Catania, August 10 – Catania, August 23, 2005
Leonardo Langone
Istituto Scienze Marine - CNR
Sede di Bologna - Geologia Marina
Via Gobetti, 101- 40129 Bologna, Italy
Tel. +39 051 6398870- Fax. +39 051 6398940
E-mail: leonardo.langone@ismar.cnr.it
Bergami Caterina ISMAR-BO Foraminifera, pore water, alkalinity
Cargini Daniele CoNISMa-ULR Ancona Sediment sub-sampling
Covazzi Anabella CoNISMa-ULR Ancona Sediment sub-sampling
D’Amico Davide UNI-MI Sediment sampling
Foglini Federica ISMAR-BO GIS, seismic, navigation
Gallerani Andrea ISMAR-BO Foraminifera, pore water, alkalinity
Gambi Cristina CoNISMa-ULR Ancona Sediment sub-sampling
Gitto Daniele So.Pro.Mar. Multi-beam, seismic, hydrology
Langone Leonardo ISMAR-BO Chief scientist, sediment sampling
Maselli Vittorio UNI-TS Seismic, navigation
Minisini Daniel UNI-BO Seismic,navigation, sediment sampling
Miserocchi Stefano ISMAR-BO O2 profiles, pore water
Molari Massimiliano CoNISMa-ULR Ancona Sediment sampling
Occhiena Fabrizio So.Pro.Mar. Multi-beam, seismic, hydrology
Remia Alessandro ISMAR-BO Navigation, seismic, hydrology
Santambrogio Daniela UNI-MI Hydrology, navigation
Scopa Maria Spina CoNISMa-ULR Ancona Sediment sub-sampling
Turchetto Margherita ISMAR-VE Hydrology, alkalinity, O2
Veneruso Mariacira ISMAR-BO Sediment sampling, hydrology
Verdicchio Giuseppe UNI-BO Seismic,navigation, sediment sampling
Zeppilli Daniela CoNISMa-ULR Ancona Sediment subsampling
The scientific staff of the cruise GELA-05
1. INTRODUCTION……………….……………………………………………….…….….……..4
2. NAVIGATION AND DATA ACQUISITION………………………………………..….…..8
Leonardo Langone
Istituto Scienze Marine, ISMAR-CNR, Sede di Bologna - Italy
The objective of the GELA-05 oceanographic cruise was to investigate a set of very recent slides showing markedly distinct morphology on the slope of Gela basin, Strait of Sicily. Box-cores stations formed downslope parallel transects, both within and outside the mass-transport complexes, in order to gather information about the variability of sedimentological parameters (such as grain size and composition) and the benthic ecosystems. Furthermore, a peculiar slope transect of box cores was performed cross-cutting the Malta Escarpment (Ionian Sea), in order to analyse the fauna variability at distinct water depths from the shelf edge to 3000 m water depth.
The cruise involved two main teams: CNR-ISMAR Bologna and Venezia, and the Department of Marine Sciences, Polytechnic University of Marche (ConISMA).
The main operations carried out on the cruise were:
sediment box coring on 26 stations. On each station, at least 3 replicas were retrieved. On 7 of the sampling stations additional box cores were collected in order to extract pore waters for benthic response and early diagenesis characterization. In total we collected 86 box cores;
once onboard, each box core was subsampled for macrobenthos, meiofauna, foraminifera, bacteria/viruses, organic matter, enzymes, dissolved oxygen profiles and grain size;
long piston cores were collected in four sites using ISMAR CP20 piston corer (armed, in this case, with a 10 or 15 m barrel and a maximum core recovery of 11.61 m), and three gravity cores for a total of ca 42 m of sediment section;
Three benthic traps were deployed in the search for megabenthos and were recoverd after 24-48 hours;
two stations were made for epibenthic dredging to recover megabenthos;
a hydrological survey was performed along 6 transects normal to shore for a total of 27 stations. Water sampling was performed on 19 stations for physical and bio-geochemical characterisation of particulate suspended matter; in total, 85 water samples were collected;
ca. 880 nautical miles of morphobathymetric profiles were collected using a hull-mounted Reson Seabat 8160 multi-beam system simultaneously with high-resolution CHIRP-sonar profiles;
navigation data were processed onboard on a daily basis and plotted through the new HERMES GIS system against the pre-cruise data and thematic layers. The multi-beam bathymetry data were also pre-processed on board creating grids of variable resolution to allow the best definition of sampling targets.
All the operations were carried out successfully. The geologists and biologists on board worked together on several different activities during the cruise. This co-operation turned out to be really exciting because of an effective exchange of knowledge. Furthermore, apart from the science, the life on board was pleasant and the friendly atmosphere. For the most part of the cruise, the weather was good and the sea smooth.
We are grateful to the Captain of R/V URANIA, Com.te Nicolangelo Lembo, to the officers, to the on board technical staff and to the crew for their assistance in the on board operations.
The chief scientist has assembled this cruise report from individual contributions of the participants.
Fig. 1-1. Map showing the two study areas - Gela Basin and Malta Escarpment - of the Gela-05 cruise located SW and SE of the Sicily island, respectively.
Fig. 1-2. Map of sampled stations and track lines.
ISMAR-CNR (Bologna-Italy)
The research vessel Urania was set-up for data acquisition and navigation with RESON PDS-2000 and Communication Technology NAVPRO softwares.
The Positioning system NAVPRO V5.5 provided by Communication Technology (Cesena, Italy) was used. The integrated system used a Microtecnica Gyrocompass and a Trimble 4000 Differential Locator, with a DGPS Satellite link by FUGRO. Instruments were interfaced by a Digiboard Multi Serial I/O.
The datum WGS84 and the UTM projection Zone 33N were chosen for navigation and display purposes. Timing was set to UTC, whereas the acquisition rate was set to 10 s. The SBP-CHIRP workstation received the 'VESSEL(0,0)' positions by the NAVPRO serial output. The speed of sound for echosounder ATLAS-KRUPP DESO 25 (33 kHz) was set at 1535 m s-1, with a transducer immersion of 3.8 m.
The navigation system PDS-2000 V2.3.4.35 by RESON was used for multi-beam data acquisition. The system interfaced the RESON 8160 Operator's console, an OCTANS gyrocompass and MRU, and the Trimble 4000 DGPS receiver.
The RESON 8160 MBES sonar head was positioned by a sub on the ship's keel using a V-shaped steel frame, and the cable's dry end passed trough a pipe after water-proofness.
The instrumental offsets are presented in Table 2-1.
Table 2-1. Instrumental offsets (in m) on R/V Urania. Point (VESSEL(0,0)) is located on the axis of the mast, just behind the Command Bridge. The main GPS antenna (primary positioning system) is located on point POS1.
5.70 |
1.40 |
15.0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
3.00 |
0.0 |
-5.00 |
3.35 |
0.0 |
-3.40 |
5.50 |
-1.85 |
-3.80 |
-5.50 |
-0.95 |
-3.80 |
-15.10 |
7.0 |
-47.5 |
-1.40 |
Track Line charts
Navigation data were processed onboard on a daily basis and plotted through the new HERMES GIS system (ArcInfo 9.1) against the pre-cruise data and thematic layers Figs. 2-1, 2-2.
Fig. 2-1. Chart of Track Lines of Gela Basin.
Fig. 2-2. Chart of Track Lines of Malta Escarpment.
The Urania position was displayed and reported by a GPS device in ArcMap using ArcMap GPS Support (Fig. 2-3). The GPS device was connected by an input/output (I/O) interface and by a GPS compatible cable. The GPS connection was extremely useful to make an effective cruise plan in real time and to be aware about the pre-cruise data position.
Fig. 2-3. The GPS device in ArcMap. The small red boat represents the actual navigation position.
Multi-beam Bathymetry
About 880 nautical miles of morpho-bathymetric profiles were collected using a hull-mounted multi-beam echosounder (Reson Seabat 8160) covering an area of about 1400 km2. Deployments of a CTD probe were performed in each subarea in order to calculate sound velocity profiles to calibrate the echosounder.
The multi-beam bathymetry data were pre-processed on board, creating grids of variable resolution to allow the best definition of sampling targets. Swath bathymetry maps were produced on board processing the DTM extracted, on daily basis, from PDS-2000. The DTM was filtered by ISMAR's routine filter_bat, and gridded by ISMAR's nearneighbor routine. The latter grids were converted to raster by ArcInfo Coversion tools.
The ArcInfo Surface analysis tool was used to derive contours, angle of slope and shaded relief (hillshade) maps used for navigation and structural analysis (Figs. 2-4, 2-5, 2-6).
Fig. 2-4. Example of a contour map. Fig. 2-5. Example of a hillshade map.
Fig. 2-6. Example of a slope map.
M. Turchetto1, A. Remia2, G. Verdicchio2, F. Foglini2
1ISMAR-CNR (Venice-Italy) – 2ISMAR-CNR (Bologna-Italy)
During the GELA_05 cruise on board the R/V “Urania”, a grid of 22 stations placed along 5 transects in the Gela basin and 6 stations over the Malta Escarpment, were sampled by a rosette with Niskin bottles (10 l), coupled with a SeaBird CTD probe, equipped with a SeaTech fluorometer and a Wetlab 25 cm path length transmissometer. Before the beginning of the multi-beam surveys, additional CTD stations were performed to calculate the sound velocity for multi-beam calibration. At each station vertical continuous profiles of temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, fluorescence and light transmittance were performed.
CTD data have been checked, filtered and averaged to 1 m depth; dissolved oxygen data were calibrated with O2 data determined from water samples by the Winkler method.
At selected stations, water samples were collected at different depths in relation to the hydrological structure, turbidity and fluorescence profiles. Water samples were collected to determine total suspended matter (TSM), particulate organic carbon (POC), particulate nitrogen (PN), organic carbon stable isotopes (13CPOC).
Samples for TSM, POC, PN and 13CPOC analyses were filtered onto GF/F Whatman, 25 mm diameter, glass fibre filters. Filters for TSM were pre-weighed and those for POC, PN and 13CPOC analyses were pre-combusted at 450°C for 4 h to eliminate the organic contaminants.
TSM will be determined gravimetrically. POC and PN will be determined by FISONS NA2000 Elemental Analyser (EA), after removal of inorganic carbon with HCl. Stable isotopic analyses of organic carbon will be carried out using a FINNIGAN Delta Plus mass spectrophotometer directly coupled to the FISONS NA2000 EA by means of a CONFLO interface.
Details of the sampled stations and of the depths sampled for each parameter are reported in Table 3-1 and 3-2, respectively.
