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We are particularly indebted to the Master C.L.C. Emanuele Gentile, the officers and crew members of R/V Urania  for their professionalism and efforts in assuring the success of the cruise. Dr. Mariangela Ravaioli and Dr.A.Russo are aknowledged for the use of the CTD data acquired during february sscruise VELTUR09 on R/V Urania. Dr. Salvo Mazzola and Dr. Ennio Marsella of IAMC are gratefully aknowledged for the use of their GI-GUN equipment. The project was funded by CNR, NRL, University of Durham. The scientific staff of ADRIASEISMIC-09 wishes to thank the Italian National Research Council (CNR) Ship Office, which made the R/V URANIA available for the Cruise.
