CTD and rosette sampling casts were taken on surveyed area. Conductivity (SBE-4,3x10 S/m initial accuracy), temperature (SBE-3/F, 1.0x10
°C) and oxygen (SBE-13, 4.3x10
), PAR (depth
1000m), light transmission and fluorimetry data were collected by a Seabird SBE 11 PLUS using the SEASAVE V5.33 software. The pressure data were measured by a ParoScientific Digiquartz (0-6000m, accuracy 0.1%). Data were acquired at 24Hz and the descent rate was aproximately 1 m/s, much less when close to bottom or on interesting interfaces.
The conversion from pressure to depth on the SEA-SAVE software was done at latitude 41N. The WHOI-UNESCO package was also used for converting to the 42N for comparison. A General Oceanics rosette sampler with 24 10l capacity Niskin bottles was employed for water sampling. DGPS NMEA Position data were interfaced directly to the CTD acquisition systems.
The position of the CTD stations together with some relevant data are reported in Tables 5, and can be viewed in Fig. 2, 3 and 4.
The recorded data were converted to the CNV and ASCIIOUT (for CTD) formats and further plotted with the ODV software [Schlitzer(2004)]. The Sound Velocity data from the acquired profiles were made available for import into the PDS-2000 software for multibeam data corrections.
Oxygen data on the water samples were verified by Winkler titration method.
The slow-descending, free fall Profiler II Ocean profiler by SATLANTIC was used for hyperspectral investigation on upper water column.
UNITUS's T-FLAP, a new launchable probe developed to perform temperature and fluorescence profiles was tested diring the cruise. Five of them were launched in order to study sensors response, at different trophic conditions.
Two special T-FLAP were launched to verify the hydrodynamic behavior in the water column: these probes were equipped with three-axial-accelerometers, pressure transducer, gyroscope. Table 6 shows the launch data. Chlorophyll a, TSM and CDOM samples were taken from the CTD bottles at different depths, in order to calibrate probe measures.
During the launch communication problems occurred to the 2 special T-FLAP: we acquired data till 13m depth.
Table 4 shows the oceanographic instrumentation used, recovered and deployed during the Cruise.
Basically, three types of CTD-casting were defined: SW) Sea-water column measurement, BT) Sea-water column measurement and sampling, OM) optical measurements with CTD PAR, SATLANTIC hyperspectral profiler and T-FLAP expendable probes.
Different tasks were accomplished on board by any group and specific sample-collection procedures were established according to widely accepted schemes.
Water samples were filtrated immediately upon collection, and some analysis were performed onboard, i.e. O and CDOM. The samples were stored in refrigerator at 4 and -20 for analysis at the labs (among them TSM, Clorophyll and many others, see Chapter 3.4).
Table 5 shows the CTD and water sampling stations.
1646.9500 | 4128.7900 | C001 | 2008-10-17T19:42:10 | 107.0 | 106.1 |
1706.3400 | 4134.0100 | C002 | 2008-10-17T21:49:56 | 452.0 | 448.0 |
1725.5700 | 4139.1500 | C003 | 2008-10-18T00:08:53 | 1142.0 | 1130.0 |
1745.3600 | 4150.3500 | C004 | 2008-10-18T07:39:48 | 1206.0 | 1193.1 |
1804.2600 | 4149.5900 | C005 | 2008-10-18T14:54:26 | 1218.0 | 1204.9 |
1823.6800 | 4154.7000 | C006 | 2008-10-18T18:10:11 | 728.0 | 721.0 |
1842.9000 | 4159.8400 | C007 | 2008-10-18T20:33:30 | 129.0 | 127.9 |
1857.3800 | 4203.7300 | C008 | 2008-10-18T22:32:33 | 63.0 | 62.5 |
1918.5200 | 4151.6100 | C009 | 2008-10-19T10:46:16 | 13.0 | 12.9 |
1916.7300 | 4149.3300 | C010 | 2008-10-19T12:27:16 | 46.0 | 45.6 |
1914.2100 | 4147.1100 | C011 | 2008-10-19T13:42:19 | 67.0 | 66.5 |
1910.7200 | 4144.0500 | C012 | 2008-10-19T14:50:29 | 79.0 | 78.4 |
