The Montenegrinian and Northern Albanian margins and coastal areas are part of the seismically active W-verging Dinaride/Albanide fold-and-thrust belt along the eastern Adriatic basin boundary (see Fig.1), 2) [Argnani],[Argnani A. (2006,A)]. The margins have relict shelf edge, with sediment stored on the albanian coastline, and evidence of large-scale mass wasting [Argnani et al.(2006,B)], [Roure et al.(2004)]. The continental shelf is very narrow from N in Croatia to C. Patamuni S of the Bay of Kotor, near Budva, where it develops offshore down to C.Rodonit.
The seismic activity is present in the study area as moderate to strong intensity events. In particular, it must be cited the M6.9 destructive event of 1979-04-15 and aftershock in the Bar region [Console and Favali(1981)], [Boore et al.(1981)], whose epicenter was located offshore 5-10 NM, at the most external thrust. The area south of the mouth of Bojana River to W and SW of Cape Rodonit is also seismically active, being interested by a WNE pure-compression thrust and by ENE trending strikeslip faults [Aliaj et al. (2004)], [Aliaj (2008)]. According to [Tiberti et al.(2008)] and therein cited authors, the events have large potential for generating tsunamis.
Because of karst environment in the Dinaric range, especially in N Montenegro, coastal aquifers may also develop at sea with submarine syphons, springs and resurgences, within a geological and hydrogeological setting strongly related to tectonics and to past and future climate and sea level fluctuations []