Conductivity temperature depth CTD. Hydrological laboratory on board.
Table 3-1. List of the hydrological stations.
(UTC) |
(m) |
CTD_01 |
16/08/2005 |
17:51 |
217 |
1413.608 |
3650.598 |
CTD_02 |
17/08/2005 |
23:34 |
390 |
1413.023 |
3650.167 |
CTD_03 |
18/08/2005 |
12:11 |
544 |
1411.834 |
3649.029 |
CTD_04 |
18/08/2005 |
05:41 |
580 |
1411.097 |
3648.352 |
CTD_05 |
18/08/2005 |
01:33 |
622 |
1410.284 |
3647.589 |
CTD_06 |
17/08/2005 |
19:06 |
672 |
1409.254 |
3646.624 |
CTD_07 |
18/08/2005 |
04:25 |
210 |
1416.301 |
3648.286 |
CTD_08 |
18/08/2005 |
03:26 |
443 |
1414.056 |
3648.363 |
CTD_09 |
18/08/2005 |
02:35 |
605 |
1412.441 |
3647.026 |
CTD_10 |
17/08/2005 |
18:06 |
806 |
1409.405 |
3644.532 |
CTD_11 |
18/08/2005 |
04:48 |
209 |
1416.627 |
3647.613 |
CTD_12 |
18/08/2005 |
05:22 |
498 |
1415.604 |
3646.926 |
CTD_13 |
18/08/2005 |
23:30 |
636 |
1413.916 |
3645.789 |
CTD_14 |
18/08/2005 |
22:25 |
731 |
1412.602 |
3644.745 |
CTD_15 |
17/08/2005 |
22:46 |
184 |
1411.355 |
3653.372 |
CTD_16 |
17/08/2005 |
22:10 |
392 |
1409.623 |
3651.854 |
CTD_17 |
17/08/2005 |
21:26 |
587 |
1407.269 |
3649.833 |
CTD_18 |
17/08/2005 |
20:15 |
786 |
1403.451 |
3646.685 |
CTD_19 |
18/08/2005 |
18:55 |
182 |
1419.049 |
3646.160 |
CTD_20 |
18/08/2005 |
19:31 |
330 |
1418.111 |
3645.314 |
CTD_21 |
18/08/2005 |
20:18 |
598 |
1416.716 |
3644.122 |
CTD_22 |
18/08/2005 |
21:24 |
768 |
1413.806 |
3641.671 |
CTD_23 |
22/08/2005 |
11:13 |
618 |
1516.415 |
3653.994 |
CTD_24 |
21/08/2005 |
18:59 |
1261 |
1520.330 |
3652.287 |
CTD_25 |
21/08/2005 |
21:18 |
2081 |
1520.792 |
3650.799 |
CTD_26 |
21/08/2005 |
22:17 |
2284 |
1521.742 |
3649.068 |
CTD_29 |
21/08/2005 |
17:31 |
1001 |
1516.949 |
3653.205 |
CTD_30 |
21/08/2005 |
15:24 |
300 |
1514.249 |
3654.661 |
Table 3-2. Details of hydrological stations sampled for particulate matter analyses.
(m) |
(m) |
# filter |
ml filtered |
# filter |
ml filtered |
CTD_01 |
16/08/2005 |
217 |
0 |
56 |
3053 |
4 |
3641 |
CTD_01 |
16/08/2005 |
217 |
60 |
55 |
2607 |
3 |
3826 |
CTD_01 |
16/08/2005 |
217 |
90 |
54 |
3488 |
2 |
3400 |
CTD_01 |
16/08/2005 |
217 |
208 |
53 |
3741 |
1 |
3851 |
CTD_03 |
17/08/2005 |
544 |
0 |
118 |
3821 |
20 |
3721 |
CTD_03 |
17/08/2005 |
544 |
65 |
117 |
3855 |
19 |
3899 |
CTD_03 |
17/08/2005 |
544 |
125 |
110 |
4029 |
18 |
3983 |
CTD_03 |
17/08/2005 |
544 |
250 |
109 |
3930 |
17 |
4020 |
CTD_03 |
17/08/2005 |
544 |
538 |
108 |
3934 |
16 |
4009 |
CTD_05 |
18/08/2005 |
622 |
0 |
122 |
3771 |
24 |
3969 |
CTD_05 |
18/08/2005 |
622 |
84 |
121 |
3925 |
23 |
3852 |
CTD_05 |
18/08/2005 |
622 |
300 |
120 |
3960 |
22 |
3951 |
CTD_05 |
18/08/2005 |
622 |
619 |
119 |
4068 |
21 |
3983 |
CTD_07 |
18/08/2005 |
210 |
0 |
133 |
3961 |
32 |
4022 |
CTD_07 |
18/08/2005 |
210 |
83 |
129 |
3925 |
31 |
3942 |
CTD_07 |
18/08/2005 |
210 |
126 |
128 |
4052 |
30 |
3964 |
CTD_07 |
18/08/2005 |
210 |
225 |
127 |
3964 |
29 |
3877 |
CTD_09 |
18/08/2005 |
605 |
0 |
126 |
3786 |
28 |
3526 |
CTD_09 |
18/08/2005 |
605 |
88 |
125 |
3899 |
27 |
4043 |
CTD_09 |
18/08/2005 |
605 |
300 |
124 |
3934 |
26 |
4075 |
CTD_09 |
18/08/2005 |
605 |
600 |
123 |
4029 |
25 |
3824 |
CTD_10 |
17/08/2005 |
806 |
0 |
92 |
4002 |
8 |
3890 |
CTD_10 |
17/08/2005 |
806 |
78 |
63 |
2255 |
7 |
3824 |
CTD_10 |
17/08/2005 |
806 |
400 |
62 |
2702 |
6 |
3369 |
CTD_10 |
17/08/2005 |
806 |
802 |
57 |
3911 |
5 |
3786 |
CTD_11 |
18/08/2005 |
209 |
0 |
261 |
3741 |
36 |
3728 |
CTD_11 |
18/08/2005 |
209 |
88 |
258 |
3711 |
35 |
4101 |
CTD_11 |
18/08/2005 |
209 |
170 |
257 |
3859 |
34 |
3689 |
CTD_11 |
18/08/2005 |
209 |
208 |
255 |
3877 |
33 |
3600 |
CTD_13 |
18/08/2005 |
636 |
0 |
334 |
3808 |
55 |
2829 |
CTD_13 |
18/08/2005 |
636 |
86 |
308 |
3816 |
54 |
4049 |
CTD_13 |
18/08/2005 |
636 |
300 |
307 |
3636 |
53 |
3956 |
CTD_13 |
18/08/2005 |
636 |
621 |
305 |
4068 |
52 |
3859 |
CTD_15 |
17/08/2005 |
184 |
0 |
107 |
3886 |
15 |
3760 |
CTD_15 |
17/08/2005 |
184 |
54 |
97 |
3973 |
14 |
3899 |
CTD_15 |
17/08/2005 |
184 |
183 |
96 |
3885 |
13 |
4049 |
CTD_18 |
17/08/2005 |
786 |
0 |
95 |
3756 |
12 |
3773 |
CTD_18 |
17/08/2005 |
786 |
83 |
94 |
3908 |
11 |
3872 |
CTD_18 |
17/08/2005 |
786 |
400 |
93 |
3911 |
10 |
4088 |
CTD_18 |
17/08/2005 |
786 |
782 |
61 |
3864 |
9 |
3981 |
CTD_19 |
18/08/2005 |
182 |
0 |
272 |
3392 |
40 |
3313 |
CTD_19 |
18/08/2005 |
182 |
27 |
271 |
3860 |
39 |
3148 |
CTD_19 |
18/08/2005 |
182 |
75 |
264 |
4078 |
38 |
3912 |
CTD_19 |
18/08/2005 |
182 |
178 |
262 |
4016 |
37 |
2320 |
CTD_21 |
18/08/2005 |
598 |
0 |
299 |
4301 |
46 |
3956 |
CTD_21 |
18/08/2005 |
598 |
24 |
298 |
3590 |
45 |
3707 |
CTD_21 |
18/08/2005 |
598 |
75 |
297 |
3758 |
44 |
3891 |
CTD_21 |
18/08/2005 |
598 |
250 |
296 |
3977 |
43 |
3912 |
(m) |
(m) |
# filter |
ml filtered |
# filter |
ml filtered |
CTD_21 |
18/08/2005 |
598 |
528 |
295 |
3911 |
42 |
4009 |
CTD_21 |
18/08/2005 |
598 |
587 |
273 |
3977 |
41 |
4007 |
CTD_22 |
18/08/2005 |
768 |
0 |
304 |
3995 |
51 |
3811 |
CTD_22 |
18/08/2005 |
768 |
23 |
303 |
3839 |
50 |
3628 |
CTD_22 |
18/08/2005 |
768 |
70 |
302 |
3951 |
49 |
3956 |
CTD_22 |
18/08/2005 |
768 |
300 |
301 |
4029 |
48 |
3964 |
CTD_22 |
18/08/2005 |
768 |
751 |
300 |
2491 |
47 |
3929 |
CTD_23 |
21/08/2005 |
618 |
0 |
427 |
2443 |
64 |
3968 |
CTD_23 |
21/08/2005 |
618 |
57 |
426 |
3560 |
63 |
2880 |
CTD_23 |
21/08/2005 |
618 |
233 |
425 |
3907 |
62 |
3265 |
CTD_23 |
21/08/2005 |
618 |
603 |
424 |
4048 |
61 |
3786 |
CTD_24 |
21/08/2005 |
1261 |
0 |
654 |
3947 |
73 |
3994 |
CTD_24 |
21/08/2005 |
1261 |
69 |
621 |
3964 |
72 |
3641 |
CTD_24 |
21/08/2005 |
1261 |
513 |
470 |
4021 |
71 |
4047 |
CTD_24 |
21/08/2005 |
1261 |
1255 |
462 |
3886 |
70 |
4007 |
CTD_25 |
21/08/2005 |
2081 |
0 |
696 |
2047 |
79 |
3747 |
CTD_25 |
21/08/2005 |
2081 |
68 |
693 |
3950 |
78 |
3969 |
CTD_25 |
21/08/2005 |
2081 |
187 |
692 |
3920 |
77 |
3977 |
CTD_25 |
21/08/2005 |
2081 |
500 |
691 |
3795 |
76 |
3733 |
CTD_25 |
21/08/2005 |
2081 |
1000 |
690 |
4091 |
75 |
4035 |
CTD_25 |
21/08/2005 |
2081 |
2040 |
685 |
3606 |
74 |
3917 |
CTD_26 |
21/08/2005 |
2284 |
0 |
953 |
3937 |
85 |
4034 |
CTD_26 |
21/08/2005 |
2284 |
83 |
952 |
3899 |
84 |
4017 |
CTD_26 |
21/08/2005 |
2284 |
136 |
951 |
3921 |
83 |
4075 |
CTD_26 |
21/08/2005 |
2284 |
500 |
L vi |
4042 |
82 |
3942 |
CTD_26 |
21/08/2005 |
2284 |
1000 |
698 |
4029 |
81 |
3786 |
CTD_26 |
21/08/2005 |
2284 |
2270 |
697 |
3960 |
80 |
3925 |
CTD_29 |
21/08/2005 |
1001 |
0 |
461 |
3911 |
69 |
4009 |
CTD_29 |
21/08/2005 |
1001 |
60 |
460 |
2098 |
68 |
4017 |
CTD_29 |
21/08/2005 |
1001 |
145 |
459 |
4078 |
67 |
2082 |
CTD_29 |
21/08/2005 |
1001 |
300 |
429 |
3937 |
66 |
4003 |
CTD_29 |
21/08/2005 |
1001 |
993 |
428 |
3930 |
65 |
3983 |
CTD_30 |
21/08/2005 |
300 |
0 |
339 |
3907 |
60 |
3981 |
CTD_30 |
21/08/2005 |
300 |
77 |
338 |
3912 |
59 |
3720 |
CTD_30 |
21/08/2005 |
300 |
170 |
337 |
3632 |
58 |
3447 |
CTD_30 |
21/08/2005 |
300 |
243 |
336 |
3780 |
57 |
3256 |
CTD_30 |
21/08/2005 |
300 |
295 |
335 |
3911 |
56 |
3837 |
In the Gela basin, temperature at the surface layer ranged from 23.7 to 25.4 °C (Fig. 3-1a), with a mean of 24.7 °C, showing a slight north-south gradient, whereas at depth it dropped to values < 14°C (Fig. 3-2).