1907.0600 | 4140.9700 | C013 | 2008-10-19T15:47:03 | 91.0 | 90.3 |
1903.7300 | 4137.9900 | C014 | 2008-10-19T17:08:54 | 124.0 | 123.0 |
1900.3500 | 4135.1000 | C015 | 2008-10-19T18:34:01 | 151.0 | 149.8 |
1913.7100 | 4154.3100 | C016 | 2008-10-20T06:28:03 | 9.0 | 8.9 |
1908.3900 | 4157.9700 | C017 | 2008-10-20T07:28:08 | 15.0 | 14.9 |
1905.8000 | 4155.6100 | C018 | 2008-10-20T08:28:00 | 62.0 | 61.5 |
1903.6400 | 4154.1700 | C019 | 2008-10-20T10:03:34 | 75.0 | 74.4 |
1916.8400 | 4149.3100 | C019 | 2008-10-20T11:43:17 | 46.0 | 45.6 |
1852.5700 | 4144.3300 | C021 | 2008-10-20T14:41:48 | 124.0 | 123.0 |
1841.8900 | 4135.2800 | C022 | 2008-10-20T16:54:44 | 461.0 | 456.9 |
1844.9600 | 4138.3600 | C023 | 2008-10-20T19:43:06 | 320.0 | 317.3 |
1848.9900 | 4141.2500 | C024 | 2008-10-20T20:39:53 | 191.0 | 189.4 |
1855.9500 | 4147.1700 | C025 | 2008-10-20T21:58:42 | 100.0 | 99.2 |
1859.5000 | 4150.3100 | C026 | 2008-10-20T22:50:36 | 89.0 | 88.3 |
1903.0000 | 4205.6600 | C027 | 2008-10-21T05:51:17 | 44.0 | 43.6 |
1853.2900 | 4214.2400 | C028 | 2008-10-21T07:29:58 | 31.0 | 30.8 |
1850.7600 | 4212.3700 | C029 | 2008-10-21T08:41:05 | 74.0 | 73.4 |
1848.3000 | 4210.0900 | C030 | 2008-10-21T09:41:49 | 89.0 | 88.3 |
1845.0200 | 4206.8500 | C031 | 2008-10-21T10:41:23 | 103.0 | 102.2 |
1841.3100 | 4203.9700 | C032 | 2008-10-21T11:35:59 | 130.0 | 128.9 |
1837.5900 | 4200.8900 | C033 | 2008-10-21T13:09:17 | 170.0 | 168.6 |
1834.4200 | 4157.9100 | C034 | 2008-10-21T14:22:32 | 202.0 | 200.3 |
1830.4200 | 4154.7900 | C035 | 2008-10-21T15:44:23 | 304.0 | 301.4 |
1822.5300 | 4203.1500 | C036 | 2008-10-22T06:09:19 | 517.0 | 512.3 |
1823.8000 | 4207.1500 | C037 | 2008-10-22T07:40:36 | 391.0 | 387.6 |
1825.9700 | 4210.7100 | C038 | 2008-10-22T08:46:01 | 274.0 | 271.7 |
1827.5600 | 4214.6900 | C039 | 2008-10-22T09:53:09 | 200.0 | 198.3 |
1829.2800 | 4217.8500 | C040 | 2008-10-22T11:06:58 | 144.0 | 142.8 |
1831.4700 | 4220.7500 | C041 | 2008-10-22T12:22:14 | 120.0 | 119.0 |
1832.7300 | 4223.5000 | C042 | 2008-10-22T13:23:43 | 57.0 | 56.5 |
1845.6200 | 4226.0700 | C043 | 2008-10-22T15:52:21 | 20.0 | 19.8 |
1844.4300 | 4228.5500 | C044 | 2008-10-22T16:48:23 | 30.0 | 29.8 |
1843.2800 | 4228.8000 | C045 | 2008-10-22T17:43:20 | 60.0 | 59.5 |
1839.5000 | 4225.9300 | C046 | 2008-10-22T19:21:53 | 36.0 | 35.7 |
1832.5700 | 4226.2900 | C047 | 2008-10-22T20:15:02 | 38.0 | 37.7 |
1829.1300 | 4217.7600 | C048 | 2008-10-23T07:47:40 | 167.0 | 165.6 |
1831.1900 | 4221.1000 | C049 | 2008-10-23T09:02:50 | 120.0 | 119.0 |
1832.8200 | 4223.5200 | C050 | 2008-10-23T10:18:30 | 58.0 | 57.5 |
1832.6400 | 4226.3500 | C051 | 2008-10-23T11:53:58 | 38.0 | 37.7 |
1840.5600 | 4229.7900 | C052 | 2008-10-23T14:48:42 | 855.0 | 846.5 |
1838.8100 | 4226.6100 | C053 | 2008-10-23T19:29:59 | 29.0 | 28.8 |
1924.8800 | 4127.2300 | C054 | 2008-10-24T07:45:27 | 9.0 | 8.9 |
1920.1900 | 4127.2100 | C055 | 2008-10-24T08:40:36 | 44.0 | 43.7 |
1916.7100 | 4127.4200 | C056 | 2008-10-24T09:47:39 | 84.0 | 83.3 |
1911.2800 | 4127.2900 | C057 | 2008-10-24T11:00:06 | 123.0 | 122.0 |
1900.6600 | 4127.2100 | C059 | 2008-10-24T12:53:20 | 122.0 | 121.0 |
1855.3800 | 4127.3700 | C060 | 2008-10-24T13:57:30 | 191.0 | 189.4 |
1849.9800 | 4127.0700 | C061 | 2008-10-24T15:15:48 | 322.0 | 319.2 |
1745.7400 | 4150.2000 | C062 | 2008-10-25T16:31:03 | 1210.0 | 1197.0 |
1912.8000 | 4137.8400 | C063 | 2008-10-26T07:50:54 | 84.0 | 83.3 |
1918.0400 | 4138.0000 | C064 | 2008-10-26T09:08:53 | 62.0 | 61.5 |
1923.5700 | 4138.1300 | C065 | 2008-10-26T10:18:44 | 38.0 | 37.7 |
1927.6500 | 4137.9300 | C066 | 2008-10-26T11:59:07 | 29.0 | 28.8 |
1931.7800 | 4137.9600 | C067 | 2008-10-26T12:53:23 | 20.0 | 19.8 |
1925.4100 | 4150.6000 | C069 | 2008-10-26T15:30:42 | 1.0 | 1.0 |