The hydrographic and seismic data set have been integrated with direct current measurements. During the campaign two VM-ADCPs (RDI Ocean Surveyor, 75 KHz, and RDI Workhorse, 300 KHz) operated along the whole ship track. The bin size was 16 m (OS75) and 4 m (WH300), the depth range of the two current profilers was about 700 m (OS75) and 110 m (WH300). Data acquisition was done using the RDI VMDAS software vers. 1.44.The ADCP data will be postprocessed with the CODAS3 Software System, which allows to extract data, assign coordinates, edit and correct velocity data. Data will be corrected for errors in the value of sound velocity in water, and misalignment of the instrument with respect to the axis of the ship. Data of the first part of the cruise were processed on board.