Salinity had an average value of 37.73 at surface (Fig. 3-1), increasing with depth, maximum values (> 38.8) typical of the Levantine Intermediate Water (LIW) were observed from 150 to 300 m depth (Fig. 3-2); the bottom layer showed a mean value of 38.79.
A typical Deep Chlorophyll Maximum was recorded at 60-90 m depth, where the highest fluorescence values were measured (Fig. 3-2).
Fig. 3-1a. Surface distribution of potential temperature and salinity in the Gela basin.
Fig. 3-1b. Bottom distribution of potential temperature and salinity in the Gela basin.
Fig. 3-2. Vertical sections of temperature, salinity and fluorescence in the Gela basin.
Fig. 3-3. Scatter plots of temperature and fluorescence in the Gela basin.
In the area over the Malta Escarpment the surface temperature ranged from 25.6 to 26.3 °C, whereas the bottom layer showed values < 14°C (Figs. 3-4 and 3-5).
Surface salinity showed a wider range from 37.48 to 38.75. Maxima were measured around 150-250 m depth with values > 38.8 (LIW). At the bottom, salinity varied from 38.8 in the shallower more coastal stations to 38.76 in the deeper (1000-2000 m depth) stations.
A Deep Chlorophyll Maximum (DCM) was found at 60-80 m depth although less pronounced with slightly lower maximum fluorescence values (Fig. 3-4 and 3-5).
Fig. 3-5. Scatter plots of temperature and fluorescence over the Malta escarpment.
Fig. 3-4. Vertical sections of temperature, salinity and fluorescence over the Malta escarpment.
ISMAR-CNR (Bologna-Italy)
A dense network of Chirp-sonar seismic profiles and swath bathymetric data collected during the cruise meant to be useful for the characterisation of geomorphology and stratigraphy of the Gela basin and a sector of the Malta Escarpment.
Chirp-sonar profiles use a 2-7 kHz sweep-modulated band width, equivalent to a 3.5 kHz profiler fired from 16 transducers, and have a 500-2000 ms recording length, depending on water depth. High-resolution swath-bathymetric data were gathered using a 50-kHz EM-300 multi-beam, minor sectors were covered by conventional bathymetric data that were anyhow sufficient to identify the morphologic expression of the seafloor.
Fig. 4-1. Swath bathymetry and track-lines of seismic profiles of a surveyed area in the Gela basin, Strait of Sicily.
Stratigraphic and geomorphological goals of cruise GELA-05 concerned 3 main themes:
activity/inactivity of the margins, particularly along the slope of Gela basin;
location and variability of mass-transport products;
chronology and time constrain of main mass-transport events.
Seismic profiles
Chirp-sonar profiles collected on the shelf offshore Gela document a regional shallowly-buried erosion unconformity, overlaid by onlapping or draping sediment units that, as in other areas of the Mediterranean, indicates a region affected by the sea-level low stand of the last glacial cycle. Most of the slope and base-of-slope area record stacked deposits with acoustically transparent facies, separated by laterally continuous high-amplitude reflectors, that are interpreted as multiple mass-transport events documenting the recurrence of failures in the area along a stretch of more than 65 km (Fig 2). Seismic profiles show evidence of several exposed, partially overlapping, mass-transport deposits, which emanated from slide scars that are clearly detectable on the slopes of Gela basin. The exposed slide deposits correspond to transparent-chaotic seismo-facies with erosional base and local hyperbolic returns at the seafloor that suggest the presence of sharp reliefs. Slide scars are particularly evident along the northern flank of the Gela basin.
Fig. 4-2. Multiple mass-transport events. Deep penetration of acoustic-signal into the subbottom suggests that these stratigraphic units are dominantly fine-grained sediment, both within and outside mass-transport deposits.
The surveyed sector of the Malta Escarpment documents an extremely high steepness (up to 75°) and irregular geomorphology. A dense network of gullies and minor incisions dissect the walls of the main Escarpament whose high stiffness and coherence do not allow acoustic signal to penetrate. Along less steep slopes, located in the shallowest part of the area, a thin layered sediment unit drapes the basement that crops out in the Malta Escarpment. At the base of the Escarpment several sediment lobes overlap, generating a complex stratigraphy and seafloor morphology.
Swath bathymetry
Two main slide scars appear in water depths deeper than 200 m and reach the base of the slope in 860 m (Fig. 1); the headscarps of these slides are more than 6 km wide, are rounded in plain view, and appear composed of several internal smaller-scale scarps. The slope gradients below the shelf edge are around 16° and become on average 4.5-1.5° at the base of the slope. Within the slide scarps slope gradients are as steep as 27°.
Moving toward south-east, the slope presents smaller headscarps, dense occurrence of gullies and several minor incisions. Proceeding in the same direction, the continental slope reveal evidence of widespread failure products either clearly exposed at the seafloor, or mantled by a sediment drape thin enough to leave morphologic expression at the seafloor (Fig. 3).
Swath bathymetry detected also a field of pockmarks that occurs atop of a distal mass-transport deposit, more precisely, along a pre-existing local bulge that increases the slope from 0.8° to 2.2°. The field of pockmarks is subrounded, 2.5 km large and present 37 pockmarks (in the order of 100 m apart from each other). Chirp-sonar profiles document craters more than 10 meters deep and few hundred meters in diameter without any sediment drape. Fluid escapes at the toe of northern slide may be responsible for this pockmark field.
Fig. 4-3. Swath bathymetry showing evidence of widespread failure products along the south-east continental slope of Gela basin.
Swath bathymetry in the Malta Escarpment area reveals 3 main geomorphological features: 1) a suite of valleys and gullies forming a drainage-like pattern, 2) a horseshoe-shaped 500 m-high escarpment, 3) a complex of overlapping sediment lobes at the toe of the escarpment. All together this area ranges between 500 and 2600 m of water depth and includes slopes from 1° to 75°.
Sediment samples
Seabed sampling location meant to be useful for the dating and the characterisation of sediment features recognized on Chirp-sonar profiles and swath bathymetric data. Two types of samples have been collected: long sediment cores and box-cores.
Six long sediment cores were collected using gravity and piston corers with variable barrel lengths (5-15 m), for a maximum core recovery of 88% and 11.61 m. Long cores in the Gela basin were recovered in key spots decided on the base of seismic profiles, to reconstruct the stratigraphy of the basin through analyses and correlations of biostratigraphic determinations, sediment facies and magnetic susceptibility. In particular, direct stratigraphic information has been acquire to: 1) establish stratigraphic correlations among slope areas not affected by sediment failure; 2) determine the age of the most recent slide events; 3) reconstruct the stages of failure and the downslope evolution of the mass-transport processes.
Piston corer onboard Coring operation
In addition, a box-corer was employed to collect 86 large-diameter undisturbed core tops; box-corer was deployed 3-4 times per station in order to recover large amount of sediment for biological, geochemical and radiochemical analyses (see the specific reports).
Box core and recovery of undisturbed top to analyse fauna and sediment.
