self-recording thermogradiometer (ACTM-1), b) deepwater camera and bathometer for nearbottom water sampling. The shipboard module consists of a programmable control and recording unit ensuring: programming of self recording instruments, readout, visualization, processing, and storage of measurements results. An Automated geotechnical module (NGM-1) was also available for engineer-physical parameter measurements on the cores.
Heat flow data were obtained by the separate measurement of the geothermal gradient (, K/m) in sediments,and bottom sediment conductivity (
, (W/m
K). After penetrating the sediments, system was held in position for a minimum time of 15 minutes to reach equilibrium.
As a result of the self-recording geothermal gradient measurements (
) and value of the thermal conductivity (
), the heat flow density is calculated as
The Station positions are shown in Tab.6 and in Fig.5.