The ISMAR, INGV and UNICH staff boarded the R/V Universitatis in Pozzuoli, the afternoon 2006-07-10. Noon 2005-07-11 local time ship left port heading S. Late afternoon calibration runlines were performed S of Capri I.. Ship reached operation area early 2006-07-12 and soon CTD, multibeam and magnetometric E-W runlines were started. The survey ended 2006-07-16 in the evening, and the towed CTD profiling was performed up to 2006-07-17, when ship sailed to reach the Island of Salina to perform a dive inspection on propellers having crossed a flying fishnet. Day 2006-07-18 a scientific crew shift was performed and new equipment were installed onboard. A four day of geophysical survey, CTD and water and bottom sampling was performed up to 2006-07-22 early morning, when ship docked in Pozzuoli 08:00 local time.