Table 2. List of box core stations
(UTC) |
(m) |
GE05 |
BC01-1 |
17/08/2005 |
06:17 |
216.8 |
1413.585 |
3650.641 |
GE05 |
BC01-2 |
17/08/2005 |
06:43 |
219.0 |
1413.575 |
3650.610 |
GE05 |
BC01-3 |
17/08/2005 |
07:05 |
219.6 |
1413.566 |
3650.610 |
GE05 |
BC01-4 |
17/08/2005 |
07:25 |
219.2 |
1413.559 |
3650.630 |
GE05 |
BC02-1 |
16/08/2005 |
14:25 |
381.2 |
1413.079 |
3650.151 |
GE05 |
BC02-2 |
16/08/2005 |
14:38 |
381.2 |
1413.075 |
3650.155 |
GE05 |
BC02-3 |
16/08/2005 |
15:05 |
401.9 |
1413.077 |
3650.149 |
GE05 |
BC03-1 |
16/08/2005 |
12:07 |
543.3 |
1411.864 |
3649.010 |
GE05 |
BC03-2 |
16/08/2005 |
12:42 |
543.5 |
1411.833 |
3649.016 |
GE05 |
BC03-3 |
16/08/2005 |
13:15 |
543.6 |
1411.848 |
3649.011 |
GE05 |
BC04-1 |
16/08/2005 |
10:09 |
584.1 |
1411.096 |
3648.336 |
GE05 |
BC04-2 |
16/08/2005 |
10:48 |
584.7 |
1411.082 |
3648.332 |
GE05 |
BC04-3 |
16/08/2005 |
11:20 |
584.3 |
1411.080 |
3648.331 |
GE05 |
BC05-1 |
16/08/2005 |
06:18 |
620.9 |
1410.280 |
3647.588 |
GE05 |
BC05-2 |
16/08/2005 |
06:56 |
620.0 |
1410.282 |
3647.582 |
GE05 |
BC05-3 |
16/08/2005 |
07:25 |
622.0 |
1410.289 |
3647.559 |
GE05 |
BC05-4 |
16/08/2005 |
08:10 |
620.7 |
1410.270 |
3647.579 |
GE05 |
BC05-5 |
16/08/2005 |
09:19 |
619.1 |
1410.279 |
3647.588 |
GE05 |
BC06-1 |
19/08/2005 |
06:32 |
672.4 |
1409.228 |
3646.638 |
GE05 |
BC06-2 |
19/08/2005 |
07:18 |
672.5 |
1409.273 |
3646.632 |
GE05 |
BC06-3 |
19/08/2005 |
07:38 |
672.5 |
1409.216 |
3646.683 |
GE05 |
BC07-1 |
18/08/2005 |
06:08 |
221.5 |
1415.716 |
3649.727 |
GE05 |
BC07-2 |
18/08/2005 |
06:31 |
222.3 |
1415.735 |
3649.705 |
GE05 |
BC07-3 |
18/08/2005 |
06:51 |
223.8 |
1415.721 |
3649.708 |
GE05 |
BC07-4 |
18/08/2005 |
07:12 |
228.2 |
1415.731 |
3649.670 |
GE05 |
BC08-1 |
12/08/2005 |
11:49 |
447.5 |
1414.051 |
3648.317 |
GE05 |
BC08-2 |
12/08/2005 |
12:17 |
447.3 |
1414.050 |
3648.319 |
GE05 |
BC08-3 |
12/08/2005 |
12:51 |
447.8 |
1414.051 |
3648.318 |
GE05 |
BC09-1 |
12/08/2005 |
08:55 |
606.0 |
1412.439 |
3647.024 |
GE05 |
BC09-2 |
12/08/2005 |
09:51 |
604.5 |
1412.449 |
3647.034 |
GE05 |
BC09-3 |
12/08/2005 |
11:02 |
606.5 |
1412.439 |
3646.996 |
GE05 |
BC10-1 |
13/08/2005 |
06:26 |
807.3 |
1409.412 |
3644.525 |
GE05 |
BC10-2 |
13/08/2005 |
07:15 |
806.4 |
1409.388 |
3644.527 |
GE05 |
BC10-3 |
13/08/2005 |
08:18 |
806.0 |
1409.371 |
3644.549 |
GE05 |
BC10-4 |
13/08/2005 |
08:48 |
806.8 |
1409.405 |
3644.532 |
GE05 |
BC11-1 |
14/08/2005 |
08:46 |
219.7 |
1416.635 |
3647.590 |
GE05 |
BC11-2 |
14/08/2005 |
09:13 |
221.2 |
1416.611 |
3647.587 |
GE05 |
BC11-3 |
14/08/2005 |
10:24 |
215.1 |
1416.622 |
3647.606 |
GE05 |
BC11-4 |
14/08/2005 |
10:50 |
220.0 |
1416.619 |
3647.590 |
GE05 |
BC12-1 |
12/08/2005 |
13:45 |
499.7 |
1415.588 |
3646.892 |
GE05 |
BC12-2 |
12/08/2005 |
14:14 |
498.7 |
1415.590 |
3646.910 |
GE05 |
BC12-3 |
12/08/2005 |
14:54 |
499.6 |
1415.594 |
3646.908 |
GE05 |
BC13-1 |
15/08/2005 |
06:48 |
619.5 |
1413.970 |
3645.826 |
GE05 |
BC13-2 |
15/08/2005 |
07:35 |
617.2 |
1413.921 |
3645.961 |
GE05 |
BC13-3 |
15/08/2005 |
09:51 |
619.8 |
1413.918 |
3645.930 |
GE05 |
BC13-4 |
15/08/2005 |
10:24 |
614.9 |
1413.901 |
3645.945 |
GE05 |
BC14-1 |
17/08/2005 |
15:31 |
720.1 |
1412.568 |
3644.678 |
GE05 |
BC14-2 |
17/08/2005 |
16:10 |
724.8 |
1412.575 |
3644.661 |
GE05 |
BC14-3 |
17/08/2005 |
16:44 |
718.3 |
1412.576 |
3644.695 |
GE05 |
BC15-1 |
19/08/2005 |
13:52 |
183.1 |
1411.345 |
3653.386 |
GE05 |
BC15-2 |
19/08/2005 |
14:13 |
183.2 |
1411.370 |
3653.377 |
GE05 |
BC15-3 |
1908/2005 |
14:33 |
183.2 |
1411.351 |
3653.388 |
GE05 |
BC16-1 |
20/08/2005 |
06:15 |
392.5 |
1409.631 |
3651.857 |
GE05 |
BC16-2 |
20/08/2005 |
06:40 |
391.6 |
1409.645 |
3651.849 |
GE05 |
BC16-3 |
20/08/2005 |
07:03 |
391.2 |
1409.650 |
3651.850 |
GE05 |
BC16-4 |
20/08/2005 |
07:26 |
390.0 |
1409.648 |
3651.852 |
GE05 |
BC17-1 |
19/08/2005 |
11:52 |
588.6 |
1407.243 |
3649.813 |
GE05 |
BC17-2 |
19/08/2005 |
12:23 |
589.4 |
1407.260 |
3649.820 |
GE05 |
BC17-3 |
19/08/2005 |
12:44 |
588.6 |
1407.257 |
3649.816 |
GE05 |
BC18-1 |
19/08/2005 |
09:08 |
786.1 |
1403.440 |
3646.681 |
GE05 |
BC18-2 |
19/08/2005 |
10:01 |
786.8 |
1403.461 |
3646.652 |
GE05 |
BC18-3 |
19/08/2005 |
10:27 |
785.7 |
1403.462 |
3646.669 |
GE05 |
BC19-1 |
14/08/2005 |
11:31 |
183.1 |
1419.047 |
3646.138 |
GE05 |
BC19-2 |
14/08/2005 |
12:04 |
183.1 |
1419.042 |
3646.153 |
GE05 |
BC19-3 |
14/08/2005 |
12:32 |
182.7 |
1419.044 |
3646.151 |
GE05 |
BC20-1 |
14/08/2005 |
13:01 |
337.2 |
1418.099 |
3645.298 |
GE05 |
BC20-2 |
14/08/2005 |
13:33 |
339.7 |
1418.098 |
3645.300 |
GE05 |
BC20-3 |
14/08/2005 |
14:11 |
336.0 |
1418.114 |
3645.292 |
GE05 |
BC21-1 |
15/08/2005 |
11:43 |
603.2 |
1416.648 |
3644.104 |
GE05 |
BC21-2 |
15/08/2005 |
12:19 |
604.2 |
1416.626 |
3644.099 |
GE05 |
BC21-3 |
15/08/2005 |
12:43 |
604.2 |
1416.631 |
3644.107 |
GE05 |
BC22-1 |
13/08/2005 |
14:01 |
760.1 |
1413.755 |
3641.659 |
GE05 |
BC22-2 |
13/08/2005 |
14:40 |
759.0 |
1413.758 |
3641.643 |
GE05 |
BC22-3 |
13/08/2005 |
15:28 |
758.5 |
1413.772 |
3641.663 |
GE05 |
BC23-1 |
21/08/2005 |
13:17 |
607.4 |
1516.401 |
3654.009 |
GE05 |
BC23-2 |
21/08/2005 |
14:01 |
608.3 |
1516.399 |
3654.007 |
GE05 |
BC23-3 |
21/08/2005 |
14:36 |
607.1 |
1516.421 |
3654.023 |
GE05 |
BC24-1 |
21/08/2005 |
10:19 |
1262.8 |
1520.318 |
3652.283 |
GE05 |
BC24-2 |
21/08/2005 |
11:13 |
1260.6 |
1520.334 |
3652.291 |
GE05 |
BC24-3 |
21/08/2005 |
12:06 |
1259.2 |
1520.314 |
3652.297 |
GE05 |
BC25-1 |
11/08/2005 |
12:56 |
2062.3 |
1520.465 |
3650.949 |
GE05 |
BC25-2 |
11/08/2005 |
15:22 |
2060.9 |
1520.483 |
3650.957 |
GE05 |
BC25-3 |
11/08/2005 |
17:19 |
2062.5 |
1520.479 |
3650.953 |
GE05 |
BC26-1 |
22/08/2005 |
06:28 |
2325.1 |
1521.748 |
3649.061 |
GE05 |
BC26-2 |
22/08/2005 |
07:48 |
3591.8 |
1521.755 |
3649.065 |
GE05 |
BC26-3 |
22/08/2005 |
09:14 |
2312.1 |
1521.731 |
3649.064 |
Table 3. List of gravity and piston cores
(UTC) |
(m) |
C_1 |
17/08/2005 |
11:31 |
637.5 |
1409.806 |
3647.579 |
Gravity corer |
C_2 |
17/08/2005 |
13:11 |
199.6 |
1416.659 |
3647.877 |
Gravity corer |
C_3 |
17/08/2005 |
14.48 |
626.8 |
1413.889 |
3645.779 |
Gravity Corer |
C_4 |
18/08/2005 |
11:39 |
206.6 |
1413.830 |
3650.651 |
Piston Corer (CP20) |
C_5 |
18/08/2005 |
16:00 |
143.7 |
1421.445 |
3645.042 |
Piston Corer (CP20) |
C_6 |
20/08/2005 |
08:51 |
670.9 |
1408.472 |
3647.693 |
Piston Corer (CP20) |
C_7 |
20/08/2005 |
13:49 |
680.6 |
1407.486 |
3647.778 |
Piston Corer (CP20) |
C. Gambi, A. Covazzi, M.S. Scopa, D. Zeppilli, D. Cargini, M. Molari
CoNISMa-ULR (Ancona-Italy)
The primary objectives of the seabed sampling were to study and compare the biodiversity of benthic communities and sediment characteristics along two landslides and the adjacent open slopes (which were used as control stations) in the Strait of Sicily and a transect along the Malta Escarpment. Sediment cores were collected for biological and biochemical analyses to understand the relationship between ecosystem functioning and efficiency, and biodiversity in two different systems (landslides and open slopes). Biological analyses included the biochemical composition of organic matter, prokaryotic secondary production, enzymatic activities, bacterial, meio- and macro-faunal abundance, biomass and diversity.
