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...eries\large ISTITUTO DI SCIENZE MARINE \\ \end{minipage}\par


Mireno Borghini$^1$ Domenico Bacciola$^1$
Giovanni Bortoluzzi$^2$
Franco Reseghetti $^3$
Chiara Melillo$^4$ Francesca Polonelli$^4$

  1. CNR, Istituto di Scienze Marine, La Spezia, Italy
  2. CNR, Istituto di Scienze Marine, Bologna, Italy
  3. ENEA, ACS-CLIM-MED, La Spezia, Italy
  4. Universita' di Firenze


\vspace{02.00mm} \large {\text... {\textit{\textbf{Bologna, July 2007}}}

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ISMAR-CNR Cataloging-In-Publication data: ISMAR-CNR La Spezia Interim Technical Report

REPORT ON THE OCEANOGRAPHICAL AND GEOPHYSICAL ACTIVITIES DURING CRUISE MS07 R/V Urania , by Borghini M, Bacciola D. Bortoluzzi G., Reseghetti F., Melillo C. and Polonnelli F.

Includes bibliographical reference and index.
Keywords 1. Operational Oceanography 2.Tyrrhenian Sea 3. Sicily Channel 4. Morphobathymetry

Abstract - W presente the shipboard activities and results of Cruise MS07 on R/V Urania . The cruise was scheduled as a mooring manintanance and deploy, alongwith XBT launches and CTD casts due to operational activities. During transits and operational 'stand-by' for deck operations, CHIRP SBP and multibeam profiles were performed. In particular the top of the Vavilov Seamount was mapped as an integration of the data collected by ISMAR Bologna during the 1996 and 1999 cruises.

Sommario - Vengono presentate le attivita' ed i risultati preliminari della crociera MS07 con R/V Urania , le cui attivita' principali previste erano la posa e la manutenzione di moorings e la esecuzione di lanci XBT e calate CTD. Durante i vari transiti e durante situazioni di 'stand-by' operativo sono stati eseguiti profili CHIRP SBP e 'multibeam'. In particolare, e' stata mappata la parte sommitale del Vulcano Vavilov in Centro Tirreno, a completamento di rilievi ISMAR Bologna 1996 e 1999.

Published in the WWW at Available in the PDF formats. We apologize for any problems due in the conversion to HTML. The PDF version is considered the verbatim copy of the document. Copyright ©  2007 by ISMAR-CNR - Via Gobetti 101 40129 Bologna, Italy.

Production Notes - The document was edited with standard text editors, typeset with L.Lamport's LATEX, converted to HTML by N.Drakos's LATEX2HTML and to PDF by Alladin Ghostscripts's ps2pdf. Most of the maps included were produced by Wessel and Smith's GMT package. Some drawings were produced by xfig ( Non PostScript images were converted by John Bradley's xv or other public-domain packages, among them convert.

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