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- Geological setting of Montenegro-Albania.
- Ship tracks during cruise ADR0208 in the Southern Adriatic Sea
- Ship tracks during cruise ADR0208 in the Montenegro Area
- Ship tracks during cruise ADR0208 in the Albania-Montenegro Area
- R/V Urania .
- Cruise ADR0208. Instrumental Offsets (PDS-2000) on R/V Urania
- Surface chlorophyll field, remotely
sensed by MODIS AQUA.
- Cruise ADR0208. CTD data.
- Cruise ADR0208. CTD data, transect ADRICOSM 2. From top to bottom: O
, transmissometer, temperature, salinity.
- Cruise ADR0208. Calibrated Temperature profile of T-FLAP 625.
- Mooring VAM1.
- Mooring VAM1 recovery 2008-10-18. Work done.
- Mooring redeployment 2008-10-25. Work done.
- Bays of Kotor and Risan.
- Herzeg-Novi Bay, CHIRP images.
- Outcrops, northern montenegrinian offshore.
- Bar offshore area.
- Southern Montenegrinian shelf, gassy sediments.
- Hard coustic basament draped by holocene sediments, Cape Rodonit, Albania.
- Compressions, Albanian offshore.
- Compressions, montenegrinian offshore.
- Chaotic, gassy sediments, albanian-montenegrinian offshore.