Sediment Cores
Sediment samples were collected using a box corer (box size I.D. 32.4 cm cross-section, 52 cm height) along the axes of two landslides, along three across-shelf transects in the open slope of Gela basin and along one across-shelf transect in the Malta escarpment. The depth of sampling stations ranged between 183 and 807 m for the Gela basin and between 607 and 2325 m for the Malta Escarpment. All stations were successfully sampled and were surveyed prior to collect sample using the URANIA seabeam depth sounder, to identify sample locations within the landslides axis and the open slopes. For macro-megafauna samples were deployed benthic traps at stations 5, 10 and 12, respectively, but no organisms were collected. Also a dredge was deployed at stations 9 and 23, without success.
Recovery of the box corer. Sediment subsamples from a box core.
Processing of cores
Each box core was sub-sampled using thin PVC liners of different internal diameters (10 cm, 5.5 cm and 3.6 cm, respectively). For biological analyses, sediment cores were sliced into different layers: 0-1, 1-3, 3-5, 5-10 and 10-15 cm. For macrofauna analyses an entire box core for each station was sieved using a 500 µm mesh.
Sediment samples will be analyzed for biological analyses (biochemical composition of organic matter, prokaryotic secondary production, enzymatic activities, bacterial, meio- and macro-faunal abundance, biomass and diversity).
Some analyses such as prokaryotic secondary production and enzymatic activities (for the top 1 cm) were immediately performed on board after the samples collection; for all the other analyses sediment samples were processed on board and stored until the analyses in the laboratory.
For living forams, the uppermost 5 cm of the box cores were subsampled by C. Bergami (ISMAR-BO) with short liners and extruded to obtain sediment samples 0.5/1 cm thick. Sediment samples were treated with Bengal Rose to detect the living (=stained) assemblage, then results will be presented as living and total (living + dead foraminifera) assemblage.
Deployment of the benthic trap buoys. Benthic traps.
Table 5-1. Subsampling of box cores for biological analyses in the Gela Basin (Strait of Sicily) and Malta Escarpment. BC_ID, label of the box core, where the first digit marks the station number, while the second one shows the deployment number; OM, organic matter; EA, enzymatic activity.
OM |
Bacteria, virus, EA prokaryotic production |
Viral production |
Protozoa |
Meiofauna |
Macrofauna |
Forams |
Grain-size |
BC1-1 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
BC1-2 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
BC1-3 |
1 |
BC1-4 |
1 |
2 |
4 |
BC2-1 |
1 |
BC2-2 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
BC2-3 |
1 |
3 |
6 |
1 |
BC3-1 |
1 |
BC3-2 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
BC3-3 |
1 |
6 |
1 |
BC4-1 |
3 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
BC4-2 |
2 |
6 |
BC4-3 |
1 |
BC5-1 |
3 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
BC5-2 |
no recovery |
BC5-3 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
BC5-4 |
1 |
BC5-5 |
1 |
3 |
BC6-1 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
4 |
1 |
BC6-2 |
1 |
BC6-3 |
1 |
5 |
BC7-1 |
3 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
BC7-2 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
BC7-3 |
1 |
BC7-4 |
1 |
3 |
BC8-1 |
1 |
3 |
6 |
1 |
BC8-2 |
1 |
BC8-3 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
BC9-1 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
5 |
1 |
BC9-2 |
1 |
1 |
4 |
1 |
BC9-3 |
1 |
1 |
BC10-1 |
1 |
1 |
BC10-2 |
3 |
2 |
BC10-3 |
1 |
3 |
4 |
BC10-4 |
1 |
3 |
BC11-1 |
1 |
BC11-2 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
BC11-3 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
4 |
1 |
BC11-4 |
1 |
4 |
BC12-1 |
1 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
BC12-2 |
1 |
BC12-3 |
1 |
5 |
1 |
BC13-1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
5 |
1 |
BC13-2 |
1 |
3 |
BC13-3 |
1 |
BC13-4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
BC14-1 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
BC14-2 |
1 |
6 |
1 |
BC14-3 |
1 |
BC15-1 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
BC15-2 |
1 |
BC15-3 |
1 |
6 |
1 |
BC16-1 |
1 |
BC16-2 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
BC16-3 |
1 |
3 |
3 |
OM |
Bacteria, virus, EA prokaryotic production |
Viral production |
Protozoa |
Meiofauna |
Macrofauna |
Forams |
Grain-size |
BC16-4 |
3 |
1 |
BC17-1 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
4 |
1 |
BC17-2 |
1 |
BC17-3 |
1 |
5 |
1 |
BC18-1 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
4 |
1 |
BC18-2 |
1 |
5 |
BC18-3 |
1 |
BC19-1 |
1 |
3 |
4 |
BC19-2 |
1 |
5 |
1 |
BC19-3 |
1 |
BC20-1 |
1 |
3 |
5 |
BC20-2 |
1 |
5 |
1 |
BC20-3 |
1 |
BC21-1 |
1 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
BC21-2 |
1 |
BC21-3 |
1 |
5 |
BC22-1 |
1 |
3 |
3 |
BC22-2 |
1 |
3 |
BC22-3 |
1 |
BC23-1 |
1 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
BC23-2 |
1 |
BC23-3 |
1 |
7 |
1 |
BC24-1 |
1 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
BC24-2 |
1 |
BC24-3 |
1 |
5 |
1 |
BC25-1 |
2 |
3 |
6 |
1 |
1 |
BC25-2 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
BC25-3 |
1 |
BC26-1 |
1 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
1 |
BC26-2 |
1 |
BC26-3 |
1 |
5 |
1ISMAR-CNR (Bologna-Italy) – 2ISMAR-CNR (Venice-Italy)
Only a small fraction of the organic carbon produced in surface waters of the ocean reaches the sediment surface, but a close coupling exists between the organic carbon arriving at the seabed and the surface water productivity, because of rapid vertical transport. When the organic carbon settles on the sea floor, may either become permanently buried or provoke a sequence of degradation reactions that remove carbon from the sediment system (by oxidizing it to CO2). There exists a well defined sequence in the use and exhaustion of terminal electron acceptors, because the energy gained through mineralization differs with the nature of these oxidants and/or they are mutually exclusive. Oxygen (the most powerful oxidant) will be consumed first, followed by nitrate and nitrite, manganese oxide, iron oxides, sulphate, and finally oxygen bound in organic mater. In the deep sea, where organic matter deposition is low, oxygen is by far the major electron acceptor in the mineralization process. The rate of oxidant reduction can be used to estimate carbon mineralization rate, since carbon oxidation and oxidant reduction proceed according to stochiometric ratios. The aim of this contribution is to establish a sediment carbon budget from sediment and pore water properties in the study area taking account of the different sedimentological setting (landslide/no landslide effect).
Field work on the benthic compartment consisted of collection of cores for pore water and solid phase chemical and radiochemical analyses, and oxygen microprofiles in sediment.
Sediment and pore water sampling
Sediment cores were taken with a cylindrical box-corer (i.d. 32.4 cm). The box-corer was equipped with a closing lid by which the original bottom water is retained above the sediment-water interface and disturbance of the sediment water interface is minimized.
On deck 2 sub-cores (Plexiglass liners, i.d. 104 mm) were taken from the box-cores and sectioned in slices of 0.5 cm for the upper 2 cm of the sediment, of 1 cm from 2 to 8 cm depth, and of 2 cm from 8 to 20 cm depth.
In Table 1 is reported the list of the seven stations investigated for benthic response and early diagenesis characterisation.
The extruded sediment slices were pooled, homogenized and pore water was extracted by centrifuging at 5500 rpm for about 12 min; during the extrusion, temperature and pH of sediment was measured at the same depth at which pore water was sampled. Subsamples for solid phase analyses were collected at the same depth as for pore water down to 20 cm, below which 2 cm slices were collected every 4 cm deeper down until the bottom. Samples were stored at -20°C for subsequent analyses. The deck work was performed in thermostated container at the temperature of 20° to minimize the temperature variation from in situ bottom temperature.
Solid phase analyses will include analyses of organic carbon, total nitrogen, organic carbon stable isotopes, biogenic silica and mesurements of radionuclides (210Pb, 137Cs and 14C) for determining sediment accumulation rates and biomixing coefficients.
The extracted pore waters were immediately filtered through a 0.2 m cellulose acetate filter.
Alkalinity was titrated on board using 2 ml aliquots and TCO2 was calculated from these measurements and pH.
Aliquots for dissolved nutrient (nitrite, nitrate, silicate, phosphate) determinations in pore and bottom waters were frozen at -20°C and stored for following lab analyses.
Table 6-1. Box cores subsampled for pore water and solid phase chemical and radiochemical analyses. BC_ID, label of the box core, where the first digit marks the station number, while the second one shows the deployment number.
W_DEPTH (m) |
GE05 |
BC01-1 |
17/08/2005 |
217 |
36 and 30 |
GE05 |
BC05-3 |
16/08/2005 |
625 |
45 and 44 |
GE05 |
BC07-2 |
18/08/2005 |
224 |
45 and 45 |
GE05 |
BC10-2 |
14/08/2005 |
806 |
29 and 26 |
GE05 |
BC11-2 |
13/08/2005 |
212 |
44 and 45 |
GE05 |
BC13-2 |
15/08/2005 |
634 |
43 and 38 |
GE05 |
BC16-2 |
20/08/2005 |
392 |
44 and 45 |
Oxygen microprofile measurements
Two replicate cores with 62 mm internal diameter polycarbonate liners were subsampled from the box core. If the original bottom water was not preserved on the top of the sediment, it was carefully replaced with the bottom water sampled from a Niskin bottle mounted on box core frame.
Immediately after the recovery, cores were stored in a water bath thermostated at the bottom temperature.
Oxygen micro profiles in sediments were measured after retrieval on ship using Clark-type (with guard electrode) microelectrodes controlled from a motorized micromanipulator. The electrodes were characterized with outer tip diameters ranging from 10–15 micron.
All electrodes were tested with the 100% air saturated bottom water oxygen concentration and with 100% N2 saturated bottom water as zero signal.
In case the oxygen penetration depth exceeded the depth of profiling, the zero signal as determined from electrode test was used for calibration.
Prior and during the profiling, the supernatant bottom water was gently flushed with air to reach the 100% air saturated oxygen concentration. The calibration of the electrodes is done taking account of oxygen solubility at bottom temperatures and salinities data obtained from CTD profiles.
