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- A complete swath bathymetric survey has been carried out over Ampére ,
Unicorn and Seine seamounts in the NE Atlantic, the first two
belonging to the Horseshoe submarine chain and the third, off Madeira
- Grid lines spacing have ensured a sea-floor coverage in the order of
50-75% (for Ampére and Unicorn smts) up to more than 100% for Seine
smt. The investigated depth range varied from few tens metres (top of
Ampére ) to 2500-3000m; the spatial resolution provided has been medium
to high with an average grid cell size ranging from 20 m (at smts
summits) to 50-100 m at depths > 1500 m.
- Ampére smt is an asymmetric volcanic edifice with southern flank
affected by massive erosion in the form of some collapse scars that
suggest sudden landslides. A flat topped summit is located over the
eastern half of the seamount.
- Unicorn smt is a flat topped edifice with the summit surface located
at around -400 m; it is crossed by small volcano alignements running
N-S some raising to -330 m. These small volcanoes seem to be
relatively recent basaltic edifices.
- Seine smt is flat topped volcanic edifice too, with the terraced
surface located at -160 m. The shelf break is interested by incipient
erosion along several small canyon heads.
- Poor or null acoustic penetration was achieved through sub-bottom
chirp confirming the nature of rocky outcrops and of bioclastic loose
or indurated sediments.
- On Seine smt a better penetration was obtained with sparker source
seismic profiles. They have shown a relatively transparent seismic
unit 40-50 m thick overlying an acoustic basement interpretable as the
volcanic basement. The upper unit very probably consists of loose to
lithified bioclastic sediments and possibly pyroclastic deposits.
- The bioclastic sand production seems inversely proportional to water
depth and is higher on top of Ampére smt than on top of Seine smt. In
this latter smt bio erosion and reworking prevail over the shelf area
at -160-170 m; here a bio-calcarenite recalling an "hardground"litho-
facies has been extensively recovered.
- The minimum depths detected for Ampére smt are around 60 m and confirm
almost all previous investigations. On the contrary Unicorn smt has
the summit at around 330 m depths. In previous bathymetric charts
(Bathymetry of NE Atlantic, 1983; Admiralty Chart n 3132, 1995) 256
m and 20 m minimum depths were reported. The density of our soundings
rules out the case of having missed sea-bed information.
- Also Seine smt. has a minimum depth around -165 m contrary to what
reported on these charts (-89 m).
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