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A total of 27 cores were recovered during the cruise. Some of them were opened and described (Fig.20) and described onboard. One of the SW-104 cores were split every 2cm and sampled. The grabs (Fig.21) were washed and described for shell and coral samples. Table 6 gives sampling information.

Tables 7 and 8 describe the sediment samples collected with the grab SW of the Hersek Delta and 2 core catches in Gemlik. Figure 22 presents the volume magnetic susceptibility data for the analyzed cores.


Figure 20: Example of a gravity core opened on board.
Figure 21: Gulf of Izmit. Grab location on ''mounds''.

Table 6: Cruise MARM05: sampling notes for coring operations.
SA-101 SW104 1x130 105 99 0.8 Extruded
SA-102 COR2 2x600 570 198 1.2 Opened/splitted to ITU-ISMAR
SA-103 SW104 1x130 105 99 0.8 To ITU
PI-104 COR2 1x400 370 210 0.8 To ITU
PI-105 COR2 1x400 360 236 0.6 To ISMAR
PI-106 COR2 1x600 400 225 1.0 To ISMAR
PI-107 COR2 1x600 475 374 1.0 To ITU
PI-108 COR2 1x600 462 372 1.1 To ISMAR
PI-109 COR2 1x600 600 355 1.15 Opened/splitted To ITU-ISMAR
PI-110 COR2 1x600 450 313 1.1 Opened/splitted To ITU-ISMAR
IZ-111 SW104 1x130 135 135 0.5 To ISMAR
IZ-112 SW104 1x130 133 132 0.4 Extruded
IZ-113 SW104 1x130 133 133 0.4 To ITU
IZ-114 COR2 2x600 1060 272 0.7 To ISMAR
IZ-115 COR2 1x600 600 229 0.33 To ITU
IZ-116 COR2 1x600 430 249 0.52 To ITU
IZ-117 COR2 1x600 700 250 0.80 Opened/splitted ToITU-ISMAR
IZ-118 COR2 1x600 550 207 0.34 To ISMAR
IZ-119 COR2 1x600 600 267 0.28 O pened/splitted ITU-ISMAR
IZ-120 COR2 1x600 250 152 1.25 To ISMAR
IZ-121 COR2 1x600 280 170 1.20 To ITU
IZ-122 COR2 1x600 200   1.0 Empty(gravel in catcher)bent at 0.5m
            saved sample outside pipe
GE-123 COR2 1x600 355 231 0.38 To ISMAR
GE-124 COR2 1x600 360 208 0.55 To ITU
GE-125 COR2 1x600 440 233 0.41 To ITU
GE-126 COR2 1x600 435 266 0.36 To ISMAR, P1 5cm polyst. at BOT
SA-127 COR2 1x600 660 363 0.30 To ISMAR
SA-128 COR2 2x600 1089 340 1.06 To ISMAR
            P1 2.5cm polystyrol at BOT (washed)

Table 7: Cruise MARM05: grab description.
01 Depth: 56.4 m., 65l of mud; the upper part (about 10 cm) is very organic mud (N2), plastic with some clasts and bio-clasts; lower part is less plastic mud (5GY 4/1) with molluscs (Turritella communis), woods, seeds and industrial scoria. A minicore was taken. -bottom- Cuspidaria rostrata, C.cuspidata, C.abbreviata, T.communis, N.cochlear, Miniacina mineata, serpulids, Nucula gr.hanley (N.sulcata-N.hanley), Timoclea ovata, Corbula gibba, Thyasira flexuosa, Scapharca demiri, Myrtea spinifera, Dentalium sp., Epitonium commune, Xilophaga dorsalis, Cardiomya costellata, Mangelia sp., Capulus ungaricus, Abra longicallus, Acteon tornatilis, Aequipecten spp., Kelliella abyssicola, Alvania spp., Cylichna crossei, Roxania(?) sp. -top- very similar assemblages less abundant species and specimens.
02 Depth: 56.4 m. grab full, the upper 2 cm. are soapy brownish mud; the lower part is bioclastic mud with shell layers of N.cochlear and Chama gryphoides. Shell layers are 3-4 cm. thick, there are interbedded by 5-10 cm of mud. The colour is omogeneous in thickness (5Y 5/2). A minicore was taken. N.cochlear, C.gryphoides, Cuspidaria rostrata, C.cuspidata, C.abbreviata, Delectopecten vitreus, Saccella commutata, A.longicallus, Mathilda cochlaeformis, M.spinifera, Arca noae, Hiatella artica, Pododesmus sp., C.gibba, Pitar rudis, X.dorsalis, Plagiocardium papillosum, Dentalium spp., T.communis, Heliacus architae, Chlamys sp., Emarginula adriatica, A.tornatilis, C.crossei, Mangelia sp.
03 Depth: 56.5 m; grab is full (similar grab 02) surface is very rich in organic matter, (5GY-5/2) very plastic with layer N.cochlear, living ophiura N.sulcata, T.comunis, T.flexuosa, A.longicallus, M.spinifera, C.gibba, Pododesmus sp., S.commutata, C.crossei, H artica, H. architae, M.mineata, Calliotropis ottoi, M.cochleaformis, Mathilda retusa, E adriatica, Cariophyllia sp., A.noae, C ungaricus, D. vitreus, Mangelia sp., X.dorsalis, P.papillosum, P.rudis, Venus sp., Dentalium spp., K.abissicula, Alvania spp., S.demiri