CTD oxygen sensor has been calibrated respect to O2 Winkler titration of selected samples.
Microprofiles were repeated at least 2 times for each core and recorded at 250-500 mm resolution after 10 seconds of stabilization at each depth.
The Clark-type microelectrodes and the set-up for the measurement were kindly furnished from NIOZ.
After oxygen profiling the undisturbed portion of the core was used to carry out resistivity profiles to calculate sediment porosity.
Fig. 6-1. Set-up of the experimental system for measuring oxygen microprofiles in a sediment core. It includes a picoammeter (PA2000) to read the signal, a heavy/stable laboratory stand and a motorized micromanipulator. The analogic signal from the picoammeter is converted to digital from the A/D converter and acquired from specific software. The software controls also the motorized micromanipulator and the penetration of the micro sensor into the sediment. The sediment core is positioned within a thermostated bath kept at the temperature of the sea bottom.
Table 6-2. List of stations investigated for measuring oxygen microprofiles and number of replicas for each subsampling.
(m) |
(Local Time) |
(Local Time) |
BC01-1 |
217 |
17/08/2005 08:17 |
17/08/2005 12:45 |
2 |
S17 |
BC02-1 |
381 |
16/08/2005 16:25 |
16/08/2005 21:00 |
2 |
S8 |
BC03-3 |
544 |
16/08/2005 15:15 |
16/08/2005 19:10 |
2 |
S8 |
BC04-1 |
584 |
16/08/2005 12:09 |
16/08/2005 15:20 |
3 |
S8 |
BC05-4 |
620 |
16/08/2005 10:10 |
16/08/2005 12:40 |
3 |
S8 |
BC07-1 |
221 |
18/08/2005 08:08 |
18/08/2005 11:00 |
3 |
S17 |
BC07-2 |
222 |
18/08/2005 08:31 |
18/08/2005 14:00 |
4 |
S17 |
BC08-3 |
447 |
12/08/2005 12:51 |
12/08/2005 18:40 |
3 |
S1 |
BC09-3 |
606 |
12/08/2005 11:20 |
12/08/2005 16:00 |
3 |
S1 |
BC10-3 |
806 |
13/08/2005 10:20 |
13/08/2005 15:50 |
4+2 |
S1 |
BC11-2 |
221 |
14/08/2005 11:13 |
14/08/2005 13:15 |
6 |
S10 |
BC12-3 |
499 |
12/08/2005 14:54 |
12/08/2005 20:52 |
4 |
S1 |
BC13-2 |
617 |
15/08/2005 09:35 |
15/08/2005 12:30 |
3 |
S8 |
BC16-1 |
392 |
20/08/2005 08:15 |
20/08/2005 13:00 |
4 |
S8 |
BC19-3 |
182 |
14/08/2005 14:32 |
14/08/2005 16:47 |
3 |
S10, S1 |
BC20-1 |
337 |
14/08/2005 15:01 |
15/08/2005 15:25 |
4 |
S8 |
BC21-3 |
604 |
15/08/2005 14:43 |
15/08/2005 18:00 |
3 |
S8 |
BC22-3 |
760 |
13/08/2005 17:30 |
13/08/2005 21:05 |
3 |
S1 |
BC23-1 |
600 |
21/08/2005 15:30 |
21/08/2005 16:00 |
6 |
S8 |
BC25-3 |
2060 |
11/08/2005 17:20 |
11/08/2005 20:20 |
3 |
S1 |
Fig. 6-2. Oxygen microprofiles measured shipboard with guarded Clark-type microelectrodes at stations 7, 8, 9 and 10 during the GE05 cruise. Note the good reproducibility when replicate microprofiles are shown.
restricted Yes In part No |
SHIP enter the full name and international radio call sign of the ship from which the data were collected, and indicate the type of ship, for example, research ship; ship of opportunity, naval survey vessel; etc.
Name: URANIA Call Sign: IQSU
Type of ship: research ship |
CRUISE PERIOD start: 10/08/05 end: 23/08/05
PORT OF DEPARTURE (enter name and country) : Catania, Italy
PORT OF RETURN (enter name and country) : Catania, Italy |
RESPONSIBLE LABORATORY enter name and address of the laboratory responsible for coodinating the scientific planning of the cruise
Name: ISTITUTO SCIENZE MARINE, SEDE DI BOLOGNA-GEOLOGIA MARINA, CNR (ISMAR-CNR) Address: Via P. Gobetti, 101 40129 Bologna Country: Italy |
CHIEF SCIENTIST(S) enter name and laboratory of the person(s) in charge of the scientific work (chief of mission) during the cruise.
Dr. Leonardo Langone ISMAR-CNR Via P. Gobetti,101 40129 Bologna |
OBJECTIVES AND BRIEF NARRATIVE OF CRUISE enter sufficient information about the purpose and nature of the cruise so as to provide the context in which the report data were collected.
The objective of the R/V Urania Cruise was to investigate a set of very recent slides showing markedly distinct morphology on the slope of Gela basin, Strait of Sicily and a slope transect from the shelf edge to 3000 m water depth on the Malta escarpment, Ionian Sea. The cruise involved two main teams – ISMAR Bologna and Venezia, and the Department of Marine Sciences, Polytechnic University of Marche.
The main operations carried out on the cruise:
(POC,TNP and isotopic composition of organic matter 13C and 15N) of suspended particulate matter. - benthic-pelagic coupling
PROJECT (IF APPLICABLE) if the cruise is designated as part of a larger scale cooperative project (or expedition), then enter the name of the project, and of organisation responsible for co-ordinating the project.
Project name: HERMES Hotspot Ecosystem Research on the Margins of European Seas
Coordinating body: NERC-National Oceanography Centre Southampton, UK
PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS: Enter the name and address of the Principal Investigators responsible for the data collected on the cruise and who may be contacted for furtherinformation about the data. (The letter assigned below against each Principal Investigator is used on pages 2 and 3, under the column heading ‘PI‘, to identify the data sets for which he/she is responsible)
Daniel Minisini: ISMAR-CNR via P. Gobetti, 101 40129 Bologna
phone +39 051 6398878 fax +39 051 6398940
e-mail Daniel.minisini@bo.ismar.cnr.it
Margherita Turchetto: ISMAR-CNR Castello, 1364/a 30122 Venezia
phone +39 041 2404721 fax +39 041 5204126
e-mail margherita.turchetto@ismar.cnr.it
DELLE MARCHE via Brecce Bianche 60100 Ancona
Phone +39 071 2204335 fax +39 0712204650
e-mail c.gambi@univpm.it
Stefano Miserocchi: ISMAR-CNR via P. Gobetti, 101 40129 Bologna
phone +39 051 6398880 fax +39 051 6398940
e-mail stefano.miserocchi@bo.ismar.cnr.it
Except for the data already described on page 2 under ‘Moorings, Bottom Mounted Gear and Drifting Systems‘, this section should include a summary of all data collected on the cruise, whether they be measurements (e.g. temperature, salinity values) or samples (e.g. cores, net hauls).
Separate entries should be made for each distinct and coherent set of measurements or samples. Different modes of data collection (e.g. vertical profiles as opposed to underway measurements) should be clearly distinguished, as should measurements/sampling techniques that imply distinctly different accuracy’s or spatial/temporal resolutions. Thus, for example, separate entries would be created for i) BT drops, ii) water bottle stations, iii) CTD casts, iv) towed CTD, v) towed undulating CTD profiler, vi) surface water intake measurements, etc.
Each data set entry should start on a new line – it’s description may extend over several lines if necessary.
NO, UNITS : for each data set, enter the estimated amount of data collected expressed in terms of the number of ‘stations‘; miles‘ of track; ’days‘ of recording; ‘cores‘ taken; net ‘hauls‘; balloon ‘ascents‘; or whatever unit is most appropriate to the data. The amount should be entered under ‘NO‘ and the counting unit should be identified in plain text under ‘UNITS‘.
see page 2 |
see above |
see above |
Enter code(s) from list on cover page |
Identify, as appropriate, the nature of the data and of the instrumentation/sampling gear and list the parameters measured. Include any supplementary information that may be appropriate, e. g. vertical or horizontal profiles, depth horizons, continuous recording or discrete samples, etc. For samples taken for later analysis on shore, an indication should be given of the type of analysis planned, i.e. the purpose for which the samples were taken. |
B |
27 |
station |
H10, H16, H 21 |
CTD profile, dissolved oxygen, trasmittance |
B |
19 |
station |
PO1,B71, |
TSM, POC; δ13C |
A |
7 |
cores |
G04 |
Gravity core; |
A |
872 |
miles |
G 75 G 74 |
High resolution subbottom seismic profiles, multybeam swath bathimetry
C |
26 |
cores |
G 04 B 71 B 72 B 16 B 18 B 90 |
Box corer sediment sampling for biological measurements: biochemical composition of organic matter, prokaryote C production, enzymatic activities, bacterial, meio and macro-faunal abundance, biomass and diversity
D |
7 |
cores |
H 22 H 31 H 32 H 75 H 26 H 27 H 28 |
Box corer sediment sampling for pore water chemistry; resistivity; TOC, grain size, radioactive Pb isotopes |
D |
19 |
cores |
H 21 |
Box corer sediment sampling for vertical oxygen distribution in sediments |
D |
20 |
cores |
B 18 |
Box corer sediment sampling for benthic foraminifera analysis |
TRACK CHART: You are strongly encouraged to submit, with the completedreport, an annotated track chart illustrating the route followed andthe points where measurements were taken.
Insert a tick() inthis box if a track chart is supplied |
GENERAL OCEAN AREA(S): Enter the names of the oceans and/or seas in which data were collected during the cruise – please use commonly recognised names (see, for example, International Hydrographic Bureau Special Publication No. 23, ‘Limits of Oceans and Seas‘).
