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The main objectives of ADRIASEISMIC-09 cruise are:

to test and explore benefits and limitations of state-of-the-art methods to acquire seismic data in a shallow water environment and with a relatively light equipment.

to foster collaboration between the seismic and oceanographic community, advancing the knowledge of the water masses dynamics, such as fronts, internal waves, and of the vertical mixing processes on the shelf region, by successfully exploiting the above mentioned techniques.

to produce a dataset in the area in front of Bari region in the southern Adriatic, both from the oceanographic and seismic point of view.

to explore the feasibility of unlocking of previously acquired historical data and allow their quantitative rendering to the oceanographic community.

to contribute to building up a EU expertise on these fields, allowing CNR to be cast within Research Institutions that are making cutting-edge science.

to reach a detailed characterization of physical properties of the Southern Adriatic water masses, including turbulent properties, improving the performances of turbulent closure models.

to improve the understanding of bottom boundary layer processes in the basin.

Several types of products and deliverables are expected:

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