Many people contributed to the success of this cruise. Firstly, we wish to thanks the Captain, Emanuele Gentile, the Chief Engineer, Carmine Ciano, the officers and crew of R/V Urania for their great professionalism and big efforts in assuring the success of the cruise. The project was mainly funded by IGM-CNR, with minor contributions from LDEO and TUBITAK, and we are indebted to the IGM (Dr. M. Ravaioli, Mrs. G.Gallerani and P.Dall'Olio), LDEO and TUBITAK management staffs for the continuous effort in solving the financial and technical problems. In particular we greatly appreciated the continued support of the collaborative project and the great hospitality of Prof. Naci Görür . NATO provided seed funding to cover the travel expenses of all the different groups for this Project (NATO Cooperative Linkage Grant EST-CLG No.976826 "Historic and prehistoric Submarine Fault Ruptures in the Marmara Sea").
The Ambassador Vittorio C. Surdo and his assistants of the Italian Embassy in Ankara were extremely helpful in solving the bureaucratic procedures that were involved in the expedition.
A.Giordano and G.Giovannini of Communication Technology were fully involved in the Multibeam istallation and testing. We are indebted to them for the time and work they devoted to this, and we wish to thank also Mr. Magnani of TAINOX for the excellent multibeam craddle he designed and built in a very short time.
MARINE CONSULTING of Ravenna installed and deinstalled the Multibeam on the hull of the Urania with the greatest professionalism and care. We are indebted to Mr. Leoni, Mr. Dettore and to the field team for their work and assistance.
GEI of Castelvecchio Pascoli provided us with the ACHILLE ROV. We thank F.Colognori for his jump into this adventure and for the time he spent.
Mr. L.Masini, Mr. P.Ferretti and Mr. S.Carluccio of IGM were helpful for their assistance in Logistic and Preparation of the Cruise.
Dr. Dale Chayes of LDEO was kindly in contact for solving some problems with MB-SYSTEM software.
We finally thank the Pilots of the Izmit and Golguk areas and the Istanbul Traffic Control for their assistance and continuous help.