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- Geographical setting of the study area.
Topographic and bathymetric data by
Sandwell and Smith [Sandwell and Smith(2001)].
- Geographical setting of the study area.
Topographic and bathymetric data by
Sandwell and Smith [Sandwell and Smith(2001)].
- General ship track during Cruise BVT96, including transits from Durban and to Abidjian.
- Ship tracks during Cruise BVT96. The blue squares are SVP stations.
- Bottom sampling stations (red).Cyan and green circles are heat flow and SVP stations.
- R/V Gelendzhik.
- Cruise BVT96. Instrumental Offsets on R/V Gelendzhik.
- SV profiles.
- The Spiess Seamount bathymetry.
- The Shona Seamount bathymetry.
- Compilation of bathymetric data from Cruises S18 (R/V A.N.Strakhov) and G96 (R/V Gelendzhik).