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Table 1: Acronyms of Organizations, Manufacturers and Products
HS Horseshoe seamount region
Smt Seamount
MB Multibeam echosounder bathymetry
MG Magnetometry
CH Sub-bottom chirp profiling
SP Sparker seismic profiling
GR Grab bottom sampling
DR Dredge bottom sampling
CTD Sea-water Conducibility, Temperature, Depth
SVP Sea-water Sound Velocity Profile
CARIS MBeam processing software
PDS 2000 MBeam survey acquisition and processing software
GMT Generic Mapping Tool, Wessel and Smith, 1995
IAMC Istituto Ambiente Marino Costiero, Naples, Italy
DST Dipartimento Scienze della Terra
SZN Stazione Zoologica "Anton Dohrn", Naples, Italy

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