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List of Figures

  1. Geographical setting of the study area. Topographic and bathymetric data by Sandwell and Smith [Sandwell and Smith(2001)].
  2. Geographical setting of the study area. Topographic and bathymetric data by Sandwell and Smith [Sandwell and Smith(2001)].
  3. General ship track during Cruise BVT96, including transits from Durban and to Abidjian.
  4. Ship tracks during Cruise BVT96. The blue squares are SVP stations.
  5. Bottom sampling stations (red).Cyan and green circles are heat flow and SVP stations.
  6. R/V Gelendzhik.
  7. Cruise BVT96. Instrumental Offsets on R/V Gelendzhik.
  8. SV profiles.
  9. The Spiess Seamount bathymetry.
  10. The Shona Seamount bathymetry.
  11. Compilation of bathymetric data from Cruises S18 (R/V A.N.Strakhov) and G96 (R/V Gelendzhik).
