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List of Figures

  1. Ship Tracks, Cruise.
  2. Ship tracks, Strait of Messina.
  3. Ship Tracks, SE Tyrrhenian Sea.
  4. Ship tracks, Pontine I. Area.
  5. R/V Urania.
  6. The EEL streamer (Sercel 96 channels digital) and DIGICOURSE Cable Levelers.
  7. GI-GUN array.
  8. Tail buoy and shot.
  9. Birds and Seismic Recording Acquisition.
  10. XBT Profiles data in Tyrrhenian Sea.
  11. Seismic lines, shots, distances.
  12. Seismic lines, shots, distances.
  13. Seismic lines, shots, distances.
  14. Seismic lines, shots, distances.
  15. Seismic lines, shots, distances.
  16. Seismic lines, shots, distances.
  17. Seismic lines, shots, distances.
  18. Seismic lines, shots, distances.
  19. Seismic lines, shots, distances.
  20. Seismic lines, shots, distances.
