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Main targets of TIR10 cruise have been reached. Post cruise processing will be necessary to provide higher quality seismic images, useful to find geological constrains for tectonic evolution of the central and southern Tyrrhenian domain.

Figures 11 to [*] in the appendix show the seismic sections obtained during the cruise, plotting each single line (distance vs depth).

A comparison of the interpretation of the obtained data with the previous CROP-CNR data base, contribuites to collect further areas to be investigated, in order to define the geometry of potential seismogenic zones.

Figure 10 shows a compilation of XBT temperature data in the Pontine Area.

Figure 10: Map of the lateral distribution of XBT profiles in the Tyrrhenian Sea. Three main water masses are identified: (a) Modified Atlantic Water (pink), (b) Levantine Water (green) and c) Western Mediterranean Deep Water (blue), which is characterized by staircase formation.

Analysis of the data collected during the expedition is under process, and will continue during the forthcoming several months.

No problems were encountered regarding neither the people nor the environment during the cruise.

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