Many people contributed to the success of the cruise (STR06 R/V Urania ).
We are particularly indebted to the Master C.L.C. Vincenzo Lubrano,
the officers and crew members of R/V Urania for their professionalism and
efforts in assuring the success of the cruise.
The Permanent Seismic Network on Stromboli, monitored by INGV-Osservatorio
Vesuviano (Dr. M. Martini), was complemented by 20 mobile stations installed by
INGV-Centro Nazionale Terremoti (Dr. C. Chiarabba), INGV-Catania, INGV-Osservatorio
Vesuviano and Università di Firenze (Dr. M. Ripepe).
We wish to thank Dr. Laura Beranzoli for her efforts and contacts with GEOPRO.
Dr. Luca Gasperini and Dr. G.Stanghellini of ISMAR are acknowledged for the
help in cruise preparation and efforts in producing and maintaining the DAPHNE software.
This work is an initiative within the Framework of the "INGV - DPC V2 - Monitoring and research activity at Stromboli and Panarea - Unit V2/03", responsible Dr. Mario Castellano of INGV-Osservatorio Vesuviano.
The project was funded by CNR and by INGV/Protezione Civile.