SPECIFIC AREAS: If the cruise activities were concentrated in a specific area(s) of an ocean or sea, then enter a description of the area(s). Such descriptions may include references to local geographic areas, to sea floor features, or to geographic coordinates. Please insert here the number of each square in which data were collected from the below given chart
143; 1 143; 2 E 10 15 E 15 20 N 35 40 N 35 40
(UTC) |
(m) |
BC25-1 |
11/08/2005 |
12:56 |
2062.3 |
1520.465 |
3650.949 |
Box core for biochemical composition of OM, bacteria, virus, EA, prokaryote C production, meiofauna, macrofauna, grain-size |
BC25-2 |
11/08/2005 |
15:22 |
2060.9 |
1520.483 |
3650.957 |
Box core for meiofauna, macrofauna, forams |
BC25-3 |
11/08/2005 |
17:19 |
2062.5 |
1520.479 |
3650.953 |
Box core for macrofauna, O2 sediment profiles |
BC09-1 |
12/08/2005 |
08:55 |
606.0 |
1412.439 |
3647.024 |
Box core for biochemical composition of OM, bacteria, virus, EA, prokaryote C production, protozoa, meiofauna, macrofauna |
BC09-2 |
12/08/2005 |
09:51 |
604.5 |
1412.449 |
3647.034 |
Box core for biochemical composition of OM, viral production, meiofauna, macrofauna |
BC09-3 |
12/08/2005 |
11:02 |
606.5 |
1412.439 |
3646.996 |
Box core for macrofauna, grain-size, O2 sediment profiles |
BC08-1 |
12/08/2005 |
11:49 |
447.5 |
1414.051 |
3648.317 |
Box core for biochemical composition of OM, bacteria, virus, EA, prokaryote C production, meiofauna, grain-size |
BC08-2 |
12/08/2005 |
12:17 |
447.3 |
1414.050 |
3648.319 |
Box core for macrofauna |
BC08-3 |
12/08/2005 |
12:51 |
447.8 |
1414.051 |
3648.318 |
Box core for biochemical composition of OM, viral production, protozoa, meiofauna, O2 sediment profiles |
BC12-1 |
12/08/2005 |
13:45 |
499.7 |
1415.588 |
3646.892 |
Box core for biochemical composition of OM, bacteria, virus, EA, prokaryote C production, meiofauna, forams |
BC12-2 |
12/08/2005 |
14:14 |
498.7 |
1415.590 |
3646.910 |
Box core for macrofauna |
BC12-3 |
12/08/2005 |
14:54 |
499.6 |
1415.594 |
3646.908 |
Box core for biochemical composition of OM, grain-size, O2 sediment profiles |
BC10-1 |
13/08/2005 |
06:26 |
807.3 |
1409.412 |
3644.525 |
Box core for macrofauna, forams |
BC10-2 |
13/08/2005 |
07:15 |
806.4 |
1409.388 |
3644.527 |
Box core for bacteria, virus, EA, prokaryote C production, meiofauna, pore water chemistry, resistivity, TOC, 210Pb isotopes |
BC10-3 |
13/08/2005 |
08:18 |
806.0 |
1409.371 |
3644.549 |
Box core for biochemical composition of OM, protozoa, meiofauna, O2 sediment profiles |
BC10-4 |
13/08/2005 |
08:48 |
806.8 |
1409.405 |
3644.532 |
Box core for biochemical composition of OM, meiofauna |
BC22-1 |
13/08/2005 |
14:01 |
760.1 |
1413.755 |
3641.659 |
Box core for biochemical composition of OM, bacteria, virus, EA, prokaryote C production, meiofauna |
BC22-2 |
13/08/2005 |
14:40 |
759.0 |
1413.758 |
3641.643 |
Box core for biochemical composition of OM, meiofauna |
BC22-3 |
13/08/2005 |
15:28 |
758.5 |
1413.772 |
3641.663 |
Box core for macrofauna, O2 sediment profiles |
BC11-1 |
14/08/2005 |
08:46 |
219.7 |
1416.635 |
3647.590 |
Box core for macrofauna |
BC11-2 |
14/08/2005 |
09:13 |
221.2 |
1416.611 |
3647.587 |
Box core for viral production, forams, pore water chemistry, resistivity, TOC, 210Pb isotopes, O2 sediment profiles |
BC11-3 |
14/08/2005 |
10:24 |
215.1 |
1416.622 |
3647.606 |
Box core for biochemical composition of OM, bacteria, virus, EA, prokaryote C production, protozoa, meiofauna, grain-size |
BC11-4 |
14/08/2005 |
10:50 |
220.0 |
1416.619 |
3647.590 |
Box core for biochemical composition of OM, meiofauna |
BC19-1 |
14/08/2005 |
11:31 |
183.1 |
1419.047 |
3646.138 |
Box core for biochemical composition of OM, bacteria, virus, EA, prokaryote C production, meiofauna |
BC19-2 |
14/08/2005 |
12:04 |
183.1 |
1419.042 |
3646.153 |
Box core for biochemical composition of OM, meiofauna, grain-size |
BC19-3 |
14/08/2005 |
12:32 |
182.7 |
1419.044 |
3646.151 |
Box core for macrofauna, O2 sediment profiles |
BC20-1 |
14/08/2005 |
13:01 |
337.2 |
1418.099 |
3645.298 |
Box core for biochemical composition of OM, bacteria, virus, EA, prokaryote C production, meiofauna, O2 sediment profiles |
BC20-2 |
14/08/2005 |
13:33 |
339.7 |
1418.098 |
3645.300 |
Box core for biochemical composition of OM, meiofauna, grain-size |
BC20-3 |
14/08/2005 |
14:11 |
336.0 |
1418.114 |
3645.292 |
Box core for macrofauna |
(UTC) |
(m) |
BC13-2 |
15/08/2005 |
07:35 |
617.2 |
1413.921 |
3645.961 |
Box core for biochemical composition of OM, meiofauna, pore water chemistry, resistivity, TOC, 210Pb isotopes, O2 sediment profiles |
BC13-3 |
15/08/2005 |
09:51 |
619.8 |
1413.918 |
3645.930 |
Box core for macrofauna |
BC13-4 |
15/08/2005 |
10:24 |
614.9 |
1413.901 |
3645.945 |
Box core for bacteria, virus, EA, prokaryote C production, protozoa, meiofauna |
BC21-1 |
15/08/2005 |
11:43 |
603.2 |
1416.648 |
3644.104 |
Box core for biochemical composition of OM, bacteria, virus, EA, prokaryote C production, meiofauna, grain-size |
BC21-2 |
15/08/2005 |
12:19 |
604.2 |
1416.626 |
3644.099 |
Box core for macrofauna |
BC21-3 |
15/08/2005 |
12:43 |
604.2 |
1416.631 |
3644.107 |
Box core for biochemical composition of OM, meiofauna, O2 sediment profiles |
BC05-1 |
16/08/2005 |
06:18 |
620.9 |
1410.280 |
3647.588 |
Box core for bacteria, virus, EA, prokaryote C production, viral production, meiofauna, forams |
BC05-2 |
16/08/2005 |
06:56 |
620.0 |
1410.282 |
3647.582 |
Box core – NO RECOVERY |
BC05-3 |
16/08/2005 |
07:25 |
622.0 |
1410.289 |
3647.559 |
Box core for biochemical composition of OM, meiofauna, grain-size, pore water chemistry, resistivity, TOC, 210Pb isotopes |
BC05-4 |
16/08/2005 |
08:10 |
620.7 |
1410.270 |
3647.579 |
Box core for macrofauna, O2 sediment profiles |
BC05-5 |
16/08/2005 |
09:19 |
619.1 |
1410.279 |
3647.588 |
Box core for biochemical composition of OM, meiofauna |
BC04-1 |
16/08/2005 |
10:09 |
584.1 |
1411.096 |
3648.336 |
Box core for bacteria, virus, EA, prokaryote C production, viral production, meiofauna, forams, O2 sediment profiles |
BC04-2 |
16/08/2005 |
10:48 |
584.7 |
1411.082 |
3648.332 |
Box core for biochemical composition of OM, meiofauna |
BC04-3 |
16/08/2005 |
11:20 |
584.3 |
1411.080 |
3648.331 |
Box core for macrofauna |
BC03-1 |
16/08/2005 |
12:07 |
543.3 |
1411.864 |
3649.010 |
Box core for macrofauna |
BC03-2 |
16/08/2005 |
12:42 |
543.5 |
1411.833 |
3649.016 |
Box core for biochemical composition of OM, bacteria, virus, EA, prokaryote C production, viral production, meiofauna, forams |
BC03-3 |
16/08/2005 |
13:15 |
543.6 |
1411.848 |
3649.011 |
Box core for biochemical composition of OM, meiofauna, grain-size, O2 sediment profiles |
BC02-1 |
16/08/2005 |
14:25 |
381.2 |
1413.079 |
3650.151 |
Box core for macrofauna, O2 sediment profiles |
BC02-2 |
16/08/2005 |
14:38 |
381.2 |
1413.075 |
3650.155 |
Box core for biochemical composition of OM, bacteria, virus, EA, prokaryote C production, viral production, meiofauna, forams |
BC02-3 |
16/08/2005 |
15:05 |
401.9 |
1413.077 |
3650.149 |
Box core for biochemical composition of OM, bacteria, virus, EA, prokaryote C production, meiofauna, grain-size |
CTD_01 |
16/08/2005 |
17:51 |
217 |
1413.608 |
3650.598 |
CTD, O2, trasmittance, particulate sampling for TSM, POC, δ13C |
BC01-1 |
17/08/2005 |
06:17 |
216.8 |
1413.585 |
3650.641 |
Box core for bacteria, virus, EA, prokaryote C production, viral production, meiofauna, forams, pore water chemistry, resistivity, TOC, 210Pb isotopes, O2 sediment profiles |
BC01-2 |
17/08/2005 |
06:43 |
219.0 |
1413.575 |
3650.610 |
Box core for biochemical composition of OM, bacteria, virus, EA, prokaryote C production, meiofauna |
BC01-3 |
17/08/2005 |
07:05 |
219.6 |
1413.566 |
3650.610 |
Box core for macrofauna |
BC01-4 |
17/08/2005 |
07:25 |
219.2 |
1413.559 |
3650.630 |
Box core for biochemical composition of OM, bacteria, virus, EA, prokaryote C production |
C_1 |
17/08/2005 |
11:31 |
637.5 |
