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Report on the oceanographical, geological, geophysical activities during Cruise MNG0310 with R/V Urania : Adriatic Sea, 2010-03-02 - 2010-03-12. Projects EMMA (Dr. M. Ravaioli) and ADRICOSM (Prof. N. Pinardi).

G. Bortoluzzi$^1$, F. D'Oriano$^1$, F. Del Bianco $^1$, V. Maselli$^1$ ,

C. Palmiotto$^1$, F. Falcieri$^2$, K. Marinaccio$^2$

D. Radojevic$^3$, M. Milic$^3$, G. Castelli$^4$, E. Çomo$^5$, B. Murtaj$^5$

$^1$ CNR, Istituto di Scienze Marine, Italy

Received: March 2010 / Accepted: May 2010 - PDF FOR PRINT


We present the shipboard activities and results of Cruise MNG0310( 2010-03-02- 2010-03-12) ) with R/V Urania . The cruise was scheduled to acquire seasonal oceanographic data on the Adriatic Sea along the Gargano, Pescara, Senigallia, Rimini and Po Delta transects. In addition, bottom sampling, swath bathymetry and SBP activities were performed on the Montenegro and Northern Albania offshore.

Oceanography -- Bathymetry -- SBP -- Adriatic Sea -- Montenegro -- Albania
