SBP data was acquired by the 16 transducers, hull mounted BENTHOS (DATASONICS)
Mod.CAP-6600 CHIRP-II profiler, with operating frequencies ranging 2-7 Khz.
The pulse length was mantained at 20 ms while the trigger rates varied from
0.25 to 0.5 seconds according to water depth. Digital data were recorded
in the SEG-Y format on Hard Disk.
The navigation data were made available to the system by NAVPRO as VESSEL (0,0)
at a rate of aproximately 0.5hz (GMT+2). The position data were recovered from routines
developped at ISMAR (read_segy
) that read the SEGY header to check data
integrity and retrieve positioning and recording data. These latter were
then used for the navigation map production.