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The two compressors were accomodated on the deck without particular problems, by using the 20' platform built for the TOBI winch (UGBO 10' containerized Hamworthy 4TH), and two beams screwed to ship's deck (IGM's BAUER I28). The Hamworthy was put in operation smoothly, by using ship's services for electrical power and salt water and fresh water delivery for refrigeration. A reduction from UNI45 to 2 1/2 `` was required for the salt water delivery. The power electrical cable for R/V Esperides was bypassed by new cables to ship's 270 KW generator. For any other possible stand-alone operation, we would recommend that the compressor had some bottles and excess pressure discharge safety valves. This could also be accomplished by installing on the ship a bottle reservoir and valves for the delivery of compressed air to guns. Yet, another document with more detailed suggestions will follow.