Depth: 56.1 m; same of GRAB03; grab is full (similar grab 02) surface is very rich in organic matter, (5GY-5/2) very plastic with layer N.cochlear, living ophiura, crabs, octocorals

Cariophylla sp., M.mineata, T.communis, A.longicallus, T.flexuosa, C.gryphoides, N.cochlear, C.gibba, Pododesmus sp., S.commutata, E.adriatica, Dentalium spp., M.cochlaeformis, C.crossei, C.ottoi, M.spinifera, H.architae, N.sulcata, C.cuspidata, C.rostrata, C.costellata, A.tornatilis

Depth: 53.9 m; about 60l of mud, upper 10 cm. (10Y 4/2) are incoherent with a lot of bioturbation pocket; the lower part is plastic mud with molluscs like N.cochlear and polychaetes (5GY 5/2). A minicore was taken.

Dentalium spp., C.gibba, C.gryphoides, Pododesmus sp., Rissoa sp., A.longicallus, T.flexuosa, S.demiri, M.spinifera, Nassarius sp., N.sulcata, T.communis, T.ovata, P.papillosum, S.commutata, A.noae, Cariophyllia sp., H.architae, Calliostoma sp., C.ungaricus, A.tornatilis, Chlamys sp., Aequipecten sp., M.miniata, C.rostrata, C.costellata, C.cuspidata, H.artica, C.crossei, Calyptrea chinensis

Depth: 60.2 m; grab is full, plastic mud (5G 4/1) reddish on surface (about 1 cm. on surface), with bioturbation pocket with molluscs and living shrimp

Mysella bidentata, T.flexuosa, C.gibba, M.spinifera, C.ungaricus, S.commutata, H.architae, T.communis, N.sulcata, T.ovata, P.rudis, S.demiri, C.rostrata, C.costellata, C.cuspidata, C.chinensis, A.noae, Pteria hirundo, H.artica, Cariophyllia sp., Nassarius spp., Dentalium spp., Epitonium spp., Mangelia spp.

Depth: 62.4 m; about 60l of mud (5GY 5/2), the upper part is md with bioclasts, lower part is plastic mud

Alvania sp., T.flexuosa, P.papillosum, Chlamys sp., A.longicallus, R.labiosa, M.spinifera, P.hirundo, N.sulcata, S.commutata, C.gibba, S.demiri, T.communis, C.crossei, Nassaris spp., Epitonium sp., H.architae, C.abbreviata, C.costellata, C.cuspidata

Table 8: Cruise MARM05: core catcher description.
GE-124 core catcher, external tube;

Sandy mud and fine sand, greysh, with marine and lagoonal malacofauna, partly reworked

Turricaspia(?) sp., Didacna(?) sp., Monodacna(?) sp., Dreissena rostriformis, P.rudis, N.hanley, C.gibba, T.communis
GE-126 core catcher;

Fine sand and sandy mud, reddish, probably lacustrine facies or lagoonal, with caspian and mediterranean malacofauna, both rewoked.

Theodoxius sp., Turricaspia(?) sp., Monodacna(?) sp., Didacna(?) sp., Hydrobia sp., D.rostriformis


Figure 22: Magnetic susceptibility data of the cores. The red lines are the SW-104 corer data. Log10 of susceptibility data were taken for ease of confrontability for the different sampling areas.

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