1409.806 |
3647.579 |
Gravity core, barrel 6 m, penetration 3.7 m, recovery 2.27 m |
C_2 |
17/08/2005 |
13:11 |
199.6 |
1416.659 |
3647.877 |
Gravity core, barrel 6 m, penetration 5.35 m, recovery 2.42 m |
C_3 |
17/08/2005 |
14:48 |
626.8 |
1413.889 |
3645.779 |
Gravity core, barrel 6 m, penetration 5 m, recovery 2.88 m |
BC14-1 |
17/08/2005 |
15:31 |
720.1 |
1412.568 |
3644.678 |
Box core for biochemical composition of OM, bacteria, virus, EA, prokaryote C production, viral production, protozoa, meiofauna, forams |
BC14-2 |
17/08/2005 |
16:10 |
724.8 |
1412.575 |
3644.661 |
Box core for biochemical composition of OM, meiofauna, grain-size |
(UTC) |
(m) |
CTD_10 |
17/08/2005 |
18:06 |
806 |
1409.405 |
3644.532 |
CTD, O2, trasmittance, particulate sampling for TSM, POC, δ13C |
CTD_06 |
17/08/2005 |
19:06 |
672 |
1409.254 |
3646.624 |
CTD, O2, trasmittance |
CTD_18 |
17/08/2005 |
20:15 |
786 |
1403.451 |
3646.685 |
CTD, O2, trasmittance, particulate sampling for TSM, POC, δ13C |
CTD_17 |
17/08/2005 |
21:26 |
587 |
1407.269 |
3649.833 |
CTD, O2, trasmittance |
CTD_16 |
17/08/2005 |
22:10 |
392 |
1409.623 |
3651.854 |
CTD, O2, trasmittance |
CTD_15 |
17/08/2005 |
22:46 |
184 |
1411.355 |
3653.372 |
CTD, O2, trasmittance, particulate sampling for TSM, POC, δ13C |
CTD_02 |
17/08/2005 |
23:34 |
390 |
1413.023 |
3650.167 |
CTD, O2, trasmittance |
CTD_05 |
18/08/2005 |
01:33 |
622 |
1410.284 |
3647.589 |
CTD, O2, trasmittance, particulate sampling for TSM, POC, δ13C |
CTD_09 |
18/08/2005 |
02:35 |
605 |
1412.441 |
3647.026 |
CTD, O2, trasmittance, particulate sampling for TSM, POC, δ13C |
CTD_08 |
18/08/2005 |
03:26 |
443 |
1414.056 |
3648.363 |
CTD, O2, trasmittance |
CTD_07 |
18/08/2005 |
04:25 |
210 |
1416.301 |
3648.286 |
CTD, O2, trasmittance, particulate sampling for TSM, POC, δ13C |
CTD_11 |
18/08/2005 |
04:48 |
209 |
1416.627 |
3647.613 |
CTD, O2, trasmittance, particulate sampling for TSM, POC, δ13C |
CTD_12 |
18/08/2005 |
05:22 |
498 |
1415.604 |
3646.926 |
CTD, O2, trasmittance |
CTD_04 |
18/08/2005 |
05:41 |
580 |
1411.097 |
3648.352 |
CTD, O2, trasmittance |
BC07-1 |
18/08/2005 |
06:08 |
221.5 |
1415.716 |
3649.727 |
Box core for bacteria, virus, EA, prokaryote C production, viral production, meiofauna, forams, O2 sediment profiles |
BC07-2 |
18/08/2005 |
06:31 |
222.3 |
1415.735 |
3649.705 |
Box core for biochemical composition of OM, protozoa, meiofauna, pore water chemistry, resistivity, TOC, 210Pb isotopes, O2 sediment profiles |
BC07-3 |
18/08/2005 |
06:51 |
223.8 |
1415.721 |
3649.708 |
Box core for macrofauna |
BC07-4 |
18/08/2005 |
07:12 |
228.2 |
1415.731 |
3649.670 |
Box core for biochemical composition of OM, meiofauna |
C_4 |
18/08/2005 |
11:39 |
206.6 |
1413.830 |
3650.651 |
Piston core, barrel 10 m, penetration 10.6m, recovery 9.35 m |
CTD_03 |
18/08/2005 |
12:11 |
544 |
1411.834 |
3649.029 |
CTD, O2, trasmittance, particulate sampling for TSM, POC, δ13C |
C_5 |
18/08/2005 |
16:00 |
143.7 |
1421.445 |
3645.042 |
Piston core, barrel 10 m, penetration 7.10 m, recovery 6.44 m |
CTD_19 |
18/08/2005 |
18:55 |
182 |
1419.049 |
3646.160 |
CTD, O2, trasmittance, particulate sampling for TSM, POC, δ13C |
CTD_20 |
18/08/2005 |
19:31 |
330 |
1418.111 |
3645.314 |
CTD, O2, trasmittance |
CTD_21 |
18/08/2005 |
20:18 |
598 |
1416.716 |
3644.122 |
CTD, O2, trasmittance, particulate sampling for TSM, POC, δ13C |
CTD_22 |
18/08/2005 |
21:24 |
768 |
1413.806 |
3641.671 |
CTD, O2, trasmittance, particulate sampling for TSM, POC, δ13C |
CTD_14 |
18/08/2005 |
22:25 |
731 |
1412.602 |
3644.745 |
CTD, O2, trasmittance |
CTD_13 |
18/08/2005 |
23:30 |
636 |
1413.916 |
3645.789 |
CTD, O2, trasmittance, particulate sampling for TSM, POC, δ13C |
BC06-1 |
19/08/2005 |
06:32 |
672.4 |
1409.228 |
3646.638 |
Box core for biochemical composition of OM, bacteria, virus, EA, prokaryote C production, viral production, meiofauna, forams |
BC06-2 |
19/08/2005 |
07:18 |
672.5 |
1409.273 |
3646.632 |
Box core for macrofauna |
BC06-3 |
19/08/2005 |
07:38 |
672.5 |
1409.216 |
3646.683 |
Box core for biochemical composition of OM, meiofauna |
BC18-1 |
19/08/2005 |
09:08 |
786.1 |
1403.440 |
3646.681 |
Box core for biochemical composition of OM, bacteria, virus, EA, prokaryote C production, viral production, meiofauna, forams |
BC18-2 |
19/08/2005 |
10:01 |
786.8 |
1403.461 |
3646.652 |
Box core for biochemical composition of OM, meiofauna |
BC18-3 |
19/08/2005 |
10:27 |
785.7 |
1403.462 |
3646.669 |
Box core for macrofauna |
BC17-1 |
19/08/2005 |
11:52 |
588.6 |
1407.243 |
3649.813 |
Box core for biochemical composition of OM, bacteria, virus, EA, prokaryote C production, viral production, meiofauna, forams |
BC17-2 |
19/08/2005 |
12:23 |
589.4 |
1407.260 |
3649.820 |
Box core for macrofauna |
(UTC) |
(m) |
BC15-1 |
19/08/2005 |
13:52 |
183.1 |
1411.345 |
3653.386 |
Box core for biochemical composition of OM, bacteria, virus, EA, prokaryote C production, viral production, meiofauna, forams |
BC15-2 |
19/08/2005 |
14:13 |
183.2 |
1411.370 |
3653.377 |
Box core for macrofauna |
BC15-3 |
1908/2005 |
14:33 |
183.2 |
1411.351 |
3653.388 |
Box core for biochemical composition of OM, meiofauna, grain-size |
BC16-1 |
20/08/2005 |
06:15 |
392.5 |
1409.631 |
3651.857 |
Box core for macrofauna, O2 sediment profiles |
BC16-2 |
20/08/2005 |
06:40 |
391.6 |
1409.645 |
3651.849 |
Box core for biochemical composition of OM, bacteria, virus, EA, prokaryote C production, viral production, meiofauna, forams, pore water chemistry, resistivity, TOC, 210Pb isotopes |
BC16-3 |
20/08/2005 |
07:03 |
391.2 |
1409.650 |
3651.850 |
Box core for biochemical composition of OM, bacteria, virus, EA, prokaryote C production, meiofauna |
BC16-4 |
20/08/2005 |
07:26 |
390.0 |
1409.648 |
3651.852 |
Box core for grain-size, meiofauna |
C_6 |
20/08/2005 |
08:51 |
670.9 |
1408.472 |
3647.693 |
Piston core, barrel 10 m, penetration 11 m, recovery 7.72 m |
C_7 |
20/08/2005 |
13:49 |
680.6 |
1407.486 |
3647.778 |
Piston Core, barrel 15 m, penetration 15 m, recovery 11.61 m |
BC24-1 |
21/08/2005 |
10:19 |
1262.8 |
1520.318 |
3652.283 |
Box core for biochemical composition of OM, bacteria, virus, EA, prokaryote C production, meiofauna, forams |
BC24-2 |
21/08/2005 |
11:13 |
1260.6 |
1520.334 |
3652.291 |
Box core for macrofauna |
BC24-3 |
21/08/2005 |
12:06 |
1259.2 |
1520.314 |
3652.297 |
Box core for biochemical composition of OM, meiofauna, grain-size |
BC23-1 |
21/08/2005 |
13:17 |
607.4 |
1516.401 |
3654.009 |
Box core for biochemical composition of OM, bacteria, virus, EA, prokaryote C production, meiofauna, forams, O2 sediment profiles |
BC23-2 |
21/08/2005 |
14:01 |
608.3 |
1516.399 |
3654.007 |
Box core for macrofauna |
BC23-3 |
21/08/2005 |
14:36 |
607.1 |
1516.421 |
3654.023 |
Box core for biochemical composition of OM, meiofauna, grain-size |
CTD_30 |
21/08/2005 |
15:24 |
300 |
1514.249 |
3654.661 |
CTD, O2, trasmittance, particulate sampling for TSM, POC, δ13C |
CTD_29 |
21/08/2005 |
17:31 |
1001 |
1516.949 |
3653.205 |
CTD, O2, trasmittance, particulate sampling for TSM, POC, δ13C |
CTD_24 |
21/08/2005 |
18:59 |
1261 |
1520.330 |
3652.287 |
CTD, O2, trasmittance, particulate sampling for TSM, POC, δ13C |
CTD_25 |
21/08/2005 |
21:18 |
2081 |
1520.792 |
3650.799 |
CTD, O2, trasmittance, particulate sampling for TSM, POC, δ13C |
CTD_26 |
21/08/2005 |
22:17 |
2284 |
1521.742 |
3649.068 |
CTD, O2, trasmittance, particulate sampling for TSM, POC, δ13C |
BC26-1 |
22/08/2005 |
06:28 |
2325.1 |
1521.748 |
3649.061 |
Box core for biochemical composition of OM, bacteria, virus, EA, prokaryote C production, meiofauna, forams, grain-size |
BC26-2 |
22/08/2005 |
07:48 |
3591.8 |
1521.755 |
3649.065 |
Box core for macrofauna |
BC26-3 |
22/08/2005 |
09:14 |
2312.1 |
1521.731 |
3649.064 |
Box core for biochemical composition of OM, meiofauna |
CTD_23 |
22/08/2005 |
11:13 |
618 |
1516.415 |
3653.994 |
CTD, O2, trasmittance, particulate sampling for TSM, POC